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Roxette - Live in Zurich 1991

165 replies

Hi all,

I’m looking forward a VHS or DVD copy of the legendary Roxette concert in Zurich from 1991. Mine has been stolen with the video recorder. Terrible...
If someone can help me, please contact me: [email protected]

Many thanks

Do I also look for this concert (need a copy in good quality) please someone can help us?

The audio-part was downloadable from Roxbytes. I’d like to have the tape back too since someone from my family overdubbed it years ago >:-(

If someone could giv me AVHS copy of the tape, I would be able to return of DVD or compressed format (divx?) of the tape...

hi, i think i got the tape (but don’t know where it is at the moment :-)) but i have no idea how i can make a copy of it. also because the vhs is not really in a good condition.

It will be available from ROXBYTES in a few days, completely remastered, in DivX and DVD iso file. It’s gonna be sweeeet, just sleep a few more ;-)

Thanx Pietro !!

is anyone getting problems with roxbytes everytime i click i link i get sent to the atw registration page do i need to register for roxbytes now

Thank you pietROxette !!!

another idea.

sf1 the public swiss tv station did the broadcast. they must have a copy in their archive. try to get a vhs from them.

adress is:

schweizer fernsehen drs
8052 zürich


Yeah, I know but I think that it’s gonna be also a problem with copy-rights and you won’t get it for free... :-/

ok, maybe you have to pay some dollars or better swiss francs, but i think it is worth for that tape. i think the tv station did a really good job with broadcasting that gig. was really a good job. ok i’m swiss. :-)

Yeah, of course it was great! I watched it over and over again ;-)

(ok, I’m Swiss, too ;-) )

Well, I think it is not possible to get the concert from Swiss TV after sooooo many years!

Do you know that normally they charge you a fixed rate for looking into the archives?
I’ll give you the figures of the Spanish RTVE (I don’t know how it can be in Switzerland) to give an orientation:

- 90 € just to look up in the archives.
Then I don’t know if they sell it to private people but:
- To Film Companies it’s 725€ each minute of film if it’s after 1990 / 815€ per minute if between 1990-1980 / 900€ minute anything older. I guess that if it’s going to be for private use, the rate should be signifficantly lower, but as I tell you it’s not a normal kind of service.

I’ve checked the Swedish TV and it says that it’s quite more expensive than a simple videotape released “Detta kostar dock betydligt mer än en kopia som redan finns utgiven”. Luck with it! :D

Here in Germany it is possible to get Shows from TV(I read something about this somewhere), it gives companies who record the tv programm and if you are intresstet in some thing you can buy it there. I don´t know how much it coast and as far as I know you can only get dokumatations, the news and this kind of stuff from them, no concerts or your favorite TV soap....

And I think you can only order TV stuff from the last few weeks.......

In Holland I once asked for a tape of a short interview (about 3-4 minutes) and that cost €105,00 ex VAT! Unbelievable those amounts!

I do have a divx copy of this concert, around 600 mb ...

they also replay the broadcast from time to time in their “saturday night music” tv-show. maybe they use it in the near future once again. who knows?

Well, if they replay a recorded Roxette-concert it’s usually the Johannesburg-gig during CBB. I guess they lost the right showing the legendary concert in Zurich during Joyride on TV (property rights are very tricky - we talked about it in one class recently and it’s awfully complicated - believe me :-( )

I’d like to ask any of you who has a torrent client installed and know how it works to check if the DVD iso image can be downloaded from this page:

Just let me know if it starts downloading. If yes, it’ll be published on the site with detailed description on torrent downloading. Thanks.

It starts downloading!

Thank you so much!!!!! you’re the best!!! i’m downloading it!

just curious when i click on dl links on roxbytes i get sent to a registration page ofr your service provider can i only dl with flahsget or what?



MANY MANY Thanxxxxx to the guys at RoxBytes!!
This is one of the best concerts roxette ever did!

I’m downloading the concert at the moment but the screenshots look smashing!!

Not to mention the fact that I can finally throw away my crappy out-of-sync mpeg files.


This was one of my fave Roxette performances!

how does torrent work!?!!?!??

Thank you very much for the torrent file!

If somebody has problems - this is the link for BitComet software:

I’m using bitcomet, started downloading this morning... it takes ages and my connection isn’t bad :’(

:0/ Now it looks I can‘t connect to the tracker at all... Something wrong? Does anyone knows?

Now it‘s ok! :0))) Good luck to you in downloading!

busy downloading it now...
Still 32 hours to go;)

a question ..., who is the seed????????!!!!!!!!!! in order that it remains permanently connected!!!!! and like that to be download the file!!!!


I think Pietro from Roxbytes seed it. Well I think you can´t expect that the seeder is online 24 houers a day. You can also download from the other users.

Don´t panic be sure you get the whole file.

I am impatient ... (but now I will see it in vhs, I hope to see it in dvd ;)

*sweet dreams*

Can;t wait to start downloading, it’s also nice to keep the file uploading even after you have downloaded it.


@Pietroxette: My download stopped at 19% done, no seeders. So I guess i can’t get the whole file?

That’s a pity.
Let me know when it works again (If you can do something about it).

same for me 22,4 %...

Yes, of course it stops, because no one seed it! Have 22.4% too!

22.4% too...

ah!!!! 22,5%. i want to see the concert. i never see it.

It stopped at 22,4% for me as well :(

How to seed it???
And what is “seeding”?

how to get it downloaded fast?

@pietROxette: Where You Are!!!!, get connected to continue download the file!!!!

22,5 now :S

Does this torrent downloading support resuming after an interrupted download? (Sorry but I’ve never tried torrent before...)

Yes! Torrents do support resume. We just have to wait patiently. We are waiting for this concert for soo long a few days longer should be no problem.

By the way I’m too stucked at 25,5 ;-)

The Longer the wait the greater de surprise!!



22.5% jeje

I have 22,5% too:-(

Please continue seeding!

Maybe this is the end of our downloading... :0(

Hope not!


I really wish my cassette I had of this concert didn’t get chewed up in my car about 8 years ago. I remember Listen To Your Heart was amazing. Very annoyed that I don’t have it anymore!

The seed is back!!! :0) But... Do you also have such slow dl speed? :0(

yes same here... and now it stopped again

i’d settle for moderate quality divx files sheesh

I worry, this does not advance... :-S

Almost 31% at the moment... man, it’s going to take ages to complete the download :(

It works again! almost 20 hours to go. praying......

Hi Everybody!

This is a mail a got from Pietro. It seems he is on vacation on the moment :-)

“I have the divx version on my server, I just couldn’t link it yet, as I’m on holiday. The only person to seed the torrent is me, I left the computer running. When I’m back, I’ll link it on the site so it can spread faster. The divx version will be linked, too.”

Best wishes,


We just have to be patient!


Thx, for this information.

Hello I’m very grateful and happy that I can download this fabulous concert here . No matter how long it takes I will be waiting patiently. I have started downloading today and I have got only 3,9 %.It runs so slow but I’m very patient. By the way how about your downloads ?


I need help! Does anyone know why I have message “uploading [disc full]” and the concert stoped downloading? WHat‘s important - I don‘t have full disc, there are a few free GB! Is is something with format of my disc? I have FAT32... Any suggestions?


The problem is indeed with your FAT32 partition which doesn’t allow files to be larger than 1GB. The only way of fixing this is by converting the partition to NTFS. IF you’re using Win2000 or XP you can type this in the command box: convert /fs:NTFS x where x is your drive letter.

By the way I’m at 32,2% Now :-)


Maximum file size on FAT32 volume is (2^32)-1 = 4.294.967.295 bytes.

It is nice that just Rox concert will force some people to change filesystem or complete OS.

Now that the video section of Roxbytes doesn’t work anymore, does anyone know of any other concerts or video files that are available for download?


Thanx! It‘s not a good news, because i‘m not going to change anything in my pc now... What a bad luck.


You said max file for FAT32 is 4.294.967.295 bytes. The concert is 4.16 GB... it‘s a little bit less. How come I have this problem?


the size of complete file “Live_In_Zurich.iso” is 4.463.165.440 bytes and that is more than FAT32 file size limit.

Yep... thank you!

it stucks at 32% :-((

Same here, 32.5%.

32,6% In a few years I´m ready with the download ......

I’ve got the same 32,6 % but it stopped. I hope that it will be faster soon.Let me know about Your downloading:)

32,7 %

There’s some progress now... I’m over 33 ;-)

33,9%! WOW! :|

34,3% it goes on .......

Seed connected... the download is continuing now!

Cool 38% now :-P ;-)

39% :P

Lucky you... :0( I stopped downloading because of this FAT32 disc... ehhhh...

39,1 % will it ever get done?

I somehow seem to have completely overlooked this thread!! Glad i found it though, can’t wait to get this download going :-)

@ Arlanda: good question! nothing seems to happen anymore... 39,1% for hours already

If it continues like this, the concert will be a beautiful present for Christmas.

Pietro, the torrent ’works’, btu there are 0 seeders. so if you can get at leat one person (yourself? a server) to seed, it would be fine?

Mine’s at 39.3 %


Mines at 8% so far.. i seem to be a little behind :-(

where’s the full version??? i have 39,33% since same days ago!

I dont get can I download this concert??

What’s wrong with it ? Why did it stop ? I can’t wait to have this concert completed and it takes ages. Why?????

Is working for anyone else??

Thanxxx for this great info!!

I’m downloading it at this moment :-)
But I still prefer the DVD version :-(


ok so what program do i need to open a torrent file? I am completely lost now

@coyboyusa: One the first page of this thread, you find a link to a torrent progarmm(last post)

Thank you so much for this rip! I‘ve just finished downloading. Great job!
Everything is great except one thing - were these subtitles really necessary? :0/ Everyone knows the lyrics of Roxette songs... ;0)

It is a nice concert.


Yes, each fan isn’t same level as you. :-)


can anyone who have the complete dvd iso file seed this. cos I dl halfway thru. really appreciate it. thanx.

How much of this iso have you already downloaded? 40%? more? I hope the seed will come back really soon. :0)

please, seed it again!!! please, please!!!!

Tadzik, thank you very much for torrent file!

only 39.3%.....:(

OOOOOKAY.... I’m now back from holiday, which means:

+ the torrent is being seeded again
+ the DivX file is uploaded to the server
+ the video archieve of ROXBYTES is restored (after a server crash)

So, carry on, you can now download the files.

You will find all the links on .

However, please note that since at the moment, I’m the only one to seed the torrent, it WILL take a while to get the files, since my outgoing bandwith (which is only 256 K) is being used for this purpose. Maybe it’s a good idea to wait a little with the torrent and get the DivX version first, then move on to the torrent when there are more seeders. Also, please have the file shared after you downloaded it, this is the only way for other people to have it. Thx :-)

However, there are some bad news :-/

Due to the server error, some of the videos previously available on ROXBYTES were unfortunately completely lost. My only hope is that some of you had downloaded them back then and still have it somewhere on your computer or on a CD. If so, please help getting back them to ROXBYTES. If you have a good internet connection and have the following files:

* The Centre Of The Heart, Real Sugar, Wish I Could Fly, The Look
[Live @ Gwiazdy w jedynce] (66.6 MB)
* The Centre Of The Heart [Live @ Melidiefestivalen] (13.9 MB)
* The Centre Of The Heart [Live @ NRJ Awards] (16.4 MB)
* Födelsedag [Live @ Grattis Victoria] - wmv, 13.3 MB
* Här kommer alla känslorna [Live @ BingoLotto] - wmv, 12.3 MB
* Här kommer alla känslorna [Live @ Grattis Victoria] - wmv, 11.5 MB
* Här kommer alla känslorna [Live @ Skansen] - wmv, 8.8 MB
* Här kommer alla känslorna [Live @ Sommaraapent] - wmv, 14.1 MB
* Kung av sand [Live @ Skansen] - wmv, 14.9 MB
* På promenad genom stan [Live @ BingoLotto] - wmv, 11.8 MB
* Tycker om när du tar på mig [Live @ BingoLotto] - wmv, 12.1 MB

and you are willing to send me any of them, please let me know by sending an e-mail to [email protected] (please don’t send the files at first), I will tell you all the information on how to transfer the files. I really hope some of you have these files and can help me get them back to ROXBYTES. Thanks for your help in advance!


I have the Per videos for you - see my mail

Thanks for everyone who helped me getting back the files - now I have them all again and will re-upload them soon!

Meanwhile, could you take a look at this discussion:

It’d help optimising the accessibility of the site.


@pietro: OK. Than I can shut down the FTP server. :)

Yup, thx!

Thanx a lot for this fantastic video Pietro!!!!!! :D

Hey Peitro, does a Version of Promenade live at Bingo lotto exist without the missing bits?


pietro dies flash get still work with roxbytes i can’t dl anything form the site

downloading the dvd iso file, by the time i get home from work today i might possibly have 30% of it ;)

i lied its only done 18% ;)

i’m on 81% ;-)

i’m on the magic 20.7% ;-)

Go, go Vix!!

22.3% ;) at this rate i may have it by next week, if anyone wants it on dvd it might be quicker if i burn it rather than someone else download it, let me know ;) will be quicker by post even if you live in the south pole >;-)

Vix - I’m on 85% - happy to burn for you in due course.

soon somebody will download it all and hopefully will seed you can download it all day..

How do you seed it (for when I get to 100%)?

@nigel: cool cheers!, i will try and download so i can seed it for ppls anyways, that might mean they get 0.1% faster per hour ;)

Hi Everybody!!

I’m at 85,7% at the moment.
I will have the ISO complete somewhere this weekend I suppose. After I’ve got it completed I will seed for another week. My Server is 24/7 on so I hope this helps for all of you downloading this GREAT concert.

Many thanks again to the RoxBytes Team!!


I have 85,% if it keep on going it can be ready tomorow.........

46.9% ;-) and still going, if i leave it on all weekend i might have it by sunday woo hoo!

i’m stuck at 86.5 n there is no seeder even though the pirate website stated 1 seeder. anyone encounter this prob?

I’m at the same point, 86.5. Health at 1% and no seeders, that means that only one or two persons have it completed. It will be a long long weekend :-)


I have 86,5% too.
Anyone have more?

86.5% thats me too ;-)

Oh... one full day stuck at 86.5%... Does this mean that PietRo went on holiday again? Hehehe...

Uhm ... this is getting forgotten ....

Yep, I was away again, so I turned the computer off on Thursday. Now I’m back, the download is working again.

However, when I’ve left, there were 3 people seeding it. It seems that the people who had completed it decided to no longer share what they downloaded. It won’t work that way, the only way to let others get the file is to leave the client on after the download finished. So please don’t turn it off after you reached 100%. You can limit the outgoing bandwidth, just share it.

pietROxette .... welcome back ;-)

I hope we will be able to get our 15% ...



you can get from

100%, DVD burnt and enjoyed - great, thanks Pietro and friends.

Will leavea available on Bitlord for others - is that all I need to do to ’seed’?

Who did the Thing about Love remix - great beat!

The mix is by Saint Ken. (

This DVD is very professional! Much better than some official DVD release I’ve seen ...
Big hand for TOM! ;)
(And Pietro, of course, for the sharing!)

What song is “Thing about love”? Whats that?

@Yellowtigger - it’s a mix of A Thing about you, It must have been love etc - download the DVD it’s well worth it.

How many are now seeding - I’ve left mine on for others to upload.

yep me too...done...seeding for a while too....

@Nigel....thanx!!!!!!!! ^_^

I have downloaded the whole file in 12 hours, not bad is it?

Thanx very much, how can i contact pietro ? maybe i have something *cool* for him ...


ooohh i finaly got it, have only just noticed ;)

Apart from the DVD torrent file, I wonder how you guys are succeeding in getting the DivX file?... It just won’t download any faster than 200/300 bytes/sec for me, hardly ever reaching 1KB/sec tops (either with or without FlashGet)... :( Is it just my bad luck, or?...

I was very happy to see something like “this concert was downloaded from Roxbytes” in the middle of DVD :-[

“Thing about love” is very good video.

bittorren didnt work for me and flashget wont dl from roxbytes i’ll pay 15$ american for anyone who would send it to me on dvd my email is [email protected]

Hmm... Anyone yet who tried to download the DivX file?... :-S

@sweepi: Yes, same here. I begun the download 10 days ago, maybe more, and I’m at 64% now. It’s coming at 300bps, and if I’m *very* lucky, it might reach 1kbps for a few minutes.
Despite the download rate, I’m experiencing 3/4 network timeouts each day.

But well... eventually it’ll finish downloading :)
I don’t mind waiting a few more days.

Is it just me or is the sound on the DVD version really low when in DD5.1??

I’ve started downloading the DivX as well, I also can’t seem to get past a few 100kbps.

..........aborted :-)

If I download it on one thread, the speed is 135 KB/sec. When opening a new thread, it goes up to 260 KB/sec (which is somewhere around my full download bandwidth).

Why text about “this concert...” inside video?

...somebody sells this compilation.

DD5.1 is true. AC3 source has 320 MB.

Do you want bonus material from this DVD in DivX?
Here are both:

I finally burn ico file and check it on my DVD player..
Everything works fine on dvd player and on PC!!
even subtitles ;-))
So BIG THANKS to Tom and roxbytes big and great job!!
Thanks for Thing about love mix!!

Could those of you who have got the whole DVD PLEASE seed it? THX

I wanted to download the DivX version, but it´s soooo slow... is this problem only here?
I really wanted to have this concert, but this file isn´t working good for me... :(

Finally, i got the concert .............. after 195 hours of downloading :))))))))))))))))) thanx, roxbytes.

Trying to download the DVD file, but no one appears to share it. Can someone help me out and seed the file? Would appreciate it!!

Been stuck on 96% for about a month now it keeps going from 4.012 GB back to 4.001 GB. The torrent must corrupt now :-(


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