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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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What was your favourite item of clothing worn by Per or Marie

15 replies

I adored Marie’s catsuit in the Joyride video with the diamond effect, and I tried (but failed) to re-create it a few years later in a fashion project for school!

I also loved both Per and Marie’s outfits for The Big L video!

I was also fond of Per’s Black shirt from the Joyride tour with the colourful motif on the back!

Which did you like best?

Per’s camouflage pants from the Atertaget days, because I wear them too ;)

Yeah those camouflage pants rocked! :)

Marie’s white dress on June Afternoon was very nice :)

As for Per I do hate all his trousers... He only dresses well when he goes to court.

Oh I like him in that picture... I see what you mean Santi!

I like to see Per in sleeveless tops! :)

his pants from CBB tour were ugly :)

I that that Marie’s attire during her Äntligen tour was perfect! All the best, Rich ;-)

love maries outfit on the room service trendy for a woman of her age

Agree with Rich, that Äntligen stage costume was gorgeous! I thought her clothes during the whole Äntligen period were fantastic, that long white leather jacket she wore, the Custo top she wore in the Äntligen video, she had really great fashion sense back then! The only thing I didn’t like from that period was the bright purple pants, made her look like The Joker!

From what i’ve seen from the Antligen tour/release i’d have to say that they were some of the best outfits i’ve seen her wear. Along with some of the RS stuff as well, the outfit on the cover is gorgeous as ncurran said. I liked the CBB tour outfit too... and the RS tour as well... i wish i could’ve went to that!!

Their clothings from RS are very nice, especcially from The Centre of the heart video.

oh, and how stylish Per is in the latest FC taken pix in Göteborg :)

the cover of DBUGTTC for per, and RS cover for marie in tight leather pants , well sexy both of them.

I also loved the June Afternoon outfits... :)

Room service cover for Marie and “I wanna be your boyfriend” TV-appearance for Per.

Room Service clothes rule for both of them! :-D


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