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Stories about Rox songs

9 replies

Hey poeple out there.
Did you ever try to write a story about your imagination when you hear a Rox Song? What happened when someone sings “I’m waiting for the rain”, who is the strange person in “crush on you”??? I tried – for the beginning just in german (you may excuse, but it’s much easier to write a story in your mother tongue). And I would like to get some comments from you. Would be nice… my story is called “Cooper”

Look at
Rox On 4 ever.

Yours, Sebastian

Well, I made a description for a imaginary “Cooper” video at the following link:

I think it could be called “story”...

@alexandre100 I like your story very much.

@songwriter2005: I’m studying as a translator/interpreter, could I translate your story?

It’d be nice if you could. I’d like to read it :-)

@Speciellt: Surly, that would be a great honour. If i would try myself, it would take hours. So, do it... :-)

At the weekend i worked on a “june afternoon” story. Also in german...

Thanks for your nice comments! :-)


It´s a very interesting topic!

thank you. its almost there :)

***sorry it has taken to long to get here but I have course work to do too. if you would like more translated, i would be honoured to do it. I really enjoyed the story although it’s completely different to the image of Cooper I had.***

A star lit night. One could clearly recognize the individual brightly lit points on the canopy and thereby count the individual hours as they passed.
It was in that moment which she left. One short shock, which almost shook the walls, as the door to the castle fell.
Afterwards it was all as before- but without her. I turned in my bed, only for the bed to become more uncomfortable than before. It did not matter; I could not sleep at that moment anyway. The dark of the night closed in on me and it seemed to me as though my thoughts were only of a dark nature.
Here and there a spark flashed in the night, like the North Star, so all other stars remembered where it was and shone. The “waking star” as it were. Was I the waking star? No because then I could have done something. But I could not. With the simple slamming of the door I was bound only more strongly to my bed, pressed only more strongly against the pillows. I listened to the silence inside the house, but she was still not there. She had come out of nothing and back in to the dark nothing of night she had returned.

I put my shoes on, went to the window and started into the fog-covered, dark forest, which stretched out to the north of the house. The main road on the other side of the house would be abandoned at this time of night. Nobody one could question. Nobody who could be of assistance. The church bell tolled three times. I fell into a trance-like state and began to hum to myself. It was a violin melody. The melancholic sigh of a snowflake, when it reached the still warn autumn soil.

To give up the addiction to it and nevertheless with the knowledge to lie and struggle until the last moment. Even if one was aware of when it would end. “Cooper went out, late last night. I heard the slam from her door.” It was like in the dream. He stood directly in front of me and said these words to me. In front of me, in the middle of the house, concealed in the half dark of the moonlight.

A cold November morning lay before me. I shivered. Did she too? I longed to be back into my bed, as I stood in my light bedclothes in front of the door and felt the house shaking again. It did not matter. She was gone. When you look from here, from the front door, in the direction of the house, you can see the smiling faces of the white wolves, who became hunters on the edges of the forest.
Not quickly but definitely successfully. And only when asked how, can they best enjoy it. They kept still and calm and yet said a lot.
How often I had tried to explain she should shut her mouth when she talked to me. She never understood.

And now she was gone, to find happiness in the clouds. In order to establish an unknown new future for herself – away - where? It confused me. And it may have been hours which I spent there, braving cold weather and unable to feel my feet. And the grey ones closing in. The morning tried to bring new hope. But how could it? Only now, through the rain which was setting in, could one recognize that all flowers cried because she had gone. Would everything be alright when they had finished?

I turned around. He was standing there again. No he ran. He ran down the street. “Someone said they saw a car, pickin ’ her up by the station.” I had not thought of that. I had not believed it. That she could have seen someone. Someone except the white wolves.

The telephone rang. I answered and asked when I could say she’s coming home. When she would be back. But the voice at the other end remained silent - and honest. I got a number, but I never found out who had called me. I would ask her, if the clouds released her again. I would ask her - or the wolves.

@ speciellt. Thank you for translating. It’s so nice!!! And maybe it’s even better in english. And if you want to, you can go on with this...

@ all: Theres new material on
This time it’s a story about “June Afternoon”. Hope you all enjoy it.

So, nice weekend to you.

Have fun, Sebastian


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