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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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What about a roxfanmeeting tylosand in sumemer?

9 replies


isn’t it a great idea? a roxfanmeeting in halmstad this summer? (maybe camping?) having roxparties under the swedish sun, and maybe an invitation for per and marie?

maybe only dreams, but who knows!


It is a nice dream :-)

would be nice, but i dont know if i can afford it....i think i’d rather wait until something is going on there like a Per /Marie or even ROXETTE summer can only hope

it is a crazy dream ;) why not?...

I’m thinking about going to Halmstad in July, it could be fun to have a Rox meeting!

I’m going to Halmstad in july again. Having a great time. But I would not have a party there under the name “Roxette-fan-meeting”....

Lets meet and have a nice time there. :-)

@sparvogamarie. where are you from ?

How many most it be to be called a roxfanmeeting? 3, 4 or 5 ;-)

Bunny: I’m Australian but living in Sweden. I have July free so I’m trying to decide what to do!

well I’m always in Halmstad at summers. Specially at Tylösand...! Så välkomna!


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