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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Just one question

9 replies

I’d like to know which material (guitars, pedals...)Cristopher Lundqvist, Per Gessle and Jonas Isacsson use on stage. Does anyone knows?

Here we talked about Per’s guitars:

Gràcies Santi,

però... al mazarin tour...? Veig que ell duu dues guitarres acústiques yamaha, però no en sé els models. I l’elèctrica és la Gibson ES-335.

D’altra banda en Cristopher duu Fender i gibson, però, quines són les guitarres d’en Jonas Isacsson? En duu dues, una vermella i una de dotze cordes...

Però el més important, són els pedals i amplificadors. Saps algo?

Veig que en Cristopher té una col.lecció de pedals BOSS, però quins? Saps algo?

english please!

David: si-us-plau, quan escriguis en un forum que no sigui el “international”, fes-ho en angles ;) Que l’altra gent no t’enten :P

Moltes gracies!

PS: yay, a que és bonic el català :P (yay, isn’t catalan
simply beautiful :P)

Edit 2: I just realised I forgot to translate what I wrote into English :O

I asked David to speak in English in all forums except International because the others don’t understand him :)

Now I know how it fells for the ones who not understand swedish when somebody writes in it ;-)


There are Roxette fans who don’t understand Swedish? Isn’t that against the law around the Roxette circles...? My oh my!


@nicci: Great, now let’s hope some German can read it too :D

@david: I don’t know much about his guitar effects, maybe you should try to contact this guy by e-mail, the one who said he had a friend who had written about his refrigerator-sized rack. Anyway, I still think on stage only one plug of his guitar cable is actually plugged. I saw Roxette in Barcelona and I just remember listening to his guitar during “I wish I could fly”.
About the rest of the guitar players, I don’t know, sorry. Maybe someone else can help much. I don’t have any videos or stuff here, since I’m living abroad and well, videos are home.
I remember though that Micke Noord Andersson played in Crash! Boom! Bang! a yellow Fender Telecaster and that he also played some “hawaaian guitar” :D

Thank you very much, Santi.

I would be very grateful if someone could tell which amps and pedal effects are used by Cristopher Lundqvist, Jonas Isacsson and Per himself in order to get a sound as close to them as possible.

@Judith I’m sorry for having written in catalan. I can’t writte in English very well, so it was easier to me writing to Santi in catalan.

@ David, no problem :D


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