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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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14 replies

I’m selling or swap the following items:

GT/GT 25 live/CD

GT/GT 25 samtliga hits! /CD

GT/Gyllene Tider/ 2CD

GT/En sten vid en sjö i en skog - Tuffa tider (för en drömmade) /CDS

GT/Jag borde förstås vetat bättre/CDS


GT/En scen vid en plats - GT 25 live/DVD

GT/Parkliv/ DVD

GT/Karaoke hits!/ DVD

Roxette/The centre of the heart/CDS

Roxette/Real sugar/CDS

Roxette/Wish i could fly/CDS

Roxette/You don’t understand me/CDS

Roxette/You don’t understand me/CDS part 2

Roxette/Faiding like a flower (every time you leave)/CDS

Roxette/How do you do!/CDS


Roxette/Crash! Boom! bang!/cassette

Roxette ballad & pop hits/DVD

Fredriksson Marie/All about you/CDS

Fredriksson Marie/2nd chance/CDS

Fredriksson Marie/The chance/CD

Fredriksson Marie / I en tid som vår / CD

Fredriksson Marie / Äntligen-sommarturné / DVD (with CD)

U up for trading by any chance?

Purplemedusa: Email me.

I am interested in purchasing Marie’s The Change CD, you still have one for sale?

Marie’s the chance CD is not my list, but i have one spare the chance cd whose i can sell to you. Email me [email protected]

Anyone intrested?

I´m interesed for You dont understand me CDS, how much???????

I´m interesed for GT/En scen vid en plats - GT 25 live/DVD, how much cost?? or that swap?

GtzeRox, check your mail!

GERMANrosario, Check your mail!

I add some items to the list. (i’m going to add some more later)

Anyone intrested? I’m going to add some more when i find enough time to do so.

Still stuff left, anyone interested?

Just a question; isn’t your pricing a lil stiff perhaps? Seems that none of the interest ppl actually went for it...

Sorry was a little lazy that day to email you. Please could you send me a pricelist of the items above!



Just mailed you


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