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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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24 replies

I thing that more pop-dance than rock-pop. Moby has good album Hotel. It’s a good idea! I like it! But last time has Per few idea about songs for Roxette. Room Service album is mix of Look Sharp! & Joyride sound, except The Centre Of The Heart? - it’s new The Look. So what is new in Roxette’s songs? No fans of Roxette tell me about Have A Nice Day album that is new Roxette, but for Roxette fans was horrible. Anything... Where is age when Roxette was in top of the world music? 4 CD are Greatest Hits! (don’t bore us-get to the chorus! / don’t bore us-get to the chorus! u.s. / the ballad hits & the pop hits) two DVD, the first was very good but The Ballad & The Pop Hits has two bonus trax videos - A thing about you & Opportunity Nox... It’s good that Marie released album in English, but i don’t thing that her husband Mikael Boylos write for Marie songs if Marie can write better songs. Well Per & Marie, let’s go to studio and record new album Roxette for more fans of the world which have love to you!

The question should be: WILL there ever be a new Roxette album....but IF they do release a new album..I dont know how the sound should be..I like all Roxettte sound so far( rock, pop,dance, hight tech ballads like QOR, WICF...) I will like the album no matter how the sound is :) Hell, it could be 60 minutes of pure silence..I would still buy the album just because its Roxette haha

Nice to hear from you sreky. I also hope there will be another Roxette album... the rock-pop sound of Crash! Boom! Bang! :) Rich

a mix like “Tourism” and “Joyride” would be magical! :-) Rock Pop versions like “I remember you” or “Hotblooded” and power ballads like “The Rain” or “Fading Like A Flower”.


Can’t we just LEAVE this discussion please???


some dork signed as myself twice :/ how childish!

another topic....

looks into crystal balls , umm roxette boxette next year , then in 2007 new album ! its a haze but its there, ow and and its a double album !!

Have A Nice Day was horrible for Roxette fans? I’d wager there are many of us that have it close to the top of their favorites list (duking it out with C!B!B! in my case.)

Because these speculations lead to NOTHING!

If Marie or Per read this discussion they might feel like some fans want to put pressure on them. Let them decide when and if ever they come back with a new album

(I seriously doubt it... :-( )

Hi MiracleMan! We’re in agreement about the best two albums here ;-) For me HAND is slightly behind CBB in my favourites list, but they’re both marvellous!! Certainly it seems that of all the Roxette albums, HAND provokes the widest range of opinions. Maybe the pronounced change of direction was too much for some people after the real treat that was CBB?!

Hi lonely_girl! I’m afraid I don’t see the problem here. There is quite a new member of TDR raising a discussion about the Roxette sound which, as you know, has changed direction several times over the years. There have been some threads recently which I would regard as disrespectful, but I think that this one is inquisitive. The thread is more-or-less saying “if there were to be another album in the future then how would it sound?”, and I don’t think that the question is worthy of such rudeness. If I joined TDR to be greeted with this then I would not return. We should think about this and try to be more welcoming. All the best, Rich ;-)

I like the sound of the Mazarin Per solo album...
I wish they continue this way. Would be great with that touch of Marie... :)

I can’t see the use of these discussion, that’s all! All these speculations lead to nothing...


@lonely girl
Well, go ahead and leave this disscusion then. :)

I think that a new album could sound a bit lika HAND..I didnt like it so much in the beginning. Now I love it!

If there will be a new album i wish it will have a sound like a mix of Crash!Boom!Bang!, Mazarin and The Change.

I would like something new and fresh, and not something that imitated their previous efforts. I think with room service they tried to catch their formal glory, and while it was a good solid album, it was rather dull. Rather than looking back and trying to capture the essence of their previous work they should try a new sound like they did with Have a nice day. Of course we’ll still have the catchy 3 min pop songs, but i dont really care if they move towards a more dancy electro album or towards and edgier rocky sound, or more of and accoustic long as it sounds fresh


Interestingly, when I met Marie before the Stockholm concert of her Äntligen tour I said that CBB was my favourite album and she said “me too”. I think that if there were to be another album in the future then at least it would have a natural feel to it, like CBB or Mazarin, and not so much like HAND. That’s my guess for today!! All the best, Rich ;-)

i hope to go per spends more than 2 minutes on the lyrics like he seemed to do throughout room service, it woudl be nice to bring back a band sound, and a few american rock radio anthems wouldn’t hurt either, hell they could even re-record i remmber you

Probably it will be plastic, with a glossy booklet, recorded in Stockholm, mastered by George Marino and made in The Netherlands.


coyboyusa, think its first time i agree with you on something :-O ! ow the world chnages lol. they seem to use different styles to record now, ie compare MATAH to FLAF, not alot of energy, not saying MATAH is a bad song just calm song.

Santi: I hope so! ;-)

Btw. Does anybody know exactly why they skipped the “Roxette is Marie and Per...” and “Roxette supports Amnesty International” phrases in the booklets”? Just because it got boring or cheesy?

I hope they did it because of that.

POP album!


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