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uncommercial cover of Listen to your heart

13 replies

Young russian alt-pop bands codename: “The Louche” covered one of the roxette’s hits - Listen to your heart. It was release as b-side single of uncommercial promo single “A tear on a pillow”.
You download this cover from here:

What do you think about it? I think it’s sound very intresting and modern.

p.s. original a-side single “a tear on a pillow” you can download from here

Oh please, what a boring cover!
The remix I heard the other day was a million times better!

I like it... :)

Very intresting !!
Thanks for sharing it !!
I like it ,too!

sound like “ERASURE”, I like it

Only one word: Excellent!!!

very nice ... i like it when bands reinvent a song and not just produce a bad copy of it.

the music is great , But the voices are just terriable sorry, bet it would be great with maries voice.

Oh god, how bad... Where is the whole harmony of the song? It sounds so meaningless :S

I don’t like it.
Yet again a cover that rapes the original one.....
sigh...when will those coverbands learn to do a good job??? Never, i guess.

I haven’t seen a cover yet which beats the original one. especially not when it comes to Roxette-tracks.

Covering Roxette-tracks is needless, it will never be so good as when roxette does it!

Dont like it..

it’s nice.

Well, I don’t love it, yet i don’t hate it. It’s different. And I think it’s nice that cover bands make a totally different version from the original. If it’s supposed to sound similar to the original, They’d better not cover the song anyway.

It’s not that bad


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