Per & Marie Image
Rox-Van said on September 20, 2005 21:28:
Joyride & CBB
crashroxer said on September 20, 2005 23:08:
Another question:
Why did you think it’s the best era you’ve choose?
erweetiran said on September 21, 2005 08:36:
The RS photoshoot was excellent but I think best was during the CBB era
denny said on September 21, 2005 08:48:
@crashroxer To me, they were the cutest then. :) But I also think Marie looked absolutely incredible while doing the Room Service.
RobS said on September 21, 2005 11:11:
Marie & Per during the Room Service era. Although I loved Marie ’s look during the LS/Joyride times as well.
harriej said on September 21, 2005 15:42:
Look Sharp, Joyride and Room Service era they looked on their best.
Sire74 said on September 21, 2005 18:53:
I like to see their changing looks throughout the time. I can’t choose a special era!
Roxette-atic said on September 21, 2005 19:41:
LS! JOYRIDE AND ROOM SERVICE for me too. Dont like the way Marie looks on the HAND-pictures so much..she looks so hard!
plectrum said on September 23, 2005 00:48:
i’d have to say the look sharp era
reason being because marie & per looked awsome back then,they were made to rule the world & by god they did rule the world
rox-kuryliw said on September 23, 2005 18:44:
per CBB , maire Room service ( she looks right rock chic)
rox-kuryliw said on September 23, 2005 18:45:
i think winner is deff RS , BIG loser is HAND , not suprised
crashroxer said on September 23, 2005 19:14:
I agree, Roxette-atic!!
Don’t like her look during the HAND time...
Baby-C said on September 23, 2005 19:59:
Marie: Room Service era ’cos she just looked SO great then.
Per: CBB era ’cos I absolutely adore that long hair of his! And the more resent too.. Son Of A Plumber era! ’cos he just keep looking better and better!
Edit: Totally hate the way they both looks in the HAND era. So... strange. Is all I can think of.
crashroxer said on September 23, 2005 20:04:
Yeah, Baby-C!
Marie looked really “old” and “hard”..if you know what I mean!?
crashroxer said on September 23, 2005 20:06:
btw: You’ve joined the NRJ awards 2002??
WOOOW...Marie looked so GORGEOUS in that black outift if they got the first award...
wolvrnight said on September 24, 2005 00:27:
this is not an era, but marie looks extremely cute in the HDYD! video.
BadMoon said on September 24, 2005 13:24:
this is ’cos marie looks extremely cute in every video... ;)
AURYTE said on September 29, 2005 04:45:
Look Sharp! era cos they both looked so hot :)
I also adore Per in Crash!Boom!Bang! era and Marie in Joyride era.
And these recent years they look cute and hot. Though I wasn’t a big fan of Per’s hairdo during last Gyllene Tider tour... And I’m looking forward to Son Of A Plumber!!! :D
ally77 said on September 20, 2005 20:08:
Which era and image do you prefer of Per or Marie?
I have to always say the early 90’s for Marie and the more recent years for Per...