“I’m gonna run to you...”
Written by tevensso on April 25, 2005 to Exclusive.
Finally it has happened! Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Roxette, Visa Kopu, has finally gotten his Tia! On Saturday, April 23, Visa and Tia tied the knot in front of 35 guests at restaurant Haikaranpesä. The venue is located 76 meters above sea level in the Haukilahti Water Tower in Espoo.
To the sound of Roxette’s “Run to You,” they walked in: Tia wearing a beautiful champagne-colored dress with matching flowers while Visa donned a British style tuxedo with a golden cravat. The civil ceremony and vows remain somewhat of a mystery to TDR, as this reporter doesn’t speak Finnish.
After the ceremony there was a reception with a buffet lunch consisting of cold and warm dishes and wine. The happy couple received presents of course, among them a CD with rare Roxette demos, a couple of rare Gessle DVDs, Kosta Boda glasses, Iittala silverware, bath towels, numerous other CDs and of course money.
In the middle of the dessert an a capella group appeared and sang a few chosen bits in Finnish that seemed to be appreciated. They finished with a – to say the least – strange version of Roxette’s “How Do You Do!”.
When the reception was over, the younger part of the assembled guests left for a bar in central Helsinki called “American Bar” where, of course, drinks were consumed.
The bridal couple will go to Osaka, Japan on their honeymoon.
All the best to you from Lars-Erik, Judith and Thomas… and we understand Per sent personal congratulations as well!
Other articles with the same topic
- Roxette live in Kazan: the set list (February 28, 2011)
- Roxette's Charm School World Tour is underway... with extension planned! (February 28, 2011)
- Per makes another mixed tape (February 25, 2011)
- Plans for Roxette in Canada seem to be coming together (February 13, 2011)
- Per tells TDR that he and Marie are "thrilled" with what's to come in 2011 (January 3, 2011)
ally77 said on April 25, 2005 17:15:
Congratulations to Tia and Visa on your wedding day, may you both be very happy togeather! :)
Dancing_DJs said on April 25, 2005 17:31:
Woo-Hoo as Homer would say!!
Were you nervous?
I’m supposed to be getting married this summer at the top of the Empire State Building in New York....
All the best to you and your wife :) Enjoy Japan!!
I’ve only been on this forum a couple of weeks but you have a great set of people here...
roxgirl_germany said on April 25, 2005 17:45:
Congratulations and all the best to you!!!!
*toastes with champagne*
on_a_mission said on April 25, 2005 17:49:
congratulations on what I hope will be a long and happy marriage
L00kSharp said on April 25, 2005 19:01:
To Tia and Visa - Many happy years together. My wife Natalie and I met 10 years ago on Dan Zimmerman’s Roxette Mailing List, and have been married almost 9 years with two beautiful children. I hope you are as blessed as we have been.
-Roger Tetzlaff, USA
roxeteer (moderator) said on April 25, 2005 19:23:
Tia and I also met on the Roxette mailing list, in June 1996.
Jud (moderator) said on April 25, 2005 19:31:
RML getting people together? ;) similar happened to me in 2000-2001 :D
Rox-Van said on April 25, 2005 19:32:
A lot of congratulations!!!
Rox-Vän greets them from Santiago of Chile.
Gesslemaniac said on April 25, 2005 19:54:
Just want to wish U all the best !
... Roxette does have a magic touch - brings people together :OP
Roxeanne said on April 25, 2005 20:14:
I wish you all the best!
Hope you’re having a great honeymoon and lots of warm and sunny days in the future! (well... sunny for finnish conditions... :-) )
gyllene_tjej said on April 25, 2005 20:21:
Yay, how sweet it is guys! My warmest congratulations to you! :)
pardek said on April 25, 2005 20:35:
Hey, congratulation from me, too!!!
How could a wedding start better??? => This must be a NEVERENDING LOVE!!! ;-))
KungAvSand said on April 25, 2005 20:43:
And just like Gessle sings - I wish you the best!
Rox_AnaK said on April 25, 2005 20:48:
Dear Visa!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I wish you all the BEST!!!! I found real love and the most excellent husband in the Zimmerman’s Roxette Mailing list too. I still have a copy of the FAQ created by you in 1993!!! Thanks for everything Visa, and BE VERY VERY VERY HAPPY with Tia!!!! At least, as much as I am with my Rox-fan-husband! :-) Big big hugs, Ana Karina :-P
roxtexanet said on April 25, 2005 21:18:
Many congratulations on a wonderful day you and your new bride will cherish forever.
Emil__BG said on April 25, 2005 21:26:
Congratulations from Bulgaria!!!
We wish you long and happy marriage!!
HANHoneymoon ;-)
GT_85 said on April 25, 2005 21:58:
I wonder which rare roxette-demos there was on the cd´s.
n-Somnia said on April 26, 2005 05:36:
Wonderful news. :D Congratulations! Have a great time in Osaka.
RobS said on April 26, 2005 07:54:
Congratulations Visa and Tia.
I wish you the very best for your future together.
purplemedusa said on April 26, 2005 08:57:
Oi what a suprise!! Congrats u guys - urm & I want some wedding cake!!
*huggles* from Cape Town
Loki said on April 26, 2005 09:51:
This seems to be the best stuff I’ve read here since the news about Marie’s new album! Just one more wonderful thing about good music is that it brings people together. Visa and Tia, and everybody who met friends and lovers thanks to Roxette, I’m really glad for you (and a bit jealous, to be honest :)). Let your love for each other last for ever! And - big THANK YOU to Marie and Per for all the good things they keep on bringing to our lives.
Mitya said on April 26, 2005 14:20:
Roxette “run from one heart to another again” and bring ppl togethr!
Congratulatulations to you Visa and Tia!!
Lars-Erik_Olson (moderator) said on April 26, 2005 16:42:
Having the pleasure of knowing you both... I too would like to add my personal best wishes to those that have already been given here. Both of you are kind and generous individuals and all of us wish you many, many years of happiness together!
PiR_GeSSLe said on April 27, 2005 01:57:
Hej! I also wanted to wish you the very best! I didn’t find love thru Roxette but yes many good friends and e-friends from around the world.
Ezequiel @ Buenos Aires, Argentina.
m-cvk said on April 27, 2005 08:57:
Hej hej! Congratulations!!! Like many others I wish you all the best, a lot of love and happiness!
And yes, Roxette bring people together indeed. It happened to me and my bf about 4 years ago too :-)
From_a_heart_to... said on April 27, 2005 14:13:
Best wishes from Germany!
Hopefully you both will have many wonderful years together.
Hip, hip, Hooray!
Hip, hip, Hooray!
Hip, hip, Hooray!
Helene2000 said on April 28, 2005 07:22:
Although this comes a bit late but I wish both of you the very best!!! Greetings from Austria
roxpress said on April 30, 2005 17:04:
Hej rox-väns...!! i wish you the best and enjoy the time you will have together. from Colombia, TiCkO. Enjoy Japan, and please don’t forget to eat some tempura chicken!!
seven27 said on May 1, 2005 05:38:
It must have been love... and it happens, now! :) Congratulations!
conan said on May 9, 2005 03:31:
Congratulations from Australia...have just found your wonderful site and am looking forward to reading, contributing and enjoying all the news about the fantastic Marie and Per.
Linnea_ said on August 9, 2005 15:13:
send me that song!: D.H.T.’s Listen to Your Heart.
Fading Like a Flower by Dancing DJs vs Roxette
alchemiste said on April 25, 2005 17:11: