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The Gallery....

77 replies

Sorry to start this, but in case everyone stopped reading the front page.... does the gallery for Marie’s exhibition have a website address? I’ve looked but I cannot find one?

Didn’t find anything either..

Most gallerys have websites.... but this one is a mystery!


Marie, I love you but I have to say something:

Who has the guts to pay 1970 euros for those horrible drawings???? I can draw better pictures, if you let me a chance...

@ Room_service, you always have the chance to draw... grab some paper and a pencil and get cracking...

@ Thomas, thanx for the answer.... I’m dissappointed.... but never mind!

art is eye and the meaning of the pictures, if you knew what maire’s work meant you wouldnt be so narrow minded. I would just LOVE to go.

I’m amazed that so few lines can transmit so much feeling!!

Feel the warmth!

Room Service how old are you? 10?

It’s the meaning behind the drawing that makes it so powerful!

Hotblooded? How old are you? 5?

I mean that drawings should not be so expensive. The meaning behind those pictures doesn’t mean they have to be so expensive.

lol quit fighting kids....
2000 euro is probably not a lot of money for someone like Marie anyways

Why is the book being released in such a small quantity? Ebay is going to go insane with roxfans trying to get a copy. Don’t they realise how many fans there are worldwide who would want one? Though frankly speaking, this is clearly not intended for fans. We were notified of it a few days before so that it won’t be possible for most fans to organize travel to Sweden on such short notice (not that I would, but a few years ago I would have jumped at it).

2000 euro for a drawing/painting isn’t so much I would say, nothing I can or I would afford, but .. I’m sure in some years they will be worth a lot more..

and well, the book.. I doubt ANY gallery is thinking how many books/catalogues they will sell abroad/per mail.. I’ve been to some exhibitions and either you get the stuff when it’s there or you don’t.

Anyway, nice that she finally got her exhibition :D

Judith is right, some might not think they are worth this money, but you have to look upon it as an investment ..... they will increase in value!

Sparvogamarie is absolutely right. I feel left outside alone. It’s okay to buy her CDs but we may not take a look at the drawings???

About the gallery: Well, this is not just ANY artist, this is Marie from Roxette! She has an international fan base (not only a Swedish one) who is very interested in getting to know the other side of her artistry. You needn’t have studied marketing in order to know that you can sell quite a lot of these catalogues (and there is also a fanshop available - which has already sold quite a range of stuff so it is known that the demand is there). How many tickets of the Äntligen tour were sold to international fans alone?

Room_Service: How you say Marie´s pictures are horrible? How many her pictures have you seen in your life? I am not interested in art but I like her pictures. I like her cover of The Change album. I think Marie´s pictures are beautiful and interesting. I don´t mind if Marie would draw in the future besides her music. When the exhibion will repeat in the future I will go to Stockholm to see her nice pics. If you don´t like her pics, you must not say it´s horrible.

Sparvogamarie: I can´t find it on Ebay. Please, could you say me where is it? Thanks.

It is not available on Ebay - yet... I am afraid it’s only a matter of time... :/

Art is a matter of personal opinion as is music, the drawings aren’t to my taste but that doesn’t mean theyre rubbish.
Anyone going to the gallery? I will pay you to get me a copy of the book ;-)

I think the drawings increase in value because of her fame, if it was just some unknown person i dont know if anyone would be interested in the them?!!
Famous people just have so many advantages and they get so much for free stuff like clothing.

I agree with Judith, and it says most of the paintings are sold so obviously some people don’t think it’s too expensive. There are plenty of rich art collecters in the world. I know an artist in my town and his paintings are around 1 - 2000 euro and he’s not even famous. I think they’re quite cheap actually. There’s one of hers I’d actually buy, it was on the Andra Chans documentary and I thought it was wonderful. Different from the scribbly ones she did on the album cover.

Still wish the book was available to the public, it’s gonna cost a FORTUNE when it hits ebay. Hopefully some nice person will scan it :)

I would love the book but I don’t think it will happen!

Exactly Ally. Only 2000 copies? Probably her rich friends and celebrities will get in first because they’ll go to the exclusive opening that the public can’t go to. Then the fans will be competing with the general public, not to mention scalpers who realize the value of these books who will buy them up and straight to ebay.

Again, hopefully someone will scan them. Or we can just look at our The Change CD covers, the drawings look pretty much the same to me.

I don’t think 2000 Euros is that expensive. Art comes in various forms and prices and definitely would buy one. However I agree ref. the limited edition of the book. For once it would be nice if Marie thought of the fans and perhaps did a limited general release? I know she doesn’t need the money but what’s happening here, as has been rightly stated already, is that there’ll b a profiterring and touting war going on to get copies of these books, which is hardly fair. Anyhoo....good to see Marie being creative again if nothing else!

*kisses Per_mson*

I bought it LOL.

I guess buying the book at that price won’t really discourage the people who “want to take advantage of it”, what was the word.. “scalpers”, to go and get more to sell them for 80$ or even higher, after all, “fans buy it all”...

I still think the book will sell for much higher, I just got lucky that he set the Buy It Now at a ridiculously low price. He could have got three times that.

i’m waiting for the paperback version ;-)

nice tips you are giving ;)

Today I was joking to my mum that I can make my own version of marie’s book. I drew some faces in my notebook, and it was just like hers!

@sparvoga: You’re welcome! ;)

Got my copy today! Tjoohoo!! :)
Have to wait until after x-mas to look at it though.. ;)

Anyone interested in a book?!
Just put one up here:

Had some expenses around getting one so don’t be angry for the 50 SEK extra! It is by the way my only extra copy!!

Well, I think some things are meant to be in limited editions (-:

Anyway, if the fans who want this book demand it, somebody will see the potential for profit and pick up the book for wider distribution... obviously this whole exhibition was meant to be on a small scale... given that Marie is testing the waters in a new domain, I’m sure nobody was willing to throw a whole lot of money into a large-scale affair. I mean, Jewel and Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins have published books of their poetry and nobody cared about that... it could have been the same with Marie’s sketches for all anyone knows.

Got my copy too, gotta wait a bit to hold it in my hands though :D

Didn’t get any to resell though. And I heard there are quite some left.. so if you have a friend in Stockholm I would just ask him/her to get one for you before you spend a fortune for it (the book is expensive enough..)

AND the woman there said they might print more because the demand is being quite high.. it’s nothing sure yet, so don’t get your hopes too high.

Yup, got someone in Stockholm to get me a copy also *thanks the person in question* :)

all drawings have that something.. they are very expresive, and only a few lines :O

I think that 2000 euros for the drawing is too expensive .
Buy the book instead.
It costs sek 400, includes all her drawings from the exhibition and some new Marie pix.

It´s not the original of course, but quite good anyway.

each drawing costs 18.500 sek. Yesterday there were only 3 left, hippie, undran and trött.

Btw, just doing some research (on tdr ;)) - 2000 copies of the book isn’t that less: there were 3000 copies of “The Look for Roxette” printed in the first edition. There was no 2nd edition (yet).

So I would say: don’t panic, I’m sure most of you will get your copy :)


Yeah, a good friend sorted me one out! I am so pleased, this I am not selling! lol

@jud: But the exhibition will on the other hand only last 10 days all in all. The Look For Roxette is sold all the time...

@nixie: Now that’s an expensive offer!! 50GBP = 750SEK.. almost double from what it costs!! Postage to Europe from Sweden does NOT cost 21 GBP btw. Half is more reality!! You don’t have to send it as a package.. letter works fine!

Mine is still on 460SEK = 30GBP just as an information.. ;)

but the gallery will be open longer (with other stuff in it) and have the books until they are sold out, of course.. they won’t just throw them out.. ;)

@jud: Ok, that I didn’t know. But people still have to get there...

@per_mson: Postage from Sweden to Europe for a letter between 1 kg and 2 kg costs exactly SEK 205 + SEK 60 for registered = SEK 265 = GBP 19.02. The packaging itself also costs some money, so GBP 21 is very reasonable. Anyway the postage has now been reduced to GBP 13 for the auction, which means a loss for the seller. It could be possible to pack as under 1 kg (even though the book itself weighs about 0.6 kg), but then there would be a risk for damaged corners etc.

After The Change is sold out??? really?? By German Ebay is Marie Book to bid.
The Look for Roxette ist to buy bei under View all Books and Order Books

but the gallery will be open longer (with other stuff in it) and have the books until they are sold out, of course.. they won’t just throw them out.. ;)

Hehe, my chance... Signing Session, here I come! :P

dosent the gallery have a normal phone????
the number I´ve tried dosent work

Ted, do you not have directory enq in Sweden!

i,m happy i will get one a good friend wil take one with hime for me he has got contact wit robert thorelius the maker of after the change
who made the look for roxette

i,ll only have to wait

if have gotten the chance i would defenatly go to her art gallary of course the first day then marie was there an i would have met her i,m shure

marie love you drawings the mean so much to me that i am doing everything i can to get your book and when i meet you you really have to sign it

maja youre everlasting fan

I don’t know where you heard that, but Robert had nothing to do with the printing/making of After The Change..

Ha ha ha!!! No, but Robert may have bought a few copies to sell! :D

I bought my copy from Robert (super nice guy). I asked if he was the guy who wrote The Look book and he said yes, I said I loved his book and he was really happy about that!

Postage from Sweden is a f****** rip off!!!!! I had to send stuff home when I lived there, they have no sea mail, and now no economy mail!!!!!! It’s cost me a damn fortune to have this book sent.

well he does have something to do with it i know that from a close friend and he really helped making that book


if you know it better...

It seems to be a misunderstanding here. I am Robert Thorselius and I haven’t been involved in the making of this beautiful book. End of discussion? (I hope so......)

“Told you so!”

hehe :D

LOL Maja you can’t make stuff up when the real guy is right here!

Robban it was a pleasure buying from you! I look forward to getting my book next week!

question is, would people buy the book for 400 sek + about 250 postage? A total of ca. 70 Euro?

My answer is: Apparently! ;)

Initial price plus postage sounds fair to me, Judith.
(Would that be postage from Sweden? Whooo, and I thought German mail prices were mad...)

*refuses to pay phantasy ebay prices*

I am glad i have one! And i didn’t pay so much at ebay, at least i would have paid much more! :)

I had no choice regarding postage, I bought the book with the intention of having it sent economy only to be informed there was none. (Sweden sucks). I was then going to have it sent to a friend in the UK who could forward it by seamail, but postage to UK is about $2 cheaper than to me, so it would cost even more to do that. So I paid, and even if I’d known before I bought it I’d still have done it because there’s no other way. And I can’t wait a year until I’m back in Sweden because who knows if I’d be able to get the book.

Question, sorry if has been asked already: has anyone got the book or seen it? Wondering if there’s anything cool like comments about the pictures?

Postage for the book costs 130 SEK within Europe (checked that today), then I guess most sellers want an additional 20 SEK or something for packing material. So it does not cost 250 SEK at least...

I actually also wonder why so many people are so much against that other people are making some money with this book. It is exactly the same with this book as it is with all the other stuff that has anything to do with Per/Marie. A promo CD for instance is given out for free to record stores, radio channels and some private people (it seems) and do you think they are for free on Ebay/Tradera... Not exactly, no!

I guess it comes down how much people want it... I don’t think I could justify high prices...

130sek for postage + 60 for registered + say 50 for a good cartoon envelope/small box = 240 :)

What kind of box do you want Judith that costs 50 SEK?! A metal one?! ;-))
Registerred is complete waste of money as well. At least within Europe. Of all the stuff I bought from all over the world during my years as a collector only one thing has gotten lost and that was a very small surface mail from USA.

If this had been an ordinary book release I could have waited. I’m not really in a hurry to look at Marie’s drawings when from what I’ve seen they’re exactly like the ones on The Change and the docu. But I have no idea how easy it will be to get the book in a years time or how much the price will increase as it becomes rarer. I would love to wait until I’m back in Sweden, though then I still have the problem of getting this big heavy thing back in my luggage.

you might wanna have a look at the front page ;)

Per: i have no clue, since stuff in Sweden is so expensive :D

@jud: Apart from postage (and of course alcohol) we are not more expensive than say Austria... ;-)

Yeah I saw it, that should stop the Ebay prices from going sky high. I didn’t pay that much extra for mine so it don’t bother me. :) I hope nobody has forked out something ridiculous for one!

Yesterday sent me a Marie´s book “After the Change”. I am looking forward to it very much! I hope I will have Marie´s autograph in this beautiful book one day!

got mine yesterday a friend bought it for me

ordered a copy from as well, can’t wait to see the paintings...

Today I received my book!! Her pics are very beautiful and emotional, also there are some photos of Marie from Sep 05. She looks wonderful and happilly. I am happy that I have got this book!!!

received the book yesterday... looks even better than expected.


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