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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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16 replies

have per or marie ever answerd of any of the discussions here on dailyrox??

NO, they haven‘t.

shine are you sure about that?:) you can’t be sure because noone knows who is hiding under every nickname :) Maybe Per or marie are with us and we even don’t know about it?:) how funny that must be for them to read ours posts :)

Let’s try to think of nicknames that would per/marie use to hide on this forum :) Any ideas?

What it is said a couple of times here that Per checks The Daily Roxette daily:) Personally, I really doubt that Per or Marie post here.

who knows what user Per has ;)

@ Judith: LOL! ;o)

Personally, I’ve never met this “Judith” character, so my guess is that Per hides behind that...

lol tevensso
yeah i very much doubt marie would ever even read TDR, never mind post here, but it wouldnt surprise me at all if Per had some fun now and again by causing trouble under a different user name

i think most of the time it’d be pretty boring for him....

...boring? rather funny.

I think boring for him too, some questions are enough similar.

that’s true.

personally I have a big theory. Per reads the dailyroxette every morning and he´s got his own nickname here. besides he often answers the topics, I´m sure about that! he´s always interested about the fans´s thoughts. so I think he is here between us :)

Interesting theory :)
But I don’t think that Per post here.

Hmm...if Judith is really Per, then I’m curious about Per’s mysterious obsession with Eva Dahlgren!!!!!

Easy: they did this song together years ago. Twice actually. They even did a joint tour! :D I’m onto something here...

Per Gessle between us ;)


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