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Room Service Competition

11 replies

Did anyone else on here win the Room Service competition a few years back. I was one of the winners and was wondering if anyone happened to get a screen shot of the website winners list.

I know it is a far-fetched request, but thought I’d ask... for nastolgic purposes.


I was - signed CD, stickers and the robe!

I have a print of the screen shot somewhere - let me have your email and I will see what I can do.


I also was amongst the winners (a Room Service bathrobe). Can you please also send me the screenshot? email: [email protected]



I am not sure which particular competition you mean, but I was one of the people who won a trip to Barcelona to attend the Room Service showcase overthere! It was one of the best things that have happened to me. I am still re-living that day.

So you won the whole trip? I only won 2 tickets for the cologne showcase :)

(well, ’only’.... I was very happy ofcourse!)

Yeah, I believe I was lucky to win a T-shirt & the album, signed - I have them from somewhere, that’s for sure :O)

@ japeke

Yes, I won the whole trip inlcuding the flight and the stay in a 5 stars (!) hotel! It was incredible!


[email protected]

Yes, that is the competition: Room Service signed album, robe, stickers.

i also got a ticket for the cologne showcase. but it was great !

You are all very lucky!! I have got DVD Showcase Barcelona and concert is fantastic!!!

you guys!!!!!!!!!!! you’re making me envious! boohoo! Pleased 4 y’all tho;-)

Breathe8 where did you get that DVD from ! :-O


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