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10 year from the last roxette concer in ARgentina

2 replies

a day like today (april 8) but in 1995, ten years ago, and it seems yesterday; argentinian fans got together in bs as in ferrocaril oeste stadium , at one of the bigest parties that a roxette fanu could have, a visit to our country , concert included.
ther weren’t a lot of people, id ont know if it was for the rain or the “tequila effect”, but the ones at ther made ourself hear; you can listen it in the tapes, the most you can hear are argentinian shouts.
maybe the stadium wasn’t full but the enregy betwhen our idols and us, made a wonderfull evening, which was very special in my life. il never forget it!!!!! .
a very cool party as we are used to have with roxette, who inspite of the thunder and rain gave us the best.
i wanted to rememeber and share with all roxette fans.
i make a toast for the good moments roxette give us in each occasion they get us together in their shows, o just through they records.!!!!!!.

ps: sorry i ment 10 yearS concerT

This rainy day, it was the first time that I attended a concert in alive of Roxette in Argentina, an event for me!!! incredible!!! :D


I also was there and it feels like yesterday! 10 years is a long long time , I think. I miss those old times


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