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Who likes "The Change"?

40 replies

I just bought “The Change” from Marie two days ago because I had to import it (it was not available in Argentina)… I must say that I was a little bit suspicious because all the bad critics that I could read here in TDR from mostly all fans…. But I got totally surprised!!!! It is absolutely a wonderful album!!!
You can feel the power in every song … she took the anger that she felt because of her illness and turned it into GREAT MUSIC!!!!!! The album is fresh, personal, with a lot of things and feelings to communicate, and very, very good musicians… There is a lot of compromise on it.
MARIE’S VOICE SHINES ALL OVER THE ALBUM!! It’s been a long time since I could not hear Marie singing in that way…. She sounds like in the best times with Roxette…. I hope she could bring all that magic into the next Roxette album (I’m sure it will be another one!) and, believe me, it will be a great success!!!!
Congratulations Marie! You touched my heart with this album.

Yes, I totally agree with you.
I´ve allready written in this forum what I like that much about The Change. Now I´m too tired to write it again.

But, however, The Change is just great!!!

“The Change” is, along “Den ständiga resan”, the best Marie has ever done. Both are so full of feelings, so many emotions on those albums. “I en tid som vår” is equally personal, but not in the same level.

Like you, I spent a lot of money buying the album, but it worths every cent. I even bought the first two singles (now I’m hunting the third, LOL). It doesn’t add anything new, but the sleeve is so wonderful...

Personally I listen two or three times and got bored.... not for me **don’t all flame at once** guess I am just more of a Per fan! lol :)

Yes, I love The Change too. Marie has still a great voice, she will do a lot of great hits with Roxette or with her solo carrer yet. Before I listened The Change every day but now I listen more Roxette songs. Also The Change is the most personal album what I heard from some singer ever. But also it´s a bit sad. In the beginning I could not hear the song The Change. My the most favourite songs are 2nd Chance, Bad Moon, The Good life, Mother, All about you....

I absolutely have to disagree with you guys! I have always been one of the big Marie-fans but I have to admit that I was very disappointed about this album. I don’t like it at all. I think the lyrics are not very personal - you cannot compare it with DSR or IETSV for instance - and I don’t like the music at all. It’s too much jazz for my taste!!! Moreover I prefer when Marie sings in Swedish.

I also got very surprised when i heard it the first time, i expected something more intimate, quiet and deep, but i was wrong.
“The Change” is powerfull and positive, and full of life. I never expected her singing songs like “love 2 live” or “All you´ve gotta do is feel”, wow! great! :-)
I´m sure that this album had to be a hard work for Marie and it shows how stong is her.
Maybe there is some people that don´t like but i´m very very proud of it, very proud of her, and, well, “Den ständiga resan” is still my favourite but i really like so much “The Change”.
Since she started to be ill i thought that i´ll never will hear her singing again, but then it came this album.
For me it´s special.

I don’t like it. I am a huge Per-fan, but most albums of Marie I really like. But with this one I just miss the Pop! It is too much jazz and blues. Not in my cdplayer anymore...

*Throws a flame thrower at Ally* ;)

I still can’t make up my mind on The Change. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don’t. I agree with Bibi’s comments. I don’t think Change even comes CLOSE to DSR in a million years but it’s good in it’s own way. It’s unique, that’s for sure.

I agree with Bibi in a way... it’s almost what I would say... I do like Marie but pref when she is singing in Swedish, I love the older albums, and although I played The Change a lot I have not played it this year - or at least I don’t think I have!

I gotta me in the right mood for Marie, sounds strange but I prefer to listen to Marie in the winter...

I absolutely fell in love with the whole album. My favourite is “All you´ve gotta do is feel”. And I actually have an indicator of good music at home: my husband likes things like Rammstein and similar. He absolutely dislikes Roxette - he says it’s far too sweet for him. About a week ago I played The change and my fav. song (see above) was right on, when he came to the room and asked me: “What’s this nice music playing? I like it!” And he was very surprised, that it was “somebody from Roxette” (as he said). And I also dare to play it at work, while most of Roxette songs would be very quickly switched off... :-)

I like it almost as much as DSR (that one will be hard to beat!), IETSV and TC are in the same level I guess. I gave up making personal top10s because they simply change with the.. season? No need to waste time then :P

I also have a “great music indicator” = my feelings + body! When I listen to music and it’s like a chill thru the spine, then I like it, and if it’s really “woohaaa” and I get tears in my eyes, then I love it. Hey, I can’t help it, when something is too beautiful, it just happens, and with a selected number of artists only - of course :)

@ Ally 77: You can count on 1 hand how many times I played this album!! Since the album was advertised as a very personal album, I expeced a lot, sort of “DSR 2004”. But I was very disappointed. There are many lyrics which are written by Micke and we don’t learn a lot about Marie! The only song I really like is “Bad moon”. It’s not very personal either BUT at least it has a beautiful music!

By the way, I am wondering how you guys interpret the song “Mother”. Sparvögamarie and I discussed it in the past but we didn’t find an answer. Is the song about Marie’s mother? About Marie’s mother? From the point of view of Marie’s children?


I don´t like it at all... too jazzy for me ! I like pop music. Only “Bad Moon” and “Mother” are OK.

Anyway, Bibi talked something that was in my head these days... what´s the meaning of “Mother” ? As it was written by Micke, I think that it´s lyrics are from Oscar and Josephine to Marie... and if I´m right, that´s kinda sad.

All the best.

I haven’t played “The Change” in a while, but I started to play it again this week. Now I realise how good it is! Some people point is “too jazzy”. I don’t think so. And jazz doesn’t mean boring either, I don’t have any problem about that. Per albums have a lot of folk, and nobody mention that. I like too see the album is something different, not more happy pop, as always. She has been through very sad times, she can’t show that using pop music at all...

On the other hand, I don’t like “Bad Moon” in a special way. Listen to the chorus in “Mother”: she sings very very high, you can feel the power of her voice. All those emotions flowing along the melody, all the sadness. It’s a very emotional song. But “Bad Moon”, listen to the chorus too. “I don’t wanna know, a night like this...” The performance is not as strong as in “Mother”. I don’t know, I don’t feel anything with this song. For me “Mother” is the real highlight of the album.

Overall, it’s a fantastic album. I never was disappointed about it. In fact it surpassed all my expectations!

First of all, I like Per’s music more and usually I must be in a special mood to listen to Marie. Marie suits better for autumn and winter so you’re not alone Ally.

“Overall, it’s a fantastic album. I never was disappointed about it. In fact it surpassed all my expectations!”
It’s exactly what I think of it! I was positively surprised by it. The Change is not as dramatic and personal as Den Standiga Resan but great as much and is also the most fulfilled with life her album. And can be listened all over the year :)

Too much of jazz? I don’t think so. Personally i don’t like jazz. There’s only a little bit of it and it fits its place perfectly.
If you ask me i’m not sure at all if there was so much need in that gospel choir, alternative version of April Snow proves it. But after all it stills brilliant. The first track from time to time makes me cry even now...

I don’t like the album, except “Bad Moon”. DSR is the best Marie have ever done. But the new one is so much Jazz that I only listened to it twice. But nevertheless its better than nothing, cause it shows that she is getting well. But I hope that her next albums are in swedish and more like DSR or IETSV.

I like “Bad Moon” because it is not so jazzy but more pop I think. I don’t like jazz at all and that’s why I have a problem with this record...!

I love it. Different than what i had expected, but still fantastic. You cant really compare it to Roxette, or even to her own solo stuff, as it is completely different. Either you like that style of music or you dont. I do.

It was different, but I liked Den ständiga resan much better. Just my two cents. :-)

I’m tired of pure pop, maybe that’s the reason I like this album. It’s a more relaxed record.

I don’t like “Bad Moon” because the vocal performance is very weak (maybe the weakest), specially on the chorus. “Mother” is the best in that aspect. The gospel choir in “April Snow” is awesome!!! Very mystical. I don’t like the ’alternative version’, it’s too stripped.

Den ständiga resan is still my favourite album by Marie, but I prefer The Change instead of I en tid som vår...

I don’t know why I like it... love doesn’t need a reason.

Interesting, but it was the chorus of “Bad moon” which was re-recorded, they kept the rest of vocals from the demo. Vocal performance on “Mother” is good but not excellent, it seems Marie is singing a bit tensely, not fully relaxed sometimes.
To be true gospel isn’t my favourite thing. But there is a mystery in the duo of Marie and the guitar, too.

I like equally both Den Ständiga Resan and The Change. They’re so different to be compared.

I like it although I dont like the single choices too many ballads.. But I have to say she´s sining much better in swedish, I play the swedish albums much more than TC. but the album is OK

I think ’The Change’ is a really good album, better than I exepected it to be considering it was Marie’s first effort in English. I don’t think its better than DSR, that album is a clear standout for me.

I still enjoy pop music but these days I want more from music, it needs to be deeper for me to enjoy it and three chord pop music gets old very fast. For me Marie’s music tends to find that balance very well.

I think ’A table in the sun’ is a highlight on ’The Change’ the way she sings that chorus gives me goose bumps everytime. My only wish was that Marie wrote more of the album.

I have never listened to it. Am I the only one?

it is very good. I think that it is the best record by Marie Fredriksson.

I bought it today and I‘m very suprised..I love it!! It‘s a fantastic album!! How can someone dont like it?

It took me a while to get used to the sound. But I love The Change, All you gotta do is feel and Bad Moon!


Mother is a masterpiece. April Snow, A Table In The Sun and 2:nd Chance are also very good songs.

I think that “THE CHANGE” is a very fantastic album. I love it!!!!!! :D

Thanx a lot Marie for this beauty jewel!!!! :D

The more I listen to it, the more I big heart it! 2nd Chance is awesome and Love To Live just uplifting! God Bless Marie & all who sail in her!:-))))

I Totally agree with HBROX!

Santi: no, you´re not the only one. I´ve only heard 2 or 3 songs. I don´t buy their solo material. I´m a Roxette boy only!

I’m a Marie fan over Per, but I really don’t like the album. :( Liked one or two songs when I first heard it, but couldn’t be bothered to listen to them again.
I love Bad Moon, but that was before it appeared on this album.

I totally detest ’The Good Life’.. but I can’t stand the original either. It makes my ears bleed.

I think it’s wonderful that Marie made this album but I don’t listen to it very often. I think that April Snow, Mother, Bad Moon & A Table In The Sun are really nice songs but I choose to listen to more poppy music most of the time. Best wishes from Rich ;-)

(the change) is a good and awaited album ... for me

How could I forget The Good Life? It’s another masterpiece on the album.

Theres a few good songs in thuis album, like All ABout You, 2:nd Chance..but I really dont like this album so much. Havent put it on in a looooooong time. And yea, “The Good Life” is....lets just say..not so good... Den Ständiga THATS a masterpiece!=)


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