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Pathetic Rox News

57 replies

Pardek: Uh... no no no no no no no no no no no.... I don’t wanna see pix of other people in their showers!!!

I have the urge to poke my eyes out often enough... I don’t need the help.

Since there’s no news, let’s write our own stupid little news things...
2 weeks ago I found a tiny photo of Rox in the Stockholm Metro newspaper. Not very interesting, but it’s Rox news!

Got any other pathetic Rox news? Anything Rox related that you hear - small articles, comments about them on the radio, someone talking about them etc.

Oh and I got another one, I found a T-shirt with the line “Love 2 give, love 2 live” like the line from Marie’s song Love2Live!

Here’s some...

Each morning I drive past a small place called: “COYCHURCH”.

It reminds me off two abbreviations for two Roxette songs (Crush On You, & Church Of Your Heart).


(Surprised it hasn’t made front page news yet! - kust kidding)



Take a photo of it. I’m sure all the other fans would enjoy seeing that. ;)

:O roxette are taking over! Now it’s a tee and the name of that place.. what comes next??? :D

AN ALBUM.... then I wake up....

Here, in Lithuania, radio DJ’s talk quite often about Roxette before they play Roxette’s songs ;)

Uh... this morning I hummed “Spending My Time” in the shower?

@ Anarem:
Take a photo of it. I’m sure all the other fans would enjoy seeing that ;-))

And also..this morning I added the whole “Crash!” album into my mp3-player...

Let me ask Oscar what he thinks of this.

Roxette has been banned in the local press for a long time. I know there was an article about Marie in a gay magazine called “Imperio”. I don’t know it was pre or post “The Change”, but I know that article existed (2 or 3 pages).

Comment removed by author

Today I listened to Roxette.

“Dressmaker if iron” is an anagram for Marie Fredriksson.

“gels peers” is an anagram for per gessle

@ncurran: DAMN that’s clever! My kudos to you!!

@roxetanet: Ehem... there are websites and computer programmes that generate anagrams automatically... 8-)

I´m listening to Tourism.

today the radio was playing DHT’s cover
and someone asked for Cuanto lo siento

I heard “Anyone” in the supermarket yesterday.

i’m reading articles on smalltalk :o)

Im listening to “Do You Wanna Go The Whole Way?” as im writing this... and yes..I heard “Dangerous” on the radio yesterday..

I can’t get into roxbytes... :P
Is it my problem or theirs?

The guestbook section of won’t let me post messages, and strangely my thread about it was moved into the Off-Topic forums of TDR, and it’s a Roxette-related site. :P

@Zargo; me too.-.-my P news: an AC radiostation play some often BREATHE in Chile

My hot news today is that I have no news. Now that’s pathetic Rox news.

Pathetic or not, VH1 ranked It Must Have Been Love the 8th best movie soundtrack. There was a countdown of the top 100 best movie soundtracks yesterday on VH1 Europe.

I heard Always Breaking My Heart by Belinda just a few seconds ago...

I live in Britain, where roxette are a symbol of everything naff that comes from Sweden.



Hey, people would pay big money to see me in the shower... right? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? :-)

In other Roxette news, I found a potato chip shaped like Per’s head (Joyride days). Maybe I’ll put it up on eBay.

The way I see it, if people are willing to pay thousands for a grilled cheese sandwich that looks like the Virgin Mary, then dammit, my Per-shaped potato chip should be an easy sell.

Or, I could save the chip and wait to see if I can find a chip that’s shaped like Marie’s noggin– that way I can sell them both as a set and make even more money! Mwaah ha ha!

LOLOL, if it was a Marie chip I’d buy it from you hahahaa!!!! Hey where is that Perishot chick? She might buy it from you!!!!!!!!

You want some Rox news??? Well Rox (my dog) doing very well, he‘s a little tired of the heat here but he will be find after a swim in a lake (ah! ah! ah!) (that is all the Rox news you will get these days)

Listening to rixfm live on the web the guy and a girl of the programme were talking about something - my swedish is a shame - and suddenly she start singing: sommartider hey hey sommartider... They must be talking about summer i think. That was fun and happenend just around 5 minutes ago.

isn’t that really pathetic!?

I listened to the radio this morning and they talked about Elton John having a gig in Bielefeld..I didn’t really listen but the host of the programme suddenly mentioned that Roxette also performend in Bielefeld years ago...I just heard the word ROXETTE and was awake..and thought..what was he talking about???

And..something really pathetic...there isn’t any HONEY for breakfast at Pers hotel....:( milk and toast and honey breakfast..why do they sing about it? ..ts ts...I always wanted to say that!! ROFL (Hej..okej..the breakfast there is fantastic!!! )

Per shaped chip.... oh I’ll have it, does it come with dip?

They got mentioned on a Manchester Radio Station this morning on my way to work.... they played the new FLAF with words such as OHHH I remember the original one in the 90’s!

I just searched for roxette on ebay australia and it says ’related searches’ are ’lego’, ’castlevania’, and ’star wars’


Lego is Scandinavian as well 8-)

and Ikea... and Pippi

At Radio Ton (Germany) they Talk about Roxette everytime that Roxette brings out a new album or single!

A friend of mine bought the cd “The Ballad Hits”... so that’s the news. One more Roxette album sold!!

I was walking through the red-light district of Antwerp last Sunday, and behind one of the windows where a ugly old woman was sitting, they played IMHBL

I was cheking in in an hotel in Asuncion - Paraguay..and “Dressed for success” was on the radio... cool!


is netto scandinavian for value?

i saw Per naked in my dream last night.
Not a nice sight, i am still in shock

This week I´ve been listening to TPH first time since 2003.

Neil it couldn’t have been THAT bad!

I share the same birthday as Per.

purplemedusa, at first i thought, “Wow, what a hunk”, but then i got up close, and the liposuction scars and cellulite made me feel sick. Then he took his toupee off. He is bald after all, so i can now confirm that Per does masturbate! I don’t think I will ever recover

Neil Curran maybe you should see your doctor?
What you said about Per was lame.

Its called a sense of humour LaMan. I would suggest you saw your doctor, but i dont think a doctor could prescribe one of those

I thought Netto was Dutch!

LOL Neil!! hope I never get to dream such stuff :P

lol :)

interesting website japeke lol

hmmmmm. . .


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