These deadly videogames...
Santi said on August 10, 2005 13:53:
What do you people think on this? People playing videogames until they drop death... :s
P.S.: I can not paste the original text due to copyright restrictions... :(
ncurran said on August 10, 2005 21:35:
I heard about this aswell, and it doesnt surprise me at all actually. I lived in korea for 2 years and most korean men are obsessed with computer games. There is a PC room in just about every building where people go in and play games and they are open 24 hours.
rox-kuryliw said on August 11, 2005 09:45:
i think they were more factors involved ! i didnt sleep for a month only a couple of hours a night a while back, i didnt die lol . I think they was some else involved would love to see the real post mortom report, it would turn out he had a heart defect or something like that. people just dont drop dead from being tired lol
Oldag75 said on August 11, 2005 12:53:
Darwin in action – an idiot appropriately removed from the gene pool.
DaminehGessle said on August 10, 2005 18:48:
Haha ya I read that yesterday. How dumb! Hahaha. Although it had never occured to me before that by studying non-stop for a few days withouth any sleep, the same thing could happen to me.