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Looking for GT demos!

8 replies


They are on their latest single!
I’m sure you can find it at or somewhere else!

Some fans don’t have the single in their country and it takes weeks to get the single, waiting can be a pain if you know what i mean.

Thank you Sebastian ;)

I understand that it’s both hard and expensive to get Swedish singles in Brazil, but I don’t buy this crap about that you can’t afford it and therefore are entitled to downloading songs instead.
I can’t afford a Mercedes, therefore I don’t buy one.

Your example is very childish...

tevensso try to understand people. Not everyone has money for every single or other release especially when he lives in brasil or poland (like me). Swedish people are (let’s say) rich, but you can’t tell this about fans from Poland or (correct me if i’m wrong) Brasil. i can’t afford every single immediately after the release. I have to wait and save every penny to buy per/gt/marie music (in the last 2 years there was HUGE amount of cds/dvds to buy), so i need a lot of time to buy everything. I have 1 single from The change, 2 from Mazarin, 1 of F5F and to be honest i don’t know when i will buy the rest (hope in 2005, but it’s unlikely). I must admit that i have dowloaded few songs from singles that i don’t have at this moment, but i will certainly buy them when i will have occasion and money. So for me it’s temporary solution.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that piracy is OK, in fact it’s very bad, but what we can do? Sometimes there is no other option.

sorry for my english

I´m sorry, but saying that sharing a couple of songs with 10-15 fans here in TDR will affect the sales is just a JOKE !!!

I live in Brazil and I´m lucky enough to have how to import those albuns and singles from Sweden, but it was not like this in the past... so I understand how hard it´s to want to listen to a song and don´t have how to buy it... and what is even worse, see other fans not helping their “friends” anymore (cause in the past, in this site, people shared lots of things).

I´ll still buying all singles and albuns I want, because I love PG´s music, but if there are anyone here that want the mp3s of any release that can´t get in their country, just let me know that I´ll be more than happy to send it to you.

Just the ones who live outside Sweden, understand this feeling.
All the best

Being from Lithuania I can understand Bunio and KixGuy. It’s really expensive for us to buy everything we want.


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