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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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HQ Picture Requests....

7 replies

Does anyone have any of the following in high quality? Can’t find them anywhere :-(

Many thanks!

aren’t they official?

maybe contact emi and ask to purchase them? or are emi too mean even for that ;-)

Do you think that’s possible?

wanna create new bootleg covers? ;)

NO, just want them :-)

I had the 2nd one in good quality before my PC went AWOL... cannot remember which site I got it off though, let me have a think and I’ll get back to you..

@oam: Are you serious asking EMI?! ;-) I have the experience from EMI that if you are a fan/collector then you are scum and should be treated like that. ;-))

i had no idea, I’ve never bothered to contact a record label before. Perhaps that makes me unique on this forum!


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