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Finn 5 Fel - Demos

7 replies


I finally got my “Jag Borde Forstas Vettat Batre” single and I noticed that “Tuffa Tider (demo)” has diferent lyrics in one part... does anyone has these lyrics and translation ?

“Ordinart Mirakel” demo also has an extra verse, does anyone knows lyrics/translations ?

Thanks in advance
All the best

Ok, here we go!

I will be the one you want.
But nothing else with other hands
Maybe God is a dancer, I will be there
You´re a miracle a wonderful day

Okay ...will have a try, but any Swedes that pass by can give me a hand and maybe correct me... ;)

Himlen var alltid blå
När vi var små
Och vi sprang ner mot stranden
På snabba pigga fötter
Där vattnet var varmt
Och salt som salta nötter

The sky was always blue
When we were small
And we ran down by the beach
On fast, lively feet
There the water was warm
And salty like salted nuts

I’m not quite sure what all the salty business is all about at the end, and didn’t I like to guess either *joke*

Edit: haha thanks, Thomas lol know, I thought it was salta nötter/salted nuts cos of the rhyming... but that’s just crazy ...typical Gessle lyrics, eh? ;)


Gud kanske är en skön dansös
Sjung halleluja man blir lätt religiös
När man får se dej
I alla fall så känner jag
Du är ett under en helt underbar dag

God may be a nice dancer
Sing halleluia one easily gets religious
When one sees you
That’s how I feel anyway
You are a miracle a totally miraculous day

Oh guys, thank you VERY VERY VERY much !! :)

GT Rules, by the way !

No probs. The part I put up belongs to “Tuffa Tider” demo case you didn’t already guess :)

*still questioning Gessle’s lyrics* ...salted nuts ...don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone sing about peanuts... if that’s even what he’s referring to LOL

Ordinart Mirakel has very deep lyrics. I like that reference about “God may be a nice dancer”...

Typical Gessle lyrics...

and talking’ about this nice demos, nobody knows if there is a .torrent of them, here in the net?
Maybe, who nows it.
if there’s anyone who knows it please im [email protected]


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