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Hometown, Månljus, Duetter

4 replies

Hi everybody!
I’m looking for these bootlegs from lovely Marie. Does anydody know where to get?

Hometown you can only hear a few seconds on the film Sånt är livet. Marie reportedly said that she will never release this song because it’s private (if the song is so private, why she put it in the movie I don’t know, but that’s Marie for ya.) Månljus...I’ve never heard the song, only saw that this title was going to be on the Äntligen CD and then wasn’t. But it never appeared on any B-side or anything. Someone suggested that Månljus was the original title of Solen Gick Ner över Stan.

duetter isnt a bootleg. I think its a complication of several songs with different groups

On the homepage “Roxette-Service” they call these cd’s bootlegs. They are all collections, not only one song. Have a look.

It’s probably because she does NOT mean Duetterna with Totta, but a Duetter bootleg, slight difference in the title, huge in the contents :D


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