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Roxette Sell Out!
7 replies
TomBoner747 said on August 19, 2005 14:17:
ally77 said on August 20, 2005 18:28:
Better still put them on eBay, you’ll be surprised what people buy!
Room_service said on August 20, 2005 19:25:
Some common items, like CDS of Joyride, don’t get any bid on eBay, sometimes. Usually they finish unsold.
ally77 said on September 19, 2005 15:39:
I think they are okay.... do you still have some stuff to sell?
Staffany said on August 19, 2005 21:34:
I don’t know who suggested you those prices, but they are too expensive in my opinion.
15 euro for the Dutch “Joyride” maxi? 10 for “Salvation”? 50 for “The Look”??? I didn’t pay more than 5 € for those CD’s en eBay.
I think you have to consider your prices if you want to sell that stuff. This is just a suggestion.