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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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how was room service tour for you?

59 replies


today i had a little strange submit of a friend of mine.

he said while playing cards and listen to roxette music in our tennisclub that he think roxette’s room service gig at hallenstadion in zurich was the most boring concert he ever saw. first i have to tell you, that he has see the concerts with joyride, cbb and room service tour. in the first beginning i did not understand what he wanted to tell me. i did not understand what he said. he did not said, that this was the most boring concert he ever saw. but he thougt that this was roxette’s most boring tour. and after more than one hour of discussing i have to say that he’s right. i also think now, that the room service tour was only a copy of the cbb or joyride tour. no news in sound, no news with playing with the people. just think about the concerts marie was singing with the fans. no talking with their fans. nothing. rs tour was a little bit like playing a cassette and go home. i think my friend is right, that tour was not the best of roxette. but rs is the best album, just for me. :-)

what do you think about rs tour?

I enjoyed it, well no I loved it.... but Joyride and CBB where better, Joyride being the best from my point of view!

i didnt go , but from the pics ect , it look visually the best for me.

I was at that concert, and I thought it was pretty good. At one point the audience did a weird thing where they all waved their fingers and said “oooooooh” and it sounded spooky like being in outer space or something Marie looked totally surprised then she stopped and did it back to the crowd. That was pretty cool. I saw about 12 RS shows and I guess it wasn’t the most exciting show in the world if you’re looking for special effects or something, they only changed costumes once and there was nothing really unique except maybe the flying silver paper at the end of the show. Marie did a few cool things, like when she sang Sleeping in my car she would say “I’m making love to YOU and you and you” and she would point out people in the crowd when she said “you”. She also did a cute little kick dance in Waiting for the rain. Per....well he stood with his guitar.

For me personally, if Marie is on the stage then that’s good enough for me. Even if it was just a plain empty stage and she sat there in a dressing gown brushing her teeth for 2 hours, well, that would be a great show to me.

I also think the shows were boring, I went to Stockholm (Globen!) and Göteborg, I think GBG was better than Sthlm. Dunno, it looked like they weren’t having so much fun and somehow the feeling was transmitted to the audience - and I have heard the same about German concerts my gf has been to and many other people.. that it wasn’t the best of the tours..

I had a lot more of fun with CBB tour or even with the showcase in Barcelona!

Oh and there was the big screen, that was something different from the other tours. It showed all kinds of stuff behind them like bits from video clips and scenery. I never really paid attention to it cos I didn’t want to waste precious seconds looking at anything that wasn’t Miss Fredriksson, but it was awesome in the beginning when it showed a big crest that said Roxette Room Service and made this really cool sound affect. So it wasn’t such a boring tour!!!

@ Jud: the Swedish shows weren’t that great. I heard from their bodyguard/manager whatever he is Bo Johansson that they were terribly worried about the bad reviews they would get from the Swedish press. He said Marie nearly made herself sick from worrying and after the first Swedish show she had to go straight home, which is why she didn’t attend the fan party that Per came too. Per didn’t seem as bothered, we ran into him the next day and he was holding the paper with the terrible review, and when we asked how he felt about it he said “What review?” Poor Marie took it a little harder though. So they were so nervous that the performance was bad, and ironically their nervousness made their fear of a bad review come true!

If by some kind of magical chance they tour again, I would head to a German tour date or two, because what I see and hear the German roxette concerts seem the best! :)

Madrid Room Service Tour is one of the best shows I’ve ever been. It was incredible...

Boring? I don´t agree with you! RS tour was fantastic like CBB tour! I was so lucky to see their concert again. I was afraid tour will be cancelled because September 11th, 2001. But it was not. I will miss a Roxette tour in the future.

Ok everyone make way for MD’s stories!!

well I heard the same about shows in Austria and Germany, the only show I have heard very good reviews of is the show in Madrid, and even Barcelona, but hej, nothing can go wrong with the Spanish audience ;)

In Sthlm I didn’t fall asleep because I was standing! Actually there were some people sitting who did fall asleep, guess how bored I was that I spent a while looking up at the people and laughing because they were sleeping (!!!)

Jud: people were sleeping?? LOL, not that boring. But then I’m predjudiced, like I said if MF’s on the stage I’m happy. I thought the best show was in Tallinn, Estonia actually because they had a great connection with the audience that night, Marie was really taking time to smile at people and grab hands and stuff. For me that is what makes a great show, not how they sing or whatever, because connection to the audience makes the difference between watching a concert DVD and actually being there!

@ PM: I can tell you a bunch of stories haha! But the best one I didn’t even see myself unfortunately, it was Per with his pants down behind the stage at one of the shows. Too bad I’m always staring at Marie, I miss all the good stuff!!!!

I went to both concerts in spain, Barcelona and Madrid and all i can say is that both where great, specially Madrid where the crowd became crazy. I remember in Madrid Per siting down in front of the drums just between spednig my time and fading like a flower, looking at the crowd not believing what was happening in that show.
I cant judge what happend in the rest of the shows but in spain both where great.

Wasn’t the Madrid show held at a tiny club or something like that? Does anyone know how many there were?

have never been at any concerts with roxette=( that’s why I am hoping much that they will reunite.
haven’t been a fan for so long, maybe 1 year, but don’t think I’m not a big fan because I really am!
I was on the GT25 tour last year and that was great, 21.000 people. But I really want to go on a roxette tour too! but per will maybe have a tour next year since he will drop a new CD as almost everybody know, hope that he will do that!

Zurich during RS was the only concert I EVER saw live since I was too small to go on concerts during Joyride and CBB-tour.

For me this was the greatest and mindblowing concert I ever saw! I still love the memories of it.

The review after the concert was crap but what can you expect from stupid yellow paper (blick) anyway?

Oh yeah forgot to add: the strange thing the audience made and shouting ooooooooooh... that’s something people sometimes do at football matches. similar to the “wave”

yes, I don’t mind how/what they sing (well maybe I would if they would sing my least fave songs hehe), what gets me in a concert is the connexion with the audience, communication, .. and I didn’t feel any of those in Sweden, maybe because they were nervous, don’t know, but then - for what I heard - those lacked in many shows... Or maybe it was because the show didn’t bring anything special or different to what we knew already.

And yes, I swear I saw people sleeping! :D

The show in Vienna was great!!
Maybe after cold Insbruk ,they were happy to see so many people singing there songs. ;-)
But for me audience is responsible for the way that show will go ,either.
In Vienna audience was much,much better than in Stockholm depending on what we saw from video stream.

Shows I have been to were great - Marie and Per are much too professional to make a really bad show. On the other hand there really wasn’t anything special about the show itself. But I kept my eyes on Marie all the time so I don’t know much about communication, connections or other things..

i thought the ’Crash boom bang / anyone” song , was agreat idea, and sounded great on my live rs tour cd . would make a good studio recording of that. maybe not enough new songs played on tour all in all?

Zürich: In the beginning THE AUDIENCE was very lame... but towards the end it was a fantastic show!!!

Best one of RS: Stuttgart was fantastic! Marie responsed super to the audience when she said “we love you too” after the crowd went totally crazy...and they played spending my time there for the first time of the RS tour => because the audience went wild after FLAF. How can you respond better? I think it really depends A LOT on the people in the crowd... so i was really more than satisfied.

I think a difference to old shows is maybe, that it was a bit too much planned; they wanted it to be just perfect. but thats just nice from Roxette. They had so good ideas: the great link from CBB to Anyone, the pieces of paper, the start of the show, the videos in the back, Per singing the second verse of FLAF, the funny little lightbulbs... so much!

Thank you Per & Marie for unforgetable moments! Please come back on tour!!! Love always ;-)

R O X E T T E 4 E V E R!!!


I just have to say: This tour was FANTASTIC!!!
First of all it was after many years a GREAT feeling to see Roxette LIVE on stage.

The catwalk, the sound, the songs and then MARIIIIIEEEEE(-; Oh my goood.
I felt like in a dream to see that small woman walking and dancing through the stage. Can’t remember how many times I screamed “Marie, I love you”. The best moment for me has been in Dortmund (28.10) when I gave her during M&T&H a red “Teddy-Heart”. She kept it in front of the audience to her Heart and smiled to me (-: WOW!!

What can I say?!

I will never forget it...

I think Roxette Room Service Tour was the best tour on Roxette’s career!!!!

crashroxer you make me sad i couldnt go sounds great :-(( , i so wanna see them live one day

The RS-concert in Brussels rocked! No doubt about it!!

it was great for me, i went to 3 concerts: one here in Madrid (unforgetable, small place but great and the funniest concert i´ve ever been) and then i went to the two last concerts in Sweden (my life´s dream but they were different than here, the Stockholm one was more boring)...but the best thing was that i met there, in Göteborg, my actual boyfriend (“spanish girl met in sweden her german love”, funny).
For me: Great gig.

I can’t say if the RS tour was the best cos I didn’t get to see Joyride. I saw one CBB but I was pretty young. For me the best was Marie’s Äntligen tour, the stage design was gorgeous, her clothes were fantastic (RS was a little boring, too similar to CBB) and it had a better atmosphere than RS.

ok my turn :)

1) about the sleeping people- i think that there is only one reason for this. these are the people who travel from concert to concert (like Sparvogamarie) and have no time to rest :) it’s still better to sleep while roxette is playng than when driving a car :)

2) Why the reviews in the newspapers were so bad? What is the difference between RS tour gigs and for example mazarin concerts(these got better reviews i suppose?) ? i think that rs concerts were better from the technical point of view and this is 50% of success. please explain that for me:)

the sleeping people weren’t fans who traveled around to see Roxette live, I meant people in the audience, Swedes I would say, who had sitting tickets. Didn’t say anything about _fans_ :)

LOL @ Bunio: No sleep when you’re a groupie!!

I don’t know why the bad reviews but according to MF the Swedish press hate her for some reason! They ripped apart the Äntligen tour in Borgholm which in my view was one of the best she did, and I don’t say that just as a fan because some of the Äntligen shows weren’t that great (Trosa and Solvesborg for example). She also gets terrible album reviews, until The Change and that was only because they felt sorry for the cancer patient. I don’t know why they do it to her and not Per.


”..about the sleeping people- i think that there is only one reason for this. these are the people who travel from concert to concert (like Sparvogamarie) and have no time to rest :) it’s still better to sleep while roxette is playng than when driving a car..”


What a stupid posting. Never heard anything like that...*rolleyes*

yes, i always thought that poeple sleeping on roxette gig are stupid...

Jud: are you sure they were sleeping and not just enjoying the music with their eyes closed? When MF performed for Joni Mitchell at the Polar Prize Joni was closing her eyes during MF’s singing and she looked asleep, but I think she was just enjoying MF’s voice. Well hope so anyway, or I’m gonna have to have a few words with Ms Mitchell!!!!

Swedish press is probably the same as the dutch press. Everything from their (our) own country is judged very heavily and made silly, while things that come from far away are great and wonderful. Isn’t the grass always greener...

nono, I am sure they were sleeping, you know when you fall asleep in a place you shouldn’t and u come back from dreamland like jumping off the seat ;) Anyway, I spotted like 3-4 during the most lighted-songs, I guess it was the accustic, when they walked the catwalk.. I think the lights were quite on with those 2 songs.

Maybe the crowd is sleeping when Eva Dahlgren is singing...

I can tell you that EVERYONE (that, what I’ve seen) enjoyed the shows. Especially the people in the grandstands. Still remember how many people jumped of their places when Marie came into the catwalk. And it was FANTASTIC to see all the peoples lightning from their cameras...

For me the Barcelona concert was very nice and I had fun. However, in my opinion, whoever designed the setlist made big mistakes.
I mean, you’re gonna give a pop concert, and while ballads may work well for listening at home (because they are most times regarded as more intimate music) they do not at a pop concert. Until then OK, they have a lot of ballads and they must play some, because otherwise is not Roxette.
But by no means you play 3 very slow ballads one after the other at a pop concert!!! And according to the setlist published for Dormunt in another thread that was done not once, but twice! :O

I remember I was a bit frustrated when the Little Girl/Crash Boom Bang/Anyone stuff... That was really a bad movement.
As well as that You Don’t Understand me/Fading Like A Flower/Spending My Time. That undermines the momentum and people loses track of the concert, and as a consequence they fall asleep or they become bored, I perfectly understand that.

I agree, ballads don’t work very well at a live stand up show. If it’s a sit down audience like Marie’s DSR tour it’s probably better. I have to say I dreaded the piano part in Marie’s Äntligen shows when she sang like 3 or 4 slow songs in a row. When you’re standing at a concert, it gets really painful to stand still through so many slow songs, it’s better to have a few upbeat songs so the audience can jump around!

I agree with Sparvogamarie.
Up-tempo songs are more interactive, have more power and give more energy. But I do understand that Per, Marie and the band need to slow down from time to time and load up for the next boost of energy.

I like the RS-concert in Brussels. The audience was great as well (it all started with ’the wave’) and Per & Marie were having a good time too, everybody could see that :-)

Edit2: Concerning the RS tour, it was more a Germany tour than a European tour. But hey, better that than nothing at all :-)

Ok, one thing I definitely would have changed is the amount of hits they played...Too many and too early! (Dressed For Success as the second, LISTEN TO YOUR HEART as the third)

I think squeezing songs like Looking For Jane, My World My Love My Life and Jefferson into the setlist would have made the tour seem more like the “Room Service Tour” it was intended to be than a “Greatest Hits Tour”...

PS. Again, how many people were there at the Madrid gig?

it’s hard to tell because there are 2 numbers in room service toor book made by official roxette fanclub. one is saying (graph at 5th page) that there was sth around 5500 people while the second 2870.

the first one is probably an error, 2870 is more likely as the show was held in a small place. please correct me if i’m wrong.

Yeah it was a tiny club, I think the 2000 number was much closer to the truth.

it doesn’t depends on ballads or tempo songs...
I have fall asleep durring Latin King gig :-)))))
You Don’t Understand me/Fading Like A Flower/Spending My Time part was one of the best moments in the show!!!
2,3,4000 .. people singing all 3 song –boring??
no way!!

I guess that some swedish people don’t like Roxette at all, but even they know who are Roxette and know songs like Flaf and SMT, even they know what kind of songs will listen on the Roxette show.. so buying tickets for show and actually going to arena when you don’t like that kind of songs.. it’s dammmmmmnn stupid. So Jidith forget about them.. they don’t need our attention,they need medical attention!!!! ;-)))

The best moment for me was STARS!!
I love that melodie...

Emil: It does depend on ballads/rock. You just don’t expect so many ballads in a row, and when your expectations are not fulfilled, you become frustrated.
Fans will sing along anything, they could have started “do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do” and all the fans would have sung along.
But not everyone that goes to a concert is a die-hard fan like many people that visit this place.
Many people go to a concert because they liked “The Centre of the Heart”, because they remember “Joyride” was a great song, because they fell in love bringing their girlfriend to watch “Pretty Woman” or because they are friends with some fan that wants to go... There are many reasons to go to a concert and you expect things going to a concert. They told you it’s pop and there they go again with yet another boring thing.
The artist is there to entertain, not just you because you’re a fan, but everyone who paid the price for the concert. If there are 2000 people singing along and 1000 sleeping, it’s seriously a bad thing. If people sleeping are 250 and 500 are yawning (I was), is no good either.

P.S.: If they had sung “Doo wah diddy” instead of Little Girl the concerts would have been so much better...

ok, so since i started the discussion whe have a lot of different opinions about the rs tour.

so, since i wrote my topic i thougt a lot about this concert in zurich. and much more i think about it, i realise that rs was boring. sorry, for that fans rs was the first tour. the other ones where much, much better and more personally. i think this is also the key what’s the difference between rs and other tours. in joyride and cbb tour roxette was much more involved with the people and the people with roxette. in those days roxette had a song in the playlist which the crowd had to sing the half part of the song and it was planned. (soul deep)
but with rs? nothing special, no talk to the fans, no special singing with the fans, nearly the same playlist, no new sounds, really nothing.

i also have to tell you, that i gathered a group of friends to meet the concert. (they bought their tickets by themselves :-) ) and after 20 min they went to the corridores of hallenstadion and began to drink. they where not interested to see the show for that they payied 40 usd.

think this is nearly the same like sleeping at a gig.

just wanted to mention it, it was just an anecdote for me, rather surprising I must say :P

If some take it personal.. well, your problem ;) It won’t change the facts anyway.

but think for a while: what could be new after 15 years and few tours?:)

i agree that they should change live versions of the songs- the look is always the same :( same with other songs, no surprise. that is minus. i think the gigs were ok, good music and good special effects(probably the best in roxette’s history), everything perfect, but... all that happened in the past, nothing new.

But what is quite strange is GT tours, because they are almost identical, parkliv-atertaget-gt25- nothing new, the same songs, the same arragments and even Per’s moves. despite that gt25 was fantastic, wasn’t it?

to be honest i’m surprised of non- fans at the gigs. in poland we have simple rule: if you are not a fan you don’t go to a concert. there is no surprise in fact that all these not interesed people were bored, but what were they doing at the concert??? why they spend money on thing that is not interesting for them?? i can say that i would be bored too at for example madonna concert. her music means nothing to me and that is why i would never to go her concert. interesting that people “from west” have different approach to this matter :)

1) slow version of stars is brilliant :)
2) how many people were on the barcelona showcase?

Santi 5/11/2005 20:08 new
Many people go to a concert because they liked “The Centre of the Heart”, because they remember “Joyride” was a great song, because they fell in love bringing their girlfriend to watch “Pretty Woman” or because they are friends with some fan that wants to go..
Dear friend -“The Centre of the Heart”, “Joyride” ,”IMHBL” were in the playlist!!
All my friends (nonroxettefans)who watched the stockholm stream told me that the part with ballads is the best part!!

I wrote “I have fall asleep durring Latin King gig “-they scream a lot ,but this didn’t help them.

There few people who did fall asleep durring Billy and few people who have scream—noooo nnoooo Sommartider again.
But such people don’t define if the show is great or not !!!!!

People who weren’t roxette fans couldn’t see the difference between joyride , cbb and RS tour.

barcelona showcase.. not sure.. 700 people? 1200? but it felt like thousandS :) what a show! Marie was amazing (but you can see that on the video anyway :))


first, this is an english forum so please don’t write in german. and please stop shout personal to people. you are the only one who think i have a problem with roxette and you are wrong. and my treads can’t be so wrong, did you see the number of replies?

i never said that i am thinking roxette is shit. but also roxette made mistakes in the near past and i think we can discuss here in this forum also negative impressions. i am one of the biggest roxette fans since 1989, but my horizon is a little bit greater than only roxette.

only you have a problem with me. and this is only about, you can not live with critics about roxette.


You have the right to discuss what ever you want but there are few people who think that talking bad things about Roxette make their horizons bigger or greater.I don’t like such kind of SNOBs .I guess you are not one of them,so let put this in more creative way.

Which songs you wanted to hear in the RS tour?
I mean Roxette song !!! ;-))
You must put some new songs from RS album!!
What would you change in the show.
But don’t describe some kind of naked Britney show!!!
If you think well you will understand that there aren’t so many things that you can change.
As we all saw –the simple show as GT25 can be “not boring” for the same slepping swedes!! ;-)

and also to replay to your first post–
I guess if you heard all these great songs for first time in RS tour you woldn’t be bore at all!!
after seing Joyride,CBB .. it’s natural to be a little bore .
However most of the nonfans and fans want to hear exactly these old ,boring number one hits!!!!!!!


it is not the playlist or something else i missed at rs tour.

but when you also saw joyride or cbb. the big difference is, in this first two tours roxette wanted to involve the people. they sang with the crowd, they planned to sing with the crowd, they where happy to play in a very personal way. this was very sympathic and this was also the difference to other artists at that time. there was a special spirit in this gig’s. this is what i missed at rs, i had the feeling the band, marie and per had not the same fun on stage.

this is just my opinion and an opinion is every time subjectiv.

I think it was cool cuz when I had my very 1st Chat,
I Chatted with Roxette that was Cool to Talk virtually to them!

I´m from swden and yes I loved te GBG show wich was the only one I saw

kroeby1: you were right, it was here that Crashroxer wrote in German :)

The Room Service tour was GREAT!
The best tour I´ve ever seen!

This tour has been fantastic!

I think all Roxette tours are fantastic!


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