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Ballad Hit ERROR

7 replies

Anyone else got the UK version of the Ballad Hits? It says Vulnerable 5.03 (Album version) but infact has Vulnerable 4.29 (single version)


There was also an error in the Pop Hits booklet. In the Church Of Your Heart “write up” it said that it was the 6th single from Joyride. Am I missing something as I thought there was only 5?

It was supposedly meant to be the 6th single, but “Excited” was scratched...

Yes but the Pop Hits booklet clearly states that the song in fact WAS the 6th (!) single though it really was not.

Yes, I know...

Oh deer, missed your edit. ;)

I have TBH cassette and there‘s something wrong recorded at the beginning of Vulnerable, it starts somehow twice - the song begins and then after some seconds it starts again. It must be Gala Records‘ fault.
and yes it‘s written 5.03 but plays 4.20 or something

EMI? Error? *scratches head* How odd. :p


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