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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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41 replies

Have signed but doubt that we will be listened to.

Have signed too, though i’m not in any particular rush to get a new album....i hope they will record again someday, but only if/when marie feels she is up to it

I have signed too, great

Sigh... Why don’t start a petition named “I want Marie to be well!!”...

i think its wrong to sign it , i mean it would be lovely for a new album dont get me wrong, but lets face it the women had brain cancer ! she is lucky to be alive and her family is so far more important. im happy waiting me.

you got there just before me ;-)


I agree with rox-kuryliw! I think you cannot gain anything with such a peitition! Marie was serious ill and she needs some time to rest. Roxette won’t listen to any fans but they will be back when they think the time has arrived for them to record another album.

of course she was (is) seriously ill but we have to remember she recorded The Change last year. 2006 is soon enough.

@_@ let me get it right..

Marie, however she feels and whatever she wants, should give up her treatment or her holidays or xx-year break just because a couple of fans demand a Roxette album? And the fact that she already released an album because _she_ needed to, because _she_ wanted to.. is justification enough that she is fit? who are you to tell that 2006 is long time enough for her to recover?

@tv,jud rox kywil.... I agree with you give her time to rest and recover

she will have alot of mental problems aswell now dont forget , anxiety maybe depression ect ( but maybe she doesnt)?! which are normal emotions for some who has gone through something that stressful , ow i cant even imagine how scary it was :-((

LOL! I thinkt to start a PETITION for a new CD makes absolutly no sence, When they are ready for a new CD they will release one! But we have to wati till this hapens.

we will see that it happens...

...a little *sigh* from me...

@ LaMan: she recorded the album because she felt like doing it and not because some fans claimed a new MF-album. Moreover recording a Roxette-album means promotion, etc., etc.!! It’s a big thing. You cannot compare it with a solo album.I think she isn’t ready for a new Roxette-album. She still seems to take medication... Moreover you don’t know how her mental condition is!

...a little *sigh* from me too...

I signed just cuz I was bored and wanted to be a snot

I signed too but I must agree with BIBI, recording a new Roxette album is more exacting than recording solo album. I wish a new Roxette album but when Marie will say “it´s over” and she will be happy with her family, so I will be happy too. We are not already teenagers.

an even bigger *sigh* from me too....

I see Per signed a few times...

Done it. I doubt it’ll help, Marie won’t recover faster with or without this petition but anyway why not to try?

Don´t spoil this with those “Per Gessle” fake signs. Some ppl are so childish!

I agree with Tev, this may as well be a Get Well Marie petition. If not for her illness there would have been an NOTP tour, at least one more Rox album and her English solo album and perhaps another tour.

The simple fact is, Roxette are not gone because they’re bored or taking holidays. They’re gone because one of the members was seriously ill. Yeah she made a solo album - 90% was recorded in her own home in her own time, and she did hardly any promo. Rox would be a totally different situation because she has to work with Per and there are different time lines and stresses for her to deal with. Not to mention that a Rox album would get a lot of attention - I don’t think it was an accident that The Change was such a small release with so little promo. She doesn’t want so much attention on her and I don’t blame her!!! Please guys, I think the petition is insulting to Marie, to almost say to her: all we want from you is a new Rox album.

@ LaMan Get off your high horse it was not me, I have much better things to do in my working day that sign stupid petitions.... I consider your public accussations slander!

carm down girl its summer ;-) breathe in breathe out , and everyone togeather now come on , in and out, in and out .... hehe

Isn´t it a bit egoistic from us? It seems that we want more Roxette album than Marie´s health.

Breathe8, that’s the sad impression I get from a lot of fans also, it’s just bloody selfish!

Breathe8: I agree with you. It’s not surprising that Marie doesn’t want to send messages to us when it seems like all we want from her is Roxette Roxette Roxette. I mean, look at the message she gave us “Thanks for your patience”. I think she believes we are only waiting for new albums, and that to us her cancer was something that delayed more albums. And the sad thing is, there are a lot of fans who seem to feel that way, they don’t care at all that she was sick, just annoyed that her illness keeps her out of the studio.

This petition just says to her “We don’t care about your health, get your ass in the studio and give us what we want.”

I agree that this thread is disrespectful to Marie.

Spargo...(sp) that was hilarious!

You CAN wish BOTH that Marie is better AND a new Rox album :)

I agree with Sparvögamarie!!!!!!!!!

@LaMan: Have you ever heard that cancer can return back!

What’s hilarious is how many fake names are on that petition...hmm, wonder who is behind those? I especially love the one from Åsa Gessle with the message that she really wants a new album from her husband. And Ella Fitzgerald...isn’t she a dead jazz singer? Yeah this is gonna work.

And look, Per signed not once, but twice! Isn’t it amazing how fast he must have learned portuguese?

I think I know who is under all those fake names.

People, get a life! ::-I Marie will start working with Per again when she feels that she’s fit enough to to it...

It’s very egoistic from those who started the petition. We mustn’t decide about her future


Just signed :)

Sparvögamarie!!! EXCELLENT POINT...

and for the record again for LaMan, I did not sign your stupid petition under several different names... perhaps you should be checking the IP addresses....

Mind you when you start a daft petition then you have to be prepared for the daft names! I am waiting for the pope to sign!

Sparvögamarie!!! EXCELLENT POINT...

and for the record again for LaMan, I did not sign your stupid petition under several different names... perhaps you should be checking the IP addresses....

Mind you when you start a daft petition then you have to be prepared for the daft names! I am waiting for the pope to sign!

LOLOLOL Looks like he has, along with some other interesting friends. HAHA, Marie Dimberg lol.


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