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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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The sweet hello hello the sad goodbye

11 replies

Finally it‘s done!!
now I‘m with you too.
almost all themes were really interesting!!!
Does anybody agree with me, that
“the sweet hello the sad goodbye” still is one of the most impressive rox-song or overall?????

Everytime, even still now i‘m so touched by Maries
very oft i have to think about both(P &M)...
i miss them sooooo much!
What do you mean, do they still have this great friendship today.

It seems to me as if they alienated from each other.....

:|... ... ... :O ... ... :|

I‘ve heard Thomas Anders sang TSHTSG. Does someone whether it‘s true?

Yes it’s true. I have the song but only on cassette
so I can’t upload it here.
By the way, I don’t like that version.
I do agree with you that the song is very beautiful when it’s done by Roxette.

Thomas Anders
Laura Branigan
Jason Dononan and
Roxette... they all sound the same.

I don’t think they all sound the same.
When TA sings it I don’t care but I am really touched when I hear Marie doing it, so...

I meant the arrangements are the same, they of course perform it differently. I also think that Roxette’s version is the best.

I love this one, Marie’s voice is amazing - I cry most of the times I listen to it :O

Gotta admit I love this song... :)

amazing it was not released as a single in the 80s does someone know why?? Love it.

It was released in ’91, that’s possibly why it wasn’t released in the ’80s. It was a thank-you-for-being-so-kind-to-us single released only for Swedish radio stations the first time around.

roxettes is the only versioin that has emotion on it laura branighans version makes it sound like she’s on anti depressants


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