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Ever embarrased yourself with roxette??

24 replies

Have you ever done something reox related that embarrased you or caused a little scene.

Every time Im listening to PAY THE PRICE , when the chorus comees on I just hafta sing PAY THE PRICE OF LOVe !!!! even when Im on the way to college lol. SOmetimes people give me a crazy look, although its usually loud enough for them to hear what I am doing !!

iv been in the gym a few times, and suddenly realise im sing out loud LOL

Same to me every time i’m driving my car! Seems like people don’t like my voice! *lol*

anytime am out clubbing (I can give a powerful whack with my club;-) when the DJ sees me approaching him he knows am going to ask for Stars.........even when he seems me now he just nods in acknowledgment as if to say ”ok, ya sad twat, I’ll play it for ya”, lol.....thing is it gets people on their feet and shaking their money-makers, so don’t know wot all the fuss is about! But it’s dead sad that someone knows me as the ”Roxguy”!

Well on Tuesday i went scratching the dusty record stores in Cape Town; in one store (which happens to be the best in CT) & minding my own business when this woman walked in and went straight upto the owner of the store & closed he’s eyes from behind... turned out to be a regular customer like myself but she had such a larger than life pressence about her; anyways we started talking (rather loadly i may add) and it came out that i was a Roxette fan... she gave me one look and asked me WHY... I tried to give the whole rundown that this was an obsession i’m yet to find a cure for... She made some remark about me fancying Marie but as she said it i exclaimed that I’m gay and have no interest in women... she went silent (gave a glace over the store) and pointed to the biggest & butches guy in the store whilst shouting, “Is THAT your boyfriend? Come here i wanna talk to you”... holy shit i didn’t know where to put my face!!! LOL!!!

(somebody didn’t learn not to talk loadly to strangers!!)


i think its cool , anyclub in UK plays stars, wish the one i do to had it, they always play roxette vs dancing djs when i ask, may have to take them my copy of stars in for them hehe

Purp: Oi!

purp whats soulth africa like ? never good press about it there , sounds scary sometimes !

Sounds scarry? - well it’s not like we had any major terrist attacks in the last few years (could it be the the terrorists are scarred of South Africans? LOL!). Well, south Africa isn’t all that bad - yes like any society there’s certain do’s & don’ts but in general (and specifically Cape Town) people respect one another and there’s a great sense of unity no matter what your identity as any prejudice has been outlawed ... I’m very happy in CapeTown (no complaints here)!!

I do the gym thing as well, it’s so easy to forget where you are!

Yes I have. It is a little complicated story. First, I was in Spain as a study abroad and it was with people from USA (duh! That’s where I’m from). Well you know like 90% of the population doesn’t know Roxette exists...anyway, so I mentioned that I like them a lot. (Hell yea! But you know I’m not some big ass rox freak or anything). And I either got “who are they?” and the few girls who knew who they were said they were lame, and the Texan girl (Roxanne) said she couldn’t stand Marie’s Lesbian hair cut (well duh because Roxanne likes her hair a la Pippy Long stocking if you know what I mean).

Then the worst thing happened to me while I was there. I happened to mention it to some guys there and I guess they think I’m a softy because I listen to that stuff (Again I am not a freak I don’t listen to it 24/7), so I asked them to be my friend on facebook, one of the guys accepted (DUH! Cos he was gay! Actually I knew him a bit from class but never knew he was gay until our trip in Spain), and the other guy said “Ewww I saw you like Roxette and it was all over your homepage..” Well DUH! Like I’m going to deny that I LOVE to listen to Roxette and Cyndi Lauper, don’t think so.

So it wasn’t too embarrasing but it made me mad that someone can judge you on your musical tastes, what is up with that?

thats rude of them says something about how they were marketed to certain countrys doesnt it.
, if i tell anyone i like roxette in UK, they say ow ye them who did pretty women song, they said ye they did some great songs. when i went into HMV when stars was out and i ask the girl behind the counter to see if she knew when the single is released and i said roxette, she said ow shit they rock, ( she was all dressed in black with goth makeup ) made me laugh.

cheers purp for the info- i thought they were trying to get rid of white people for some reason in soulth africa :-S

“cheers purp for the info- i thought they were trying to get rid of white people for some reason in soulth africa :-S”

@ kuryliw; Nope, that would be Zimbabwe you’re thinking of; South Africa has cut most trade relations with Zim because of their rasism & crimes against humanity including the outlawing of homosexuality! South African constitution protects ALL it’s citizens and hence i’m VERY proad to call myself South African!

ow good i was abit worried as i knew you was homosexual , its such a big place , may have to get some books out and update my brain about that area. could be interesting.

heehee, yeah, i tried karoake(i know the spelling is wrong)for the first time and i wanted to do something i knew. i was elated to find a roxette song(as i live in the us) it was LTYH. i went up and did the song but the range was a little too high for me at the time..........VERY EMBARRASSING!! i finished the song though!

*can’t sing above an Alto / Tenor range*



Stupid question!
I am proud of Roxette and everybody may know that. No reason to be embarrased to be a Roxette-fan.

i didnt say embarrassed OF roxette, I said WITH meaning something like singing in public etc. Not embarrased to be a fan. Geez, read what is written.

I don’t Feel Embarassed at all when I sing in Public!

I get a bit embarrased when I listen to Roxette and start singing myself. My sisters make a good laugh of that. Oh, those sisters...

Cranky chris no need 2 get hyped up

lol , Nah I guess not.

One woman in her fifties crossed my way while I was listening “Joyride” as MP3. I always whistle when the whistling part of the song comes, but this woman thought the I whistled to her. Hard to explain this to a woman in her fifties which never has heard anything about / from ROXETTE...

Hey... I just start singing Roxette wherever and whenever... store ,malls, at home and other people’s homes, especially my car , no embarassment here! I love to sing... too bad I can’t do it professionally! Barb


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