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Same-sounding songs

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Have you ever had the feeling when you hear a Per-penned song “Hmmm, I seem to have heard something like that before”?
I got that feeling when I heard “Bringing me down to my knees”. After some time I finally realised the obvious: try to sing (the first part of) the refrain of the songs : “Never is a long time” and BMDTMK after one another and discover the similarities.

Those things are bound to happen sometimes when you write as many songs as Per, though. I wonder if he noticed himself.
He did notice the exact same intro on the songs “den bästa tiden” and “havet sla mot land” on the wonderfully moody cd Demos, 1982-86, according to the booklet.

Sometimes I get this feeling, but now I can’t name the songs. Well, after the listen of Room Service, Real Sugar & Fool sounded almost the same to me.

The guitar solos of “Fingertips” and “Small Talk” sound similar to me..

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it seems to me the beginning of Try has similar chords to the beginning of Tro Pa Mej (from Den Sjunde Vaden), ain‘t it?

I think I remember Per saying something like if you listen to all Gyllene Tider’s songs one after the other, they start to sound the same. I think he was talking about listening to all the songs to choose for a greatest hits compilation. He’s right, I listened to Halmstads Pärlor and during the last songs I was thinking the CD was stuck on repeat!

talking about songs that sound the same, or similar at least. Today I watched the “Concert for George” that took place in 2003, what a great show.. and what an “aha..” when Joe Brown ended the show with “I’ll see you in my dreams”... playing an ukelele, which made me think that somebody got inspired with the song.. as funny how it sounded a bit like “Tuffa tider” ;)

I got that feeling today...seems to me that “Det hjärta som brinner” and “Flickan i en Cole-Porter sång” have almost the same beginning. Try to sing the first lyric line from flickan on Hjärta som brinner...

Clarence once said that Per can come up with the same songs (certainly when it comes to chords), just some new lyrics and thinks that he’s written a whole new song. And when he’s pointed to it (by f.i. Clarence) Per changes some chords and a bit of the melody and there’s a new song. Clarence said that Per really is a master in doing that.

But anyway, some songs indeed are kinda a copy of each other and most people notice that. That doesn’t mean that people don’t like the songs anyway :-)

I recently noticed the programming on “The rain (demo version)” sounds a lot the beats from “IMHBL”! They are almost the same! :0
Fortunatelly Clarence changed it for the final version...


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