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The start and end of a Roxette fan

52 replies

start: When I heard LTYH for the first time.

beginning of the end: When there was no new Roxette material anymore (after Room Service).

definitive sad end: Selling my entire collection (which I worked on for many years) for bargain prices in five days because I have to move to London:

When was your start and what will be your end?

I started being a fan when I bought Don’t Bore Us, I got interested and bought all their records but my fav song then was June Afternoon, isn’t it cool? :D (Besides I was born in June :P)

The end, well, it’s not end of “a Roxette fan”. For me it is to stop being anything like a fan anymore. I still like them a lot, but as I’ve said many times before I don’t consider myself a fan because I don’t act like one and I think it doesn’t go with my mindset anymore. I’m getting old :D
So let’s say I grew up out of fandom...

Started with HDYD! way back in ’92.

Can’t see an end anytime soon. Should they decide to give it up, i can’t see myself not listening to their music.

Hope you still come and visit the site occasionally :-)

Start was ’The Look’ in 1989.
There will be no end :) For Roxette there will be. But I will never sell off my collection and I will never get bored and stop listening to their music.

Start when I heard The Big L in 1991,

End.... never I guess although I do prefer GT to Roxette music!

@TomBoner747: How stupid *LOL*

“beginning of the end: When there was no new Roxette material anymore (after Room Service)”

That is no argument for not being not a fan anymore!

Start in 1998 with “The Look” and there will never, never , never, never, neeeeeeeeeeever be an end!
And i would never sell my collection!
Always will love them!

Sorry, it was 1989!

The begining: When I heard LTYH for the first time in 88/89.
The end: NEVER. Even if Roxette dont release anything.

beginning: 1990 with “It must have been love”

I will always love them and their great music !!!!!

start: JOYRIDE
end: never, maybe even not when i die...

I became a fan, since I’ve seen Marie for the first time!!!

WOOOOW..what a beauty!!!

Start: When I bought The Pop Hits in 2004 and heard all these wonderful songs..especially Dangerous...

End? Never I think..

Start: 1989, when I heard ’Dangerous’

End (?) Mazarin by Per Gessle :) Even better than Roxette even when it is in Swedish!
I find it hard to make a choice between Per and Roxette. I wonder if a next Rox-album will be as good as Mazarin..

Start: 1999 suddenly after hearing The Big L.
End: no one really knows

start: when I got brainwashed with the joyride album at school

end: no end in sight

Strange topic.
Why there has to be “the end”?

Start: Joyride album. I was familiar with at least The Look, I Call Your Name and The Sweet Hello The Sad Goodbye before that.

The end: never I suppose. I´m sure there will be at least 1 more Rox album one day.
Rox1_4ever : you became a fan in 2004! That´s interesting!! lol :)

Start for me WICF in 1999

end never cos i always love switching there albums around and listering to them and i wouldnt of know about marie’s wonderful solo stuff if not :-))

start: joyride in 91
beginning of the end: hand in 99
the end: after room service in 2001

in 2001 i discovered lots of better bands, rox were over to me.

Start: when I saw IMHBL on TV in 1990.

End: For Roxette, around 1995 after a CBB concert and I stopped liking Per. I also started growing out of that poppish music and went more towards more serious stuff like Alanis Morrisette and Jewel. Marie’s solo music fit in perfectly with that style so I continued with her. I wasn’t really into her much anymore when the Äntligen tour came along, but I went out of a promise to myself when I was 16 that I would one day go to Sweden and see her live solo. Then it became a different thing, because I met her many times and saw her as a person instead of a star.

I don’t know that I’d still call myself a big “fan” in the way I was, I kinda grew out of that a few years ago and if not for the internet probably wouldn’t even talk about her. I was excited about The Change not because I wanted a new album but because I was thrilled to see Marie alive and well. Otherwise I couldn’t care less about new releases, I didn’t even buy Room Service until about 3 months after it was released!

Start: Being a Roxette-fan? Started his year I think, with buying “Joyride...” Being a Per-fan since Mazarin 2003, GT since 2004...

It starte with The Look, in 1992 and the end will be when i die.

Start: IMHBL in 1990. My brother was playing it when i came home from school one day and from that moment on I became a fan.

End: I don’t think i will ever stop liking Roxette and all their related projects. I mean there are so many memories associated with their music for me, it makes for a good escape now and then.

In the late 90’s I started to like other bands and other styles of music and my CD collection really grew from there. Now I have such a diverse range of music it’s great! There are periods were I don’t listen to them for months but I always go back to a Roxette or related album eventually :) Lately I’ve gotten the bug back again especially cause I have started hearing them on the radio a lot more lately and even on pay TV alot, a small Roxette revival in Australia it seems ;)

sad sad SAD end: almost no reactions from roxette fans when selling rare and signed stuff for under 10 euro incl post and packaging

not sooo rare items;)

it’s probably so because most of fans already own this stuff. You’ll be better off putting it all on ebay when generally more people have a look. Good luck!

What a clever way of making money? Pumping into this forum to tell a sad story with the pupouse of seeling stuff for a cheap price ... hey don’t forget to visit his website! The end of being a rox fan be can incredibly lucrative yeah!

Started when i first heard ’The Look’ will finish the day i die

I started with It must have been love... and i’m pretty sure that I will never end.

tombonner 747: you have nice stuff. Please e-mail me to see if we can deal something.

It started officially with DFS but I had bought TLook cd single....

It will never end 4 me.....C!B!B! helped me thru my father’s death - it was released @ same time and Go To Sleep really reminds me of that time.....bitter-sweet. HAND probably my all-time fave cd along with janet jackson’s janet.//////so until there are albums which outdo that, I guess i’ll listen to ’em for a while!

Songs like YDUM, Never Is A Long Time, My World My Love, etc just remind me wot a sensational recording group Rox are and I don’t think I’ll get goosebumps like when I watch and listen to Rox!

The begining: when I heard Joyride album
The end: in conclusion NEVER NEVER.
I will always love them with all my soul.

Start: C!B!B! days.
End: When i fell in love with someone who is a HUGE HUGE rox fan. Dont ask why - just the way it happend.

I started being a rox-fan in 1991, when my older brother bought the Joyride casette.

The end?... For me, there is no end. I can´t see myself selling my rox colletion. I like rox songs and I will.

Everything began with “The Look”. I´ve heard it on the radio and recorded it. Then my heart “listen to your heart” ;~)
Meanwhile the wall falls down and I could buy Roxette material too. I collected all I could get.
After all, I grew up, get married, became a dougther (by the way, we named her Marie) and sold the biggest part of my collection. But I´m still listen to Pers and Maries music, and I will always do. So there is an open end.

I will always Love Roxette!
No matter what!

Only not a real fan of Roxette can say something (stupid) like that ...
Start: How Do You Do! Tourism
End: Never!!!! Are you crazy??!

Start: 1989 with “The Look”
End: never, I’m sure.
In my younger years I used to collect every article on Roxette, ... I stopped doing that. ;) But I’m still a fan, I still love their music and I can’t imagine that one day I will sell my entire collection.

Start: 1994 with Sleeping in my Car
End: Never!

Start: 1992 “How Do You Do” and “Joyride”
End: never - I am sure, too.

Started in 1990.
Don’t think it will end for me either. I go for stages when I don’t really listen to them very often, but I’m loving them at the moment! But they’ll only have another 2 weeks - Bon Jovi’s new album is out then!! lol Sorry Per & Marie!

start: beginning of 1992 with joyride being played at the local youth club

end: never? i don’t listen to them very often these days but i’d never even think of selling any single item i own and when it comes to weird swedish summer tours it’s not the question “will i go?” but only “WHEN, WHERE and HOW will i go?” ;-)

Start: A friend in school played Joyride conctantly, and after a while I sort of started to like the song. And after that it just went on. This was in 1990 or 91.

End: I know I will never give up my little collection, and I will never stop listening to the music, but someday in the future I suppose things change. Other things take bigger part in your life than Roxette and Gyllene Tider. I suppose that day will come, but it hasn’t come so far...

start? imhbl sort-of... how do you do! then really got it rollin’

end? listening to them less than before (most of all because nothing new has been released for such a long time now) but still enjoy their music... selling my collection? well, when it’s comes to Marie’s solo records: never. Roxette and GT perhaps sometime in the future.

end -NEVER
selling colection maybe will make me richer but won’t make me older or wiser person.
Not being a fan won’t make me better in my’s just stupid. know...somethings ” can never change on Cinnamon Street ” :-)))

tom boner you lucky dog, your moving to london?! make sure you take in a good pub for your’s truly, and drink lots and lots of delicious guinness.... london is the best city in the world!!


Start - when I saw The Look on MTV and heard they were from Sweden
End - never

I might not collect as much but I still listen to them. ABBA haven’t released anything new as a group since 1982 and I’m still a fan and still listen to them. Good music never dies!!!!! We just end up with more bad music on the radio.

My sister and her friend always used to listen to Must have been love - I fell in love with that song and remembered then from when I was into the look 88...

I decided to pick up listen to your heart which was still out around the time of Must have been love... then it went on from there and I bought look sharp - been a fan ever since - getting all the albums...

There will be no end for me - Per and Roxette is an inspiration for my own songwriting/music and always has been...

I LOVE their more recent stuff even more than the early tracks... I was so lucky and blah blah blah being up there in my top 3 hehe


This topic must be stopped @Judith; because this is a roxette forum and not an antiroxette topic.
ROXETTE forever

@ christian : PAH ! (Rolls Eyes)

I started back in 93 when the SuperMarioBros film was around with the fantastic ALmost Unreal which has ALWAYS been my favourite song of all time!

My sister had the DBUGTTC cassete back tragedy struck and it was lost forever, or misplaced and found after about 10 years lol.

But before that I illegaly downloaded (My state of mind was soooo bad without it) and was reunited with Almost Unreal (It took me a whole hour to download it back then!)

Then IMHBL surfaced on music channels and my sister brought home The Ballad Hits which became mine! Now I have all the albums and most of the singles!

NEVER EVER End !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My story reads like a soap lol !

Start: Spring 1989, when I first listened “The Look”

End: When I die, but I’m not sure, I will love them even in the other world. But, I have to recognize that their latest albums (HAND and RS) didn’t like me very much. But I’ve grew up with them and they will always be in my heart.

The start for me of being a real fan was in 1998. But I knew a few songs of Roxette before that :)

The end: there will be no end for me :) As someone said before maybe one day I grow out of this fandom, but Roxette will always mean a lot to me the whole my life. I have so many nice memories related with Roxette. Per and Marie left the sign in my heart. But it’s very possible that I never grow out of this fandom :D

1989 was the start for me. I suffer from chronic insomnia and I was in a psych unit for other things and I was listening to my walkman (POWER99 was the station, now known as B98.7) and heard The Look, falling in love with it.


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