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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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The guy who sang IMHBL had an accident

3 replies

Michal Hudcek who sang IMHBL in the Czech version of Idol fell off a horse while recording a TV spot for this contest. His spine is injured (cracked), and they say that he is in a big pain, but he shouldn’t have any permanent consequences. He says that he will continue in the contest and that he will certainly sing on Sunday, even if he should come on a wheelchair... Hmm, brave boy.

Ok it’s time to come clean guys; who knocked the poor man off the horse?! Yeah-yeah he might have done a shitty cover of IMHBL but no need to get physical!!

*trying to look nonchallant and not at all guilty, whistiling “Joyride” quietly to no one in particular*

So has he won?


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