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New solo album by Per Gessle

10 replies

Have you heard something about Per‘s new album? It seems it will be release this autumn. Does anyone have info about it? when it will be, will it be in english or do you know any songs titles...

I really hope it´s in English.

I really hope it will be released in autumn :)

I hope it´s in Swedish... love that language.


Just for giggles and grins.

Per singing in Spanish was bad enough, let alone Russian!

Should sing in Esperanto :P
No one does it bad in Esperanto since there is not a standard accent! :D

Now you’re being mean to our old friend Per. I already know what language the album will be in: Chinese!

to Cicci, yes in chinese, I know Per will move to China this year.

Yeah, singing in Esperanto is nice idea ;-) But I only hope that Mrs Escolar don’t know this language... It would be disater 5x lol :):) Somethin like “Like I yes” ;) Love the titles by Escoalr... hehe


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