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Horror Films

124 replies

Anyone else a big horror fan / thriller films...

I’ve just bought The Ring 2 today, it’s good, but I think the Japanese version is better....

yes, I love horror and thriller! and I have to agree, that the original the ring is much more better!

I like IT by stephen king (movie and book!), The Village, Terminator, Matrix (is not horror, I know!), and many more!

IT by Steven King is fantastic... Tim Curry playing the clown really freaks me out! lol, not seen it in a while....

I also like Steven King’s The Stand...

I was hoping they would be shown on TV here over the coming weeks as our Channel 5 has been showing Steven King films for around the past 4 weeks, but I checked this weeks TV guide and the season seems to have stopped... typical!

The TommyKnockers was on last week, that was good!

Wanna see “Nosferatu”. Anyone saw it?

The most effective horror film is one that takes you completely by surprise. When I saw The Exorcist, upon its initial release, I had no idea what sort of movie I was walking in to view. Heck, I did not even know what the word “exorcist” meant. Consequently, the film petrified me with fear, as it unfolded. (A week later, though, I went back again with others who had already seen it... apparently, most of the others in the theater also had seen it before... and everybody laughed out loud at the truly terrific horror scenes.)

“The Ring” was a good movie, although it combined many features from other fright films, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. “The Ring II” was, quite naturally, not as good.

One of the highest quality horror films, which has aged very well due to the fantastic acting, script and characters, is “Carrie” with Sissy Spacek.

Yeah Carrie was a good oldie..... also I prefer Ringu 1 & 2 rather than the USA remakes....

I also remember watching Poltergeist 1 when I was about 4 years old, that did scare the shit out of me then, not only did I collect clowns which went into the bin that day.... I was freaked for weeks after seeing that film! My parents did not let me watch it, I came down early in the morning and played the video they’d left in the recorder.... you know what us kids are like!

I love horror films to, especially when you’ve got someone to hide behind!! lol Not that’s theres any chance of that at the mo! lol

Fave has gotta be the original Halloween. I love it! Went and saw Scream at the cinema when I was 16, and the first 20 mins scared the crap out of me!! Never seen the fuss with The Exorcist. It bores me. The Grudge is the most scary film I’ve seen in ages.

The Grudge is another good one, and I also love the Halloween films....

I’ve got all the Halloween films on DVD. The only one I hate is 3. Pointless. 4,5 & 6 are a bit grotty to but H20 and Ressurrection are good. Halloween 9 is due for release next year apparently

The most effective horror film is the one with a better soundtrack. If you don’t believe try watching a horror movie with no sound at all. In horror movies sound is around 70% of the film.

uh no! I get TOO scared.. that it’s not fun anymore. I don’t like bloody films either, I get sick.. so nothing with zombies or lots of bloody scenes.. *yuk*

I think the time I was more scared watching a film (I went not exactly knowing what it was about!) was “What lays beneath” - holy shit! I was so afraid and scared that I almost ended up sitting on the floor.. no need to say I didn’t watch most of the film by the end, the hands in front of my eyes prevented me from seeing ;) I got even scared when OTHERS shouted in the cinema :O

I thought the film was good, at least it got me totally scrared.. but I won’t see it again. I had nightmares and was scared of everything at night for weeks. Imagine after the film I had to drive home, drive on a dark foggy small road.. @_@ I saw ghosts all the way!! Not to say when I needed to go to the bath at night, I had to turn on all lights, try NOT to look in the mirror.. :O

I said: never again!

But I like detective or kind of thrillers if they are about an investigation or alike.. kind of “real” stuff. I like to read such books too.

me loves me horror movies and the Japanese do the best horror movies- watched Audition again the other nite. Not so much horror as gruesom! I agree ref. Ring movies - Jap versions better altho bought RING 1&2 boxset y’day....not seen the US Ring 2 so looking forward to watching that in bed tonite. Other cracker horrors definitely the Hallowe’en the Dawn of Dead series and b-rate 80s slasher movies such as Madman. Showgirls too .................

final destination 2 is the most sacrey nauseating horro movie ever made i loved it

Was I the only one that loved Halloween 3! that Irish man just freaked me out!

3 more days to Halloween, Halloween Silver Shamrock!!!!

possibly yes! some of the death scenes were cool (if I can use that word to describe them!) but the whole story behind it was rubbish. I mean - “Killers Masks”

57 days to Halloween, Halloween......

i watched tommyknockers tonight ally that i taped off tv the other week hehe, LOVE IT

i do think it all depends of the type of horror you like, see blood and guts i cant class as horror for me , its just yuk , just dosent ”thrill” me . ’What lies beneath’ now that made me throw my popcorn up in the air and allll over , put it this way i didnt get a bath for a while incase i saw a face (showers lol) One of the best memorable horror movie sences since the shower seen in psyco.

Has anyone ever seen “The Wicker Man”? Is it worth renting?

I rented The Wicker Man yonks ago but I could not get into it and wonder what all the fuss was about!

Final Destination was another good one, although the 2nd one did suck a little bit!

Now this is my kinda topic!

You guys forgot about Stephen King’s “The Shining” - the Kubrick film, not the other mini-series.

Love Halloween 1, 2, H20 - probably the best horror/suspense/edge of you seat stuff ever made.

Friday the 13th, etc is great.

Scream - best of the best Horror/Slasher 90’s revival.

The rest you’ve already mentioned.

Have to say, I was a bit dissapointed in The Grudge. I shat myself only once in that movie and that was when the doctor slipped in the blood, when the “dead japanese nurse” walked past him and down the stairs.

Shite, almost forgot to mention remakes: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake that came out last year I think, was so much better than the original. I actually got worked up, shat myself and messed popcorn and coke all over myself. Compared to the original which was one long screaming episide, this version actually bettered the original.

Later ;o)

Oh I’m a fan too but prefer the 80’s horror films to the shit they do today... the last horror film i saw that was worth it’s salt was Final Destination oh and SK’s Langeliers (not sure about the spelling)...

Nopes. Hate them. Keep em away from me. Last scary one i saw was The Ring and afterwards i had to go home alone. All alone in a big big house on my own, no one there. Just me. Really scared. Had every light on in the house. Just sat chatting online all night till daybreak.

u found the ring scarry...? No that was just such a pathetic & predictable script - laughed through most of it!!

What Lies Beneath scared me to death. Also Carrie and The Omen.

ow Rosemary’s Baby still shits me up aswell !

My Fave Horror movies are: The Village,Signs,Stephen King’s ,,IT”,The Ring,The Fog,Friedhof der Kuscheltiere!

just watched Trailer for remake of The Fog (a Carpenter classik!) and it looks as hot as the original............:-))

@ realsuga not heard of that one.... ermm sounds good though!

I’ve still not seen The Village

the village was so bad it shoudl ahve only been release to video...signs was more frightening and it was sci-fi. The others was scarey.

I liked ringu , 2 and 0. My only problem with 2 was that I think it gave me more questions than answers! Like the experiment thing atb the end? What was that all about?

I liked the Grudge but half expected SMG to buffy her way through it and kick the ghosty woman!

Films that COULD be true are the worst ones!

and SuperMarioBros is kinda like a horror movie to anyone that enjoyed the games! :-)

topics always die after I post (SIGH)

Ha ha @ above

I don’t get that....

Not exactly a horror of such but has anyone seen Corpse Bride? Tim Burton film....

just watched Amityville (2005 release) last weekend. The movie had its scary moments and the actor is decidedly hot!

I’m not very keen on horror films nowadays, but I like Japanese horror stories, they are very psychological.

Japanese Horrors are the best! :) The US remakes are not a patch on some of the Japanese ones!

I like horror films a lot but I never watch them ’cos then I have to sleep with the light on!

I made an exception for the ring 1 and 2 which I liked a lot.

I just rented two films this week! Chaos some Japanese film.... which was just pure crap about the staged kidnapping! and also a Brit flick called Code 46 which was even worse... complete waste of money!

28 days later turned out to be such a great movie it sucks i never saw it in theaters

The new Halloween film has finally been given the go-ahead. Rob Zombie (House of 1000 Corpes) is going to direct and it’s gonna be a “re-imagining” of the original. The film will start in 1978, and will explain more about the reasons behind Michael.

Sounds better than just ANOTHER sequel.

Due to hit theater October 07

You can see the info on

Hmm, I don’t really like Ringu 1 and 2. I think the hollywood version is much better in every ways. However, it’s kinda fun for me to make comparison between those, and I came to conclusion that the character were more nicer and polite :)
For example, in the beginning of Ringu, they also have two girls were chatting. When the other girl admits she spent the night with her boyfriend, the other gal was just act surprise, but in hollywood version, the other gal called the other friend a “whore” for doing that (well, she was just joking of course).
Also, the Japanese main character in Ringu, the reporter (I forget her name) looked so sweet and nice to everyone, while Rachel in The Ring were more strong and sometimes a bit rude. Remember the scene where she was in the phone and her boss came and said, “you’re fired” and Rachel said “No, I’m not (or something like that)”. Also, in Japanese version, when the reporter went to the “cottage” and saw a video, she asked very nicely to borrow it, but Rachel just stole it like that :).
What else? When the japanese reporter tried to find information from her niece’s friends, she just need to ask them nicely and they’ll give her the information, but Rachel has to smoke with her niece’s friends and mention she used to get high to gain their attention.
Oh, also Rachel’s son called her with her name instead of “mom”, but the japanese kid didn’t.
However, I like the Rachel’ character better :)

The best ones for me are The Ring and The Others. Not like some other movies, they don’t need blood or graphic violence to make it scary.

What Lies Beneath and The Sixth Sense were pretty scary.

Also I like The Exorcist, The Omen and Rosemary’s Baby (love the theme song).

I don’t like Scream, I KNow What You Did Last Summer or Final Destination. I saw them and found them boring.

I love Japanese horror films...

Halloween October 07.... jeez it’s been put back was hoping to see it this year.... or early next year!

However it will be worth waiting for!

I really loved Skeleton Key, well put together supernatural suspense :)
Also Wolf Creek was good, more of a slasher

I have not yet seen Skeleton Key, perhaps it one I should buy if its good!

Okay so I bought Skeleton Key yesterday, it’s really good, not sure why I didn’t see it before...

I am looking forward to “Lady in the Water”.... the new Shamalan flick, should have a surprising twist.... or at least I hope so :)

Yeah, Skeleton keay was awesome, ending was totally unexpected and lots of suspense!!!

Did anyone mention original Jaws.... that lady swimmer being killed in the beginning, that’s scary and so real... and great score too. Scared me to go in the water.

i really like the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre from i think 2003.

also original Nightmare on Elm street, Terminator, Ring (i only saw US version, but it scared me like very few did), What lies beneath, Halloween, the Others, Shocker, Psycho, Seven, Silene of the lambs are all excellent flicks.

Original 1980 Fog was very good, but the ending was not so good i think. I never bothered with the remake.

Night of the living dead (1968)... origianl black and white flick is also real scary even today! Awesome stuff!

Oh forgot some important ones

Alien - when that thing came out from his stomach at the dinner table.... that was scary as hell. Imo All sequels were also surpisingly good.... but than they made that aweful “Alien vs Predator”, I think it sucked.

Original Predator was also Superb, with Arnold and Ventura. The sequel sucked big time though.

Also super scary is King’s “Thinner” (1996)....scary stuff!

Alien vs Predator is very bad, bad news is there making another ?

im looking foward to lady in the water also me. ;-D

I didn’t like Alien!

Oh crap posted it twice!

@ invisible_man : I’m waiting for Lady in The Water too, saw the trailer of it on the theatre and it looks cool.

Majdy, I read something about that, looks like it will be worth waiting for!

Kewl :)

Ally, i’m surprisided that you did not like original Alien. For me personally it’s one of the best (if not the best) horror science fiction movies ever made.

Also remembered Christine... great 80’s horror flick based on King novel, cars never looked so scary :)

Christine was great, but I am pretty much a fan of all Kings films, IT was the best followed by The Stand! :)

Alien just didn’t do anything for me...

I like movie based on King’s book too, like The Green Mile, Sometimes They’re Coming Back Again (I could be wrong with the title), Cujo, Sleepwalkers...

I wanted to see (and read) Misery, but haven’t found it on DVD rental.

As for thriller movie, I like Cape Fear and Single White Female.

Another good horror movie : The Gift. Great performance by Cate Blanchett.

@Ally - IT scared the s*&t outta me!! Bloody clowns!!

Has anyone ever seen Madman?? It’s an 80’s slasher about a guy called Madman Marz, and I reckon it’s got the funniest theme tune ever. If you’ve seen it you’ll know what I mean!

I am terrified of IT too its the scaries film ive seen. Altho have seen it about 5 times im still frightened. I love the Alien movies i have the box set and love Saw 1 & 2 too- but cant watch the needle scene in Saw 2.

Cape Fear is on TV here today... I don’t think I ever watched it... 10pm ITV4

Single White Female was great, they made SWF 2 but I’ve not seen it yet...

Awww Paul..... I know how you feel with the clowns thing... I did collect clowns till I got up one early morning in 1982 when my parents where in bed and watched the Poltergeist film on video..... my mum had borrowed it off a friend at work!

By lunch time my collection of clowns where in the bin... lol

lol those poor innocent clowns, and a traumatized little child.... and all because of a horror movie

Never had a clown since.... use to have them swinging from the ceiling... I think I was about 4!

Does anyone else like the Poltergeist films?

@ Ally : Don’t watch that SWF 2. It sux :)

I like Poltergeist. I wanted to watch that again.
It’s kinda sad the little blonde girl had to die in real life in such a young age.

Oh, and the words : “They’re here” still sounds creepy to me :)

I just have to mention something here. I like watching movies so I do watch horrors too, but I get easily scared. :) The Japanese Ring scared me the most. Also I was freaked out after seeing House Of Wax. I’m not scared of blood, organs and similar Hollywood effects. More of spooky things. That’s why I was sooo surprised when I got my hands on one Serbian movie. I wish all you Horror lovers could see it! It’s incredible. We never had any horror movie for years and I totally forgot that this one was the first ever something that got me scared when I was little. And it scared me again now. It’s called Leptirica ( and it’s from 1973. Without any special effects, just plain spooky. Incredible.

I remember “Phantasm” being real scary.... but it’s been a while since I’ve seen it.... there are a few of them.

Yeah, that blonde girl from Poltergeist did die after filming part 3. Sad indeed :-(.
Also the creepy guy in black “from the other side” died, he already had cancer when they were filming the movie.
Actually I heard there were many problems when filming Poltergeist 1 and 2... some rather supernatural.

Last night that had Dentist 2 on the Horror channel (or Zone Horror as it seems to be called now). Yuck!!! Must admit I couldn’t watch the bit with the teeth being pulled out, it was disgusting. The film itself was a load of crap, but it’s just teeth. Can’t watch anything with teeth! lol

How about “The Fly” with Jeff Goldblum.... the part where his body parts were coming off when he was gradually transforming into a fly...ears, teeth etc etc
Or the part where he broke that guy’s arm when arm-wrestling.
It was very sad when the fly gets killed at the end by Gina Davis’s character :-(
Great horror flick remake!!

Just watched Dawn of The Dead (the original version) some other nights. I TRIED my best not close my eyes for the very graphic violence on it and kept saying to myself “it’s just a movie, it’s not real”, but seeing zombie eating human’s body part was still so hard for me to see, and i must admit that this movie is great. The zombie’s make up wan’st convincing, but it was made on 1978 anyway, but the violence was looked so real and still scary to watch these days.

Has anyone seen Hide and Seek? The movie wasn’t really that great, but Dakota Fanning’s performance really amazed me! That kid was so brilliant. I could say that she saved that movie from being sucked.

Not quite a horror but Final Destination 3 is out today!

I watched Final Destination 3 last night. Not scary at all, but the death scenes are pretty cool. The whole scene with the Roller Coaster is amazing. I thought the effects were pretty good too.

Also watched a movie called Cry Wolf. Thought it was pretty good, not your usual teen horror movie. You can find info for it here:

(plus it also stars Jon Bon Jovi in what has gotta be his best film role to date!!)

New Halloween set out on 25th July... not sure it’s out in the UK I can’t see it...

Don’t remember if anyone (especially from Europe) already mention “The Descent”, but I just saw that two days ago. I have to say that this is the best movie I saw this year! It was so scary and pretty sad too. The ending (in US version) is so typical horror movie style, but I still like it because it’s so creepy. But, I red on IMDB that many fans prefer UK ending.

Yep, I saw both and the UK ending is SO much better...

I wonder why they changed it, anyway. I still like it, but now I’m curious with the other ending, hope they’ll add that on DVD.

Gonna see The Reaping next week. Can’t wait!

The last good one was HOSTEL, finally something scary!

In general im a fan of A Nightmare On Elm Street.
Also old films with vampires and dracula.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie was on a few weeks ago-the worst unscary film ever.

Hostel was pretty good...

But right now, I just can’t stop thinking about The Descent... I am surprised how it is could effect me this much.

Puts you off rock climbing for life heheheh

hej i love asian horror movies they are moore scary and shocking love that

God yes! American films don’t know the meaning of fear!

Stephen Kings “It” was finally released in the UK on DVD last month, now I am just waiting for The Stand to be released.... and life will be complete!

I just ordered Prom Night.... never seen this!

This being the 1980 movie with Jamie Lee Curtis in?? I have this. It’s quite good. Have you seen Terror Train?? Another of the JLC horror films!

Yes I didn’t know Prom Night existed... same for Terror Train....

I was watching Scream the other night for like the 1000th time and I heard them both mention and made a mental note to look them up!

Prom Night box set is on it’s wait and might order Terror Train next month!

scream is a very good horror movie, especially n. 2.... but i really like the ring. and it s true: the japanese version is really better......

Ringu will always be one of my faves... the Japanese know how to make horrors!

I never thought Scream or any of it’s sequels were scary... it’s just a hip slasher flick, and not very good either imo. What was scary about it?

And the only Nightmare on Elm street that was good and stood the test of time is the 1st one... I still enjoy watching it and it scares me, and it’s the most serious of them all, without all the lame Freddy jokes... he does not even speak much in that one, the way it should be.

I think Saw III is coming out soon.

I liked how Scary Movie 4 mixed Saw and War of the Worlds... funny stuff :-)

Scream is not meant to be scary it’s just a teen slashy horror... but I like the plots!

“Below” is a nice psychological thriller-horror about WWII submarine. :-)

I just bought The Stand on DVD from a seller in Germany on eBay! :)

I went to DVD rental days ago, and saw the DVD called “I Always Know What You Did Last Summer”. I was like, how many more movies that they feel they need to make of that?

@ Majdy.... I never enjoyed those, I didn’t know they made some more! LOL

@ Majdy.... I never enjoyed those, I didn’t know they made some more! LOL

@ Majdy.... I never enjoyed those, I didn’t know they made some more! LOL

Don’t ask.... my internet connection keeps freezing on me! ^^^^^^^^

I didn’t know they had made another IKWYDLS. I liked the first two, so maybe I’ll watch this one too. The cast is a bunch of no-bodies though

I only watched the first one.... and I could not rate it...

Cabin Fever is a disturbing unpleasant flick.... lots of blood. I think it’s from 2002 or so.

Turistas (2006), with that guy from Las Vegas show. Very disturbing as well, keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The Descent (2005)- also very good scary movie, about women cave divers

High Tension (Haute Tension 2003) - Awesome French horror slasher movie, about 2 girlfriends and a psycho killer...This one is the best of the bunch I think, very intense!

those are some nice scary movies I watched recently

i watched ’Saw 2’ last night, iv avoided it for a few years since i watched first one, all i have to say is the it was the most uncomfortable 1 and a half hours iv sat through in a while !? and people enjoy this stuff ! eeek.

I recently saw “Darkness”... spanish movie with american cast...If you like the supernatural horror, you can’t miss this one. Absolutly great movie. One of the best ever...

I love Poltergeist.... *LOL*

a weird and more supernatural movie is
Saint Agne (House of Voices)

It’s a French movie in English with Virginie Ledoyen, girl that played Leonardo Dicaprio’s love interest in the Beach :-)

Rosemary’s Baby ... such a wonderfull classic horror movie .. I just watched it about 2 weeks ago and still thinking about it!
Anyway, has anyone heard of “After Dark Horror Fest” ?? the 2006 version included I think 8 movies which were ganska scary!

Any MOvie based on the works of Stephen King are great. I love the old black and white horror films too, especially those with Bela Lugosi. Now those are true classics.

got around to watching 2 movies, one good other not so

Open Water - good low-budget thriller-horror flick, unpleasant

Wicker Man - weird movie with Nicolas Cage, suspenseful, but the ending did nothing for me. It’s a remake of a 70’s film that I haven’t seen before

I am a big fan of Stephen King - I have loads of his books. “It” was a great movie - haven’t finished the book yet.

The best horror films I’ve watched lately were “The Hills Have Eyes”, “Hostel”, “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”, “Fragile” and a low budget movie called “Boo!”. These movies really scared the shit out of me. I LOVE horror movies.

The best action/horror/Sci-fi movie ever, in my opinion, is the second in the “Aliens” series with Sigourney Weaver as “Ripley”. “Aliens” rules!!

New Halloween movie is out in USA on 31st August, and Europe/UK October!

The trailer looks rather spooky!!


New Halloween movie is out in USA on 31st August, and Europe/UK October!

The trailer looks rather spooky!!

On another matter, had the mis fortune of going to see Paradise Lost the other night. Well, marketed as “the scariest, most tense movie in years”. What a load of rubbish!! It wasn’t scary at all!! The scariest part was being in the cinema on our own!!

A Follow up to Rob Zombies ’re-imagining’ of Halloween is due out August (US)/October (Europe). Some of the same cast are coming back, including the actor who played Michael Myers.

Comment removed by author

I am surprised that no one mentioned The Orphanage. After The Others, I thought I’d never seen any movies in this genre that could come close to it’s greatness, probably even better. So, if you like horror stories that can scare the hell out of you without such a gross and bloody scene, try this one.

Also, there is an old movie that I think is the inspiration of the movies like The Others, Orphanage, etc called The Innocents. It’s released on 1961 and still in black and white, but it’s creepy as hell.

For thrillers, try The Vanishing (not the American version, please). It’s a amazing psychological thriller. It’s more like a solving mystery at the beginning but the end really effects me so bad.

I have such a high hope for The Mist, because it based on Stephen King’s stories, but it was just so awfully bad.

There are also “thrillers” but I guess it’s in lighter way, but I just like when they took unpredictable twist. The movie with Audrey Tatou called He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not. Only when you rent the DVD, don’t read the synopsis at all, because in US, they already spoiled EVERYTHING that I shouldn’t know about the movie on it. I was so mad so I am trying so hard to ignore what I read when I watched the movie.

I am looking forward to the new Halloween that Paul told me about... although saying that I have still NOT watched the Rob Zombie Halloween DVD which I bought the day it came out! I saw it at the cinema but just never found the time to play the DVD... how bad am I?

I don’t generally watch any horror movies. Although the Saw series is an exception, only because i was forced into watching it. Now it’s become a “thing” were me and my cousin watch them when they are out.

I also like The Ring, Saw,Lady in the Water (M.Knight Shyamalan) and Final Destination!

Have Fun!!!

No one here a fan of the SAW movies?

I watched “Saw”. It’s pretty good, but I didn’t watch the sequels.

“No one here a fan of the SAW movies?

I wouldn’t say i’m a fan, but i do enjoy them. Except for the gory bits.

I like the Saw movies, but I have to say that the first Saw is the best.

One of my favourites horror movies are Nightmare On Elm Street series. Freddy rules. :)

Basicly most of Wes Craven’s movies are great. I really enjoyed his movie Shocker, but I seem to be alone on that one. No one of my friends like it. :)

I just have to give a shout out to the Scream triology and the wonderful Neve Campbell...aaah. She’s amazing! :)

I’m a big Fan of the Saw Movies!
Have Fun!!!


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