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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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10 replies

Brainpool cover Roxette’s songs? Or it is something different from their songs? I mean it’s only the same tittle? Gibe me the info please?? Cause i don’t have a You are Here album...

It’s not the same song. Just the same title.

Edit: Brainpool even have a song called “Come back” (But not with the sub-title “before you leave”, of course)! :P

Love the Roxette version. Makes me sad.

Makes you sad? It’s a happy song! ;-)

Have a nice weekend!

I agree with Superbullie.

Well, it’s not that it’s a sad song, but the accordion makes it sound a bit melancholic.

It,s a very good song.

i love the song, best song for friday

lyrically its a downbeat song

herre comes the weekend and i’m on my own again with a saturday in the rain

its sad

Haha, a school concert awhile ago.. I’m playing the guitar and singing..

Anyone know where I can download ’GIRL LOST’ by Brainpool?


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