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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Jonas' Guitars

7 replies

I was just wondering, seeing as there’s a thread about Per’s guitars...the ones used by Jonas in the Rox videos - what are they? Especially the ones used in Look Sharp Live, and Live-ism.

They seem to be Gibson.

hello !

Sorry @ tev, they only “seem” to be Gibson. But they “are” Arvidsson Guitars, he plays Arvidsson to 95 % :-)

Greetz 2 Everyone
Bye Flo

Thank you for the info :)

do they still make Arvidsson guitars? oam

:) Good to know.

According to a backstage-article from the CBB-tour he also used Charvell-Guitars...
...never heard of them either...

Charvell are a division of the Jackson company. oam


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