The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Roxette's concerts

9 replies

I’m new here, but I’m a big fan since I was 10 ;)
Does anyone know if Per&Marie have any concerts anywhere this summer.

Who knows...

It’d be a huge surprise (and a relief) though if Marie made it onto the stage :)

Thanks! I’m hoping so much to see them on stage. It’s my biggest wish. Let me know if there’s anything new!

lp, b.

You’ll have to bookmark TDR and keep popping back for new, but don’t hold your breath for this summer or 2005!

I think it’s our BIGGEST wish to see BOTH on stage again.

everyone here is missing MARIE & PER together sooo damn awful much !!! :-(


Roxette- come back before you leave!!! :(!!!!!!!!

yeeeeaaaah !!! please !!!

come back & never ever leave!!!!

R O X E T T E 4 E V E R!!!

This summer looks kinda empty for me... Hopefully Per releases his solo album in summer.
But nothing could beat Roxette’s comeback.

I would have strong doubts about Marie doing anything. From what I’ve heard she’ll be holidaying in Spain, and I also don’t think she has recovered yet from her illness.


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