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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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young & born 90's?

39 replies

i feel so sad! i discovered Rox 1999. lucky to have the greatest hits 1995. I MISSED a lot of album!!!

I, Jay. 20 years old born 1985. i discover Rox 1999! oooooohhhhh :(

please help me!

therse are the few album i got:
1. Greatest Hits 1995 (my neighbor stole it) LOL
2. BALLAB hits
3. Room Service
4. Pop Hits

i have Missed alot, RIGHT?

I cant Speak English Well.... Please Excuse me for this... and that ^ above

Well, yes, you´ve missed the golden times when Roxette rocked the world with albums such as “Look sharp! (1988), “Joyride” (1991), “Tourism” (1992) & “Crash!Boom!Bang!” (1994) + the two world tours, but cool down, take it easy, you’re on the right track, you’ll be able to get the missing stuff ;)

But How could i get the missing stuff? :( its too long ago and im from philippines :( i magine the NO SHIPPING here:( so sad thanks 4 reply!

Alot of the albums should still be available in stores actually all of them!

Look Sharp
Don’t Bore Us Get to the Chorus
The world according to gessle(Per’s solo project)
Have a nice day (1999 [your year])
Room Service
Ballad Hits
Pop Hits

Plus the 2 dvd’s

Luckly for you all of their music is stuff that you can listen to now and it will sound like it was made for this era

I can understand you chippy205. I became the real Roxette fan in 1998. And it’s really sad that we’ve missed the golden Roxette times.

Don’t forget Rarities!

so, you’re from philliipines? thats close with me. I am from Manado, Indonesia :)

You sure did miss the best era!

I became a Rox fan in 1991, but STILL managed to miss out on most of the “golden era” that is I missed both world tours. And yes, I’m kicking myself in the but every day because of that. Especially since I live in Sweden..
oh my, it’s almost criminal to have missed out on that!

I became a Roxfan in 2002 ;) Quite late...

Someone forgot to mention Pearls Of Passion as Roxette’s FIRST album... and also mention Gyllene Tider’s “Heartland Cafe” where Marie joined Per to sing in English on some of the songs.

Gyllene Tider and other solo stuff is maybe a bit too early for a newcomer who might want Rox better...! Have fun discovering ROX-ETTE!

Well I’ve started to listen seriously at Roxette last year. And until this day I have the whoel album collection exept Don’t bore us and Rarities. I got almost everything else. I have The Look for Roxette (the book) for exampel.

Hey Chippy

I know how you feel, but keep trying. If I had the money to send to you all the Roxette albums you don’t have, I’d do it, believe me. I have been a Rox fan since 1989, when I first heard “The Look” and I saw them live in 1995.

I live in Argentina and, even I can find Rox albums in music stores, it’s to difficult find Marie, Per or GT CDs.

Keep trying, when you get something it will be more enjoyable, you’ll see.

Did you try There you will find some Rox demos, some of them really old.

Good Luck!!

There is always a chance to get a lot little by little. I am a Fan since 1989 and still don’t have all. So don’t worry. Time and all the fans in the web will help to complete your collection!

i Found roxette in 1999 also :-D

i’m sorry it takes too long to reply... coz i got sick for 5 days! lol

Debora... please e-mail me [email protected]

just wanna be your friend...



I wish i’ll find them soon!!!

again,,, please excuse me with my English :D im not good in english but i can understand it well...

Good luck :)

I became a real Roxette fan in 1992 and I missed two concerts in my city in 1994! I was ill in that time. Then I must wait for Roxette for 7 years!!!

I am 18 years old, brazilian guy and I just discovered Roxette in 2002.
I missed to see them in 2001, when they came to Brazil.

To Tobben: Can I ask you? Did you become a Roxette fan before or after Sep 11th 2002?

I started to love Rox in 1999 and missed almost everything. They never visited Ukraine so I had no chance to see them live...

HELLO! chippy,
actually we live in the same country, and like you I,m also a young fan of roxette. i live here in Albay. i gues we share the same sentiments.
it’s quite annoying that most of their albums were no longer available at records stores only their greatest hits. Plus this stupid piracy which is scattered all over the country.
Got to share some news did you know that their videos and dvds released in pirated versipon are always sold out. I wonder why the record company would not released.
I’m 21 quite older than you, female.
here are the least of the few albums that I have.
greatest hits (don’t bore us get to the chorus)
have a nice day
ballad hits
powerpop hits
hope I could collect all of their songs too.

I feel sorry for those who have not yet had the chance to see them live....

ally, sometimes, looking past my jelaousy ;), I feel happy at least some of you saw them live. :) And I can totaly imagine how you felt and imagine me on your place. It actually works and chase away the sadness.... :)

i havent seen them live, its one of my lifes dreams is to hear marie belt out a song :-(

HI... I ’ve been listening to Roxette since the late 80’s when Look Sharp came out! Fell in love right then and there!! Too bad I cannot find any other cds in America (I’ve got Look sharp, Tourism , Crash,Boom Bang, Joyride, and I just got Have a nice day off of ebay.I was in my glory when I received it!)... I live in Illinois and I don’t know of any other person who is from the states and going GAGA over Roxette as I am, and I’m 36!! I sang “Listen to your Heart ” for kareoke(?) and now that’s all my 3 year old wants my to play for her... start her on the right track,,, start them young!! My 13 year old says I’m too obsessed with them, I have Roxette in every cd player in the house and in the car! Oh brother! I have to cross my fingers and pray that I win some cds on ebay! Everything is from overseas! BOO HOO! Two thumbs up for Roxette! Gotta love ’em!! Is there anyone out there who is as crazy in love with them as I am... I must be nuts!My biggest dream is also to see Per and Marie in concert... I can only wish...REALLY HARD! Barb

I´ve been a roxette fan in 2001 but i have ALL albums(not the collecting items).
I live in sweden andthere it´s don´t hard to find Roxette.

If it can’t be found in sweden, it can’t be found anywhere I guess....

to roxette for me! how young wer u back then when u become a roxette fan?
your not alone with what u feel towards them coz me i took up a course that would eventually gave me a job when I go abroad .
and my first target is sweden im going there, Im gonna buy all items connected to roxette and all of roxete songs. their best band ever emerged in the world . Unluckily their not americans or British so the world doesc’t really know what is going on to them. they have the best song i ever listened they only lack in marketing strategy that is what is commonly used by less talented artists.

Hey silverRoses.!! Well, I was about 16 or 17 when I first heard Roxette sing ... I am so glad that someone else out there has as strong feelings about them as I do... I caan’t seem to do anything without having them in my mind!!Am I crazy?? Or just love struck?? You’re so lucky to go to Sweden and grab all the stuff related...I can only imagine ever seeing them and wishing real hard , maybe it’ll one day come true! I don’t have anything from Roxette ,just some of the CD’s ( and I had to buy tapes for my car as well!!) that’s about it... I am watching a tshirt and hopefully I win it or I will be very teary! I don’t know why I feel this way, Oh and I received a video CD which I can only play on my computer .. Gosh... Per looks so cute in most of them... and I love Marie’s hair when she was younger! My next mission is to find DVDs from them... sorry,I’m babbling but I’m kinda getting choked up, I hope you get all the stuff you still need , keep me posted on what you get! GO ROXETTE!! Barb

To roxette about me, maybe I would be so lucky if make those dreams come to reality, thats what i’m looking forward now. I only got one semester to go.
But i guess you are more luckier than anyone of us here coz u have experience the roxette fever, their songs always palyin on the radio. In our time or during my high school days all you can hear are those boyband sounds , thats why during those times I didn’e even bother to open my radio. Coz the time that roxette was back thay are no longer that huge artists. They are really one of a kind and hoping that someday roxette will even be greater than U2 coz u2 is really doing well.
Don’t worry as soon as I hav all of their items, I will send u some too..... but for now it’s only in my dreams

Hey silverRoses! Thank you for thinking of me... you can’t get anything from Roxette in the U.S unless it’s there old stuff(Crash,boom bang, Joyride, Tourism , and Look sharp) Believe it or not I still come across some of these at the music stores. Do you need any of these? I’ll keep an eye out for more! Yes, I remember my friend’s boyfriend in High school , when he first heard Dressed For Success, He thought they were singing, Dressed for Safe Sex What a mind! I’m still telling that one everytime that song comes on! I remember Roxette coming to the states(Unless I was dreaming?!) back in the 90’s (92 ish ?) and I couldn’nt make it because I was 8 months PG with my oldest (13 ) and I’m kicking myself. I had a crush on Huey Lewis and the News forever and I prayed one day I would go and see him in concert. Missed him,missed him and then years later I finally went to see him inIndiana ! I couldn’t believe
it! I cried of joy,that I got to at least see the concert... I even went a second time and I was so
disappointed,I saw that the original members were gone! What’s the point!! Sorry I wrote a novel..thanx for listening! Barb

I’m a fan since I was a Baby (My mother is in fault for that cuz she listened to Roxette while she was pregnant with me in her belly,but that was good,by the way my mother is also a Roxfan),so that means I did not miss the golden times!

@ silver roses

cool! i have a counrymen having rox on music!!
i’m from pangasinan:)

To roxette about me! Hey thamks for tellin us what is a part of your life, hey have you ever been into their concert before, coz i know rox was roxin america back in 1991 and 92 and I also saw roxette performed at the grammy maybe that was 1995 I was still in grades school at that I saw them performed on tv sleeping in my car.
Your asking me if need those stuffs of course yes. I’m not lucky to hav them here, they are no longer available at the record store. Only the pop hits. still don’t have their old albums. Those were the times when their songs really hit the airwaves.
hey I just wanna say goodluk to your family life.

hey chippy were actually leaving on the distant edge of the island i’m from albay, im a graduating student already.
tell me about yourself and how u discover them.
been wonderin your the only guy i’ve known to have been actually attracted to rox music.
most of the guys that i’ve know here like those rock & loud music or if not those r and b hip hop.
come on!hey friends

really? i’m the only M here?

asl all please:)


I first hear Rox, 1999 when my brother borrowed some casette tapes from her girl friend (that was the Don’t Bore album) I first attracted to LTYH then the POP hits on the particular album. the LOok, Dangerous. I love listening to SMT. all i can say is... I LOVE THE SONGS!!!

Congratulations! youre Graduating :)

New hungarian Roxette Fan page!


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