The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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rox future

57 replies

I really doubt they will come back or that marie will tour again

I share your doubts!

bibi:what do u think are their future

I hope Per and Marie come back on stage. A new Cd and maybe a Live DVD. It will be great.

Wow Ted, it’s strange to hear this from you....

I think they just need a break , i mean she had cancer and is still getting over it , time is the best healer then she will return to work :-))

doubts don’t help anybody... i think it’s hope that makes the world go round ;-)

Marie & Per are not really old, why should they think about to retire? certainly they will come back, maybe not now, hopefully 2006 or another year. believe me

R O X E T T E 4 E V E R!!!

It will never happen... will! Even if it takes some years.

Ally do you want to bet?

Although we have to see this sort of thread over and over and over. . .

What does it matter if they ever record together again? They’ve been together longer than most bands, they had a good, fair run and we have a great catalogue to remember them by.

Be content with what you’ve gotten so far and be thrilled to get more, if you’re lucky. Stop bellyching about what might never be. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. If not, wasn’t your world better for having them in it?

I don’t bet but it won’t happen, you might at a push see a new album but don’t expect any mad promo stuff with it and as for a tour....

@ally: I’m fully on your side here!
I don’t believe for a second that we will ever see a Roxette tour again. I don’t think Per or Marie are at all interested in that anymore. Plus I don’t think there’s any economy in touring anymore either. People in general are not interested in Roxette anymore, which we could all see in 2001 where the concerts (apart from Sthlm+Gbg I think) were far from sold out. So how would it be now when there’s been another 4 years of silence?! Not better I think! And even if they did release a new album (which I also doubt) I don’t think they would do too much promotion this time either. Maybe this sounds negative, but I believe that everything has to come to an end and I think Roxette is over... :-/
I do on the other hand think that there will come more solo albums from both of them, which I think is nice. :)

To be honest if there was a tour (and I don’t think it will happen) they would never come to the UK and I am not overly keen on travelling to see them elsewhere, yet I would travel to see Per or GT live.. guess I am just not a BIG ROXETTE fan anymore.... or perhaps I am having an off day!

But I think a lot of people need to get it out of there heads that they will be back bigger than ever.....

If they did return, and that’s a big if, they would be no chance of them returning to the succcess of Joyride, or even Crash! Boom! Bang!

I don’t think that they have enough interest in Roxette anymore to do the amount of promotion needed for a band like that. It wouldn’t be worth the money in production to make the album, when it’s only gonna be a success in a handfull of countries.

We can hope, but I think we’re gonna be in for disapointment.

how many “face it: it‘s over!” threads do we need?!

We have to remember Roxette was the biggest selling Scandinavian act in 2002/3 without any NEW album!

TBH sold 1 million units (!) and charted even in the UK!

MATAH was a massive radio hit in Russia, Germany etc. etc.

They´ll be back! :)
Stop the negativity!

How many more “Roxette will live forever” threads do we need then?! One day it will be over and so what?! We got a lot of nice music (and many a lot of nice memories). Let’s be happy for that instead.

But I must have an off day as well, cuz I also feel that I wouldn’t even bother if Roxette did tour. :)

@ LaMan

Two Words....


I hope Marie will spend a beautiful summer in Spain with her family!!

You people are not REAL fans = roxers :((
(and I´m talking about those “I don´t even care if they´ll be back” comments.)

Apart from Marie’s illness and her recovering, there is no reason for Roxette not to release any more albums - unless they’re just not interested in “Roxette” anymore. And that my dearies, only they will know.

But just to remind you folks who are so worried about album sales, charts and popularity if they do ever return to our hi-fi’s, mp3 players and dvd players: Cher did it.... Kylie did it.... Bon Jovi did it.... Roxette can do it.


LaMan... Personally I don’t give a shit if you wanna call me a real fan or not! ??? it’s makes no difference to me going on 28 years old I have better things to do with my life... If you’d had said it when I was 14 I might have argued back with you... but ermm just for the point I am venturing on my 14th year of being a roxer :)

Oh and for the record, I don’t care if they make a new release or not... I have plenty of happy memories from the last 14 years to keep me going, and I think I can say that for a lot of other people!

Ones again you took the words from my mouth Ally!!

@LaMan: No offense man, but we are not teenagers anymore, so going around saying “You are not a real Roxer” is something I find just childish. I don’t give a s**t about if I am a so called Roxer or not. I like their music and I collect their records, but I do listen to other music and I do have a life with other interests. So to me it doesn’t matter that much if Roxette is releasing anything again. If they do I’m happy, if they don’t... well, then I hope for a solo album instead. The day Per/Marie says that they will not do any music at all anymore I guess I will think it is a bit sad, but I will most definetly not dig myself down somewhere and cry. ;)

@ per_mson Well said, I think we can speak for a lot of people... LaMan, must have no life... ;)

Hey mods!

Archive this already!

Aren’t there at least a dozen Roxette-is-doomed threads available?!

perm_son you took the words from my mouth I like them and I collect their records but i´m still a teenagerhmm atleast in ½year


Why? it could prove to be a good discussion! :)

ally: go here: and never come back!

Yeah, I don’t see anything wrong with this thread either. I just don’t get why there’s never allowed to be any critics or so called “negative opinions” in this forum! All people don’t think the same so let some have this and other that without jumping and flaming... Please!!!

@laMan: Yet again you proved that you are childish with your last comment attacking Ally! If you have no more constructive things to come up with I suggest you wait to answer or not answer at all. :-)

@Ted: I know you are still a teenager, but you know what I mean with that, don’t you?! I meant being childish, which is the case with for instance many 13-14 year old fans...

@per: Yes I knew what you meant with that

@ LaMan.... I could think of better places to send you! lol

@ per_mson, thanx for the positive comment I see LaMan’s comment was a typical comment from someone with no brain! What a sad boring life he really must lead...

@ Mods

**notice the change in me I really cannot be arsed flaming back at him, he really ain’t worth wasting my time on**

@ per_mson: are you ally77? lol

why are people makin it so complicated? ... maybe WE DO NEED another thread “how to discuss like intelligent people on”

just accept that there are two groups: some just want to believe that it’s not over, some believe it’s over. that’s the point. as long as there is no statement from Marie/Per none of the groups is right.

please let people believe what they want... everything else is just an embarassing behaviour.

... and Roxette will come back!!! ;-))

yeah only in your dreams....

Don’t forgot we’re still waiting for a new Per solo album. Marie might sing backing vocals on a track? She has done on all of his previous solo albums. I know it’s not Rox, but they will still be singing together so it sort of counts!!

@ally: i can live very well with that

Good on you... cause for me it’s only where I’ll see Roxette live again! lol

@pardek: No, hehe, I’m most definetly not Ally! ;-))
Did you read my last posting btw!? I DID write more or less exactly what you said: “All people don’t think the same so let some have this and other that without jumping and flaming... Please!!!”.


and the point of that comment was....


Hello you fool.....

...I don´t love you...
join the ride...

I will always... GT rock, and I am guessing we’ll see them around again before Roxette....

maybe, but there WILL BE at least 1 more Rox album! :)

we can only hope... I guess it is a case of really wait and see what happens in the future... it would be nice to see a new album, don’t get me wrong... but I just did not rate the last two albums RS and HAND...

Nobody can really answer this except Per and Marie, but I think it’s stupid to attack people over their opinion. I am one of those who wouldn’t be devastated if Roxette was over, like Permson said we are not teenagers. There is no such thing as a true fan or not.

I saw Marie not long ago, she is STILL SICK. So don’t expect too much from the poor woman, she’ll probably continue with music but I don’t expect huge tours any time soon or maybe ever again. It’s not being negative to be realistic - the woman had a brain tumour that has left permanent damage and she can’t do everything she did before.


when did you saw her???

@Laman: “You people are not REAL fans = roxers :((
(and I´m talking about those “I don´t even care if they´ll be back” comments.)”

Exactly.. it is stupid to attack people over their opinions.... ;)

it´s time to archive this crap.

If it happens it happen, but people have to be realistic....

ALTLK: Didn’t you see the Ahhh I met Marie thread?

It’s up to the mods whether to archive, but if you don’t like the subject just don’t read it. I know it’s been discussed before but that’s because it’s a topic that’s on everyone’s mind. If you stay on the forum long enough you see the same topics over and over, no big deal just ignore.

@sparv I read it but I didnt got the feeling that she was so sick

@ATLK And why do you think Marie is a swollen? She still takes medicaments.

Yeah well I didn’t want to come on here saying Marie looked terrible. It was very obvious she is still sick.

Well, we have to wait anyway, we can’t force anything.

You broke my heart in pieces! Ally look what you did to me!:

Awww here have some tissue... lol

Sign Rox petition: a new album!


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