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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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per releases an new cd next month ................

20 replies

my father told me he coulden,t name the name of the album

it was on a radio station



Was something pink over my head....


Oh great!

I don´t belive it ..........

might be a “new” samtliga-compilation ;-)

Yeah, we still don’t have a “Best of Per Gessle”! *g*

for a moment I thought this topic was started in 2003 :P

But anything can happen with this guy! “everything is possible in this deja-vu...”

Oh please, make my day !! :)

@ Starrox - This is not true... we have “Hjartats Trakt - En Samling”... a GH album !! :)

“Shocking” !!! :)



real or false?...

Yeah, right.

it’s 98.9% false.

(still: is this “next month” beginning today?)

It’s not true. TDR has looked into it.

what if we hadn’t got tdr... :)

... then you wouldn’t have read a false rumour about a CD that’s not coming out anytime soon :)

i have asked him what the name wass but didn,t knew all ask for the radio station

and i think its false he always tell false storries about roxette or per or marie

i don,t believe it and i will until it,s showen on internet for real


Now you tell us your father in law always does this...


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