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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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16 replies


Soon the official SON OF A PLUMBER website will be launched!

stay tuned...

It looks that we’ll have some plumbing on the net as exists but seeems to be under construction but not quite sure. The other one is that for now redirects automatically to TDR.

Sleuth! I never thought of that....

so come on who bought!! it’s funny it just re-directs here....

There’s also

We (TDR) have .net. .se is bought a Swedish gold digger I think, and .com is owned by a Swedish web hotel. My 2 c are on .com.

So what has TDR got planned for .net!

I guess we have to wait a little longer to know what the .extensions have to offer. will always be there... obviously planning new stuff! :P (there goes a bit of promo :PPPP)

Soon the official SON OF A PLUMBER website will be launched!

Please stay tuned... is registred on the company


both and .se are registered for Per and will be the official domains of the website...

- david j.

Transmitreceive have done a lot of websites for Swedish artists, among them Lisa Nilsson and Peter Jöback, the latter has Dimberg as manager.. so it sounds logic that they will be in charge of the site :D

One thing David: do it GREAT!!!! All previous have sucked, even the first version of GT25 sucked, so please... have a look here and you’ll see what we want :D


We’re heading for content rather than flashy websites... haven’t seen the GT25 site and the is too much “promotionwebsite” for the album...

Good to hear David. :)

Yeah it SHOULD be heavy with content, how about exclusive fan sections (maybe using the actual CD disk as a ’key’ to enter the fan section)... promo photo’s, vids, and most importantly KEEP IT UPDATED!! It should be easy enough for Per just to type a few bloggings every now & then... and maybe answer handfull of fan questions once a month or so...! Well that’s my wishlist!


And as next project you could do a general site for Roxette, with all elements that a good official site should have. Just convince Per to oder it!

looking forward to it :)


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