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Roxette COVERS?

71 replies

I have recorded some Roxette covers at home.... Right now I have just uploaded 2 songs.. One cover (Blue Umbrella) and one song wich I wrote myself (Var är hon nu?). Please listen to them here:


your vocals in ’blue umbrella’ are very Per reminiscent... think you could use a better microphone... nice though :)

wow better than I excepted... nice. Will you make some more?

Thanks for listening! Sorry, but my site seems to have turned into som freaky pornsite so I had to upload the files elsewhere. Blue Umbrella can be downloaded here:

Another song, “Var Är Hon Nu?”, which is written and recorded by me (I’m swedish, so is the lyrics, if anyone wonders), can be downloaded here:

Me and a friend of mine, Jesse, wrote and recorded a song called Just Rain awhile ago. It can be downloaded here (Jesse singing):

Okay I noticed some shit about the links, you have to right-click and choose “Save Target As..” or else it won’t work.

Why can’t you delete your own messages? =P

Your voice is so closest to Per’s one, especially in Var Är Hon Nu? (remind me Galning :)) If I didn’t know that I believed that it is Per demo:)

Just rain is also good ... in per style too :)

I also like to record roxette songs but now i can’t share them..some problems with server. :)

Here three songs, not in good record quality, using only guitar and some drums from FruityLoops program.

727, Karlekens Skepp and Sommartider :)

One question that I am interested in: how sound my swedish from the point of swedish? (i am russian :) ).

@Erik: Never heard a voice coming so close to Per’s voice.
And your tracks have a lot in common with the “Scener”-album.
You could be Per’s younger brother!
I hope you will succeed in making a music-carreer.
It still sounds as a demo, but I guess with some good equipment it will be great.
Go on like this and you will hopefully have a lot of succes!

Usually I don’t like covers at all, but here is an example of how it should be done!!!

:O good work !

Thank you guys for nice comments, and most of all for listening! :D Please, if anyone else has any covers, upload them so we all can listen :)

Thank you once again!!


(My elder brother sounds more like Per than I do ;P)

Erik: I’d like to hear your covers, but for some reasons I can’t open nor download the songs...did you remove them from the site?

Yes, I’m also very curious about your cover versions. Please check your links again, I also have difficulties downloading them...

@m-cvk: I have the songs on my computer.

As I mentioned earlier, you have to right-click and select “Save Target As” on the links. Otherwise it won’t work. =P :)

After difficulties downloading your music I finally succed!
Use Safari instead of Explorer...

You really sound like PG! The swedish sounds right as well.
Just one technical note:
I do not think you you need that much reverb on your vocals, it may sometimes gets too blurry.

I really like your version of “galning” :-)

Well, thanks for listening but... hehe, first, I’m swedish :) maybe that’s why my swedish is good =P second, it’s not a version of Galning. Nothing is the same, just the beat, it’s just inspired by Galning. =P

Well...and the song is build up like Galning, the bass is almsot the same and the melody of the verses are kinda’s very clear to hear you got the inspiration from Galning...

maybe you can put a filter in front of the mic as you hear the ’p’ s etc like you’re spitting (not that you are), you’ll probably know what I mean :-)

Oh dear, you sound so much like Per!!!

I can safely say (or speculate) that this might be a Per Gessle joke but that’s highly unlikely.

Why don’t you try singing your own songs?

Hi Fabian! Thanks for listening! “Var är hon nu?” is my own song. I’m currently just waiting for my elec. guitar to be resurrected once again (he’s been through a hard time recently), so I can continue on my solo-album. The album will just contain songs in english, I changed my mind, and is very “The World According To Gessle”-inspired. I will announce when the album is ready to download! :)

Have a nice day!


I only get some 12 bkit data-trash after download :-(

The 727 link doesnt work ! :(

PS AN unreleased Gessle Demo - Blue Umbrella !!!!

Blue umbrella - not unreleased. Released on the single ’I want you to know’. 12 kb data-trash? Try right-clicking on the links and choose “Save As...” otherwise it doesn’t work. Tripod doesn’t like hot-linking to their files...

To VioRox:

I’ve tried to download your remakes (covers) of the songs but I get 404 errors, is there something wrong with that website? :S

To chrisjankunas, you’re right they didn’t work for me either. I used save target as...and clicked them but they didn’t work

Here was my solution:

I use Fresh Download, right click each file, copy link as, and then copy it into fresh download and the files will download.

Erik - I meant that I just downloaded an unreleased demo of blu eumbrella lol.

roxcyn - thanx for this, ill try it later,

quote: “Try right-clicking on the links and choose “Save As...” otherwise it doesn’t work. Tripod doesn’t like hot-linking to their files...”

That’s what I did. But like I said, the file are very small and cannot be playerd in Winamp.

Eric, these tracks are great - is it you on the guitar? I’ve heard the tracks but not really read the info at the website - I wish I could play guitar lol

You sound sooooooo like Per sometimes - it’s uncanny!! Lucky you hehe!

I will post some of my Roxette inspired tracks soon.


wierd. i’ll check the links, it used to work in the past... will try uploading them to a different server tonight. thanks for your patience! :)

temporarly try this link:

“Var är hon nu?” :

it’s just my own song, but that’s the only one i found on another server :/ however, i will upload all songs (Var är hon nu?, Blue Umbrella, Just Rain, Om du ser henne, Fåglar, Var blev du av, a crappy version of Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla) =p in other words, a lot of covers! :)

wow...what can I say? I fell in love! I SO admire folk capable of producing their own songs...

a pretty please: upload mooooore sweet covers, just as promised, very soon :)

Thanx! Now I got “Var är hon nu”:

The voice really sounds cloned :-)
The Song seems very similar to Galning, it truley could be a Gessle-Demo! The microphone-plopps are a bit annoying, but it is cool!

Hope you can upload the cover-songs soon :-)

Thanx again,


Hey Erik, I have a grandious artist-name for you:

Erik Elsseg :-)

Haha nice one ;P I think I keep my original name whatsoever ;P

A own cover of church of your heart!

Its really not so good but fun to made....tooked not so long....bad quality....Bye

And for those of you who haven’t heard mine yet. Here’s a link to LTYH :

There’s one I wrote, it’s called “You” :

Hope you like ’em :)) Share your thoughts pls! I really appreciate that :D

Rox On!

Hello...its me agian!

Here is Blue umbrella.....not so good as Eriks but not so bad anyway.... I´m just playing aucustic guitar and harmonica and a very quiet el-guitar....

Have a nice listening...HAve a nice day

oooh, so can you upload them to a place where we can download them? :D. My computer is very slow to listen to direct feed

It’s possible to download on the given page. Just click the link that says “Uppladdad fil. Klicka här för att ladda hem laten till din harddisk”.

I was just reading old topics when I found this! And it´s great! I like the songs from Erik! He really sounds like the “young” Mr. Gessle!

I remember when I tried to record own cover versions of Rox. But unfortunately I don´t have the technical equipment to do it right...

Erik, are you a relative of Per?

Check out

I did an interesting Cover with “ketil”. He lives in Norway and I live in south Germany. But in spite that fact we made a Roxette Cover together:

He recorded the drums and the bass with his Keyboard and Computer and did it on a CD which he send to me by Post. Then I recorded three e-Guitars and mixed it together and send it back to him also on CD. Then he recorded some Keyboard-Sounds and did the vocals. He send back to me about 3 or 4 different versions of mixing and I decided which one we take... He wanted more like a H.A.N.D. version and I wanted more a CBB.Version. So we decided to make a mix of both!

By the way: It was sommartider...

Let’s start up this thread again :) have been inactive at the forum for a couple of months now, somewhat lost the great interest in roxette for a while :( but today, this very morning, i woke up hearing “Småstad” on the radio, and I felt like, “Hey this is THE best music in all times!” Roxette, Gessle, GT, fans - keep rockin on! :)

Will upload some covers this week-end :)

gud! You sound EXACTLY like Per!!!!!!!!
please, give us some more?

Here is a cover of something happen today....enjoy

My god!!! Something happens is great, you nealy sound like Per :D Give us more ;) Oh and an could you upload your other covers again or send them to my mail? It seems I’m too late to download them, I want them too ;)

Hey, I see this topic is active again. I don’t have a cover but I’ll use the moment to tell you that I have posted a second song on Check it out!

P.S. Good job, for Something Happened Today!

I also made a version of ” tycker om när du tar på mig”....but...not so good...Here you have it:

Here is a tiny version of the heart shaped sea:

@skidallan Please could you upload your other covers again? I’d like to hear them too. you are very talanted! :D

Thank you so much!! :D

i wasnt able to access them and ive never heard blue umbrella at all and was quite interested

A friend of mine, Rodrigo Pagiatto, also made his own version of a Gessle song. You can download it here:

If u wanna see pics of him, click on this link. He looks like Per!

If u wanna contact him, write to:
[email protected]

Do you think that this version of “Drowning in wonderful...” is really worth to hear? OK, not everybody can be a great singer and don´t have to be a great singer to enjoy singing and share it with other. But he should even sing the right notes. Otherwise it hurts in the ears...

@skidallan: Wow, your voice sounds almost like Per Gessle!!!! I heard Something happened... I couldn´t open the other ones... but I would be interested in them... Well, you have to try very hard to hit the right notes... but If you improved that and you can sing the right notes you could really make the best Gessle-Covers!

@Erik: I heard your self-written song (which sounds a little bit like the Song “Galning”). Really impressing, your voice sounds like the young Gessle! I heard some of your covers a long time ago (didn´t you make these covers on with your band and solo?). But this is the first time that your voice sounds like that. What is the secret behind it? :-)

Thanks roxers!, I want more of skidallan -> for president!!!

regn, that sounds really good. Sounds great stripped down with just the guitar. Too bad the quality of the recording was so poor. Do you have a better version?

I hope that when i could play better the guitar Thanx for your comment ;-)

Here are some old stuff again, listen to my voice on johanna...hehe..really bad..

johanna says:


lova att du aldrig glömmer bort mig:

like it like that:

church of your heart:

see you soon with new songs with much better quality....bye

Thank you, right now I listen to them...

ok...and what do you think??

regn, i really liked your version of chances. it was pretty good. the mood in it, so different from the original, it´s just great.

Galning, hehe no that wasn’t my band, :P havn’t recorded any songs in a long time now.. i think the last one i recorded was over a year ago cuz of my poor guitar that actually cracked during the recording of “You know what love could do (to your heart)”. Have you heard it? hmm... well I’ve made some money now however and have been able to get my hands on a new Les Paul, so in other words, more of my songs to come :) I’ve written some songs in english and swedish and will record them during this week-end. Stay tuned.. :)

I like “lova att du aldrig glömmer bort mig” and “something happen today” ;) .. do you have anything more?.

thanx tavo
Here’s The rain this time with a very good frien who also is a huge rox fan

Good ;) who is your friend...?

I decided to upload whatever cover/own written song i had on my computer. Most of them are pretty old, the newest songs you’ve already heard, since i’ve posted them previously in this thread. Other songs are at least 3 years old, but here they are anyway.


Thanks Erik, it’s awesome!
There are still problems with two songs though; “Då Är Du Ensam” and “Ta Inte Din Skönhet Bort Ifrån Mej”; maybe because of the special “å” sign the pages couldn’t take?


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