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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Måla mitt minne

48 replies

Why is the single not listet on CDon?
Has someone heard it already?

Weel, who knows? The song suxx by the way :)

Yes, I don’t care. The song was written by Per, but I think that’s not enough to buy that single. If you are going to buy all that have “Gessle” printed on it, it would be a neverending story... (nothing to do with the movie with the same name, LOL)

Don’t judge to quick. I know there are many around who do collect everything with Roxette-related names printed on it...

The song sucks, no wonder Per got rid of it :P

Actually after giving it some listenings.. I think the song is OK but not with this guy singing it... but still nothing I’d like to hear GT/Per/Rox sing :)

I will buy it because it says “Gessle” on it! :-) It might be a neverending story... but I happen to like that story, hehehe! ;-))

I like it!

i wouldn’t mind hearing it... is there somewhere where a sample or something can be downloaded?

Please i need this song... send me to my e-mail [email protected]
big Thanks.

I would be also interested in the song. Please, send it to: [email protected]

I agree with Judith, the song sucks. Spend your money in something better than this! And did you see the single cover??? That bald man on it, arghhh
It makes that single horrible twice!

Please... I would like to hear it too... [email protected]


Please me too!
[email protected]
thank you!

Please send it to me, too: [email protected]

and please send it to me :-)
[email protected]


OMG, desperate people!!! LOL

Stefany shut Up... justhis...

I shut up only if I want...

Please, I’d love to have the song as well: [email protected] Thx!

any other version that a wmn-one around perhaps?

thanks for the link to the snippet... it’s sounds interesting.

The CD got 5/5 in Expressen. “The best CD ever that have been recorded in tis country.”

I already sent the song to all of you (64 kbps rip - aac format).

You´re the best Seba... thank you very much !! :)

Per just can’t write bad songs:)

does anybody have the booklet? I’d be interested to know in which song(s?) Mija Folkesson sings :) thanks!

Can i please have too, Mr seba? :)

i’d also like to hear it: [email protected]

Maybe Per can’t write bad songs, but he is an expert in giving his songs to people who can’t sing them. This is in my opinion a great example of that.

THX seba

Have been listening to the song several times now, but still don’t know what to think of it.
It’s more a song for Per and Marie to sing :-)

it’s interesting... of course it would be fab if it was a b-side for a mazarin single, sung by Per and Helena :)

edit: forgot to thank seba :)

Seba send me the song Måla mitt minne


[email protected]

Thank you.

Please, Seba me too. [email protected]

thank you

@seba:Thank you very much!!! ;)

[email protected]

Best Wishes... bye

@per mson I totally agree with you. I don’t like the voice.:(

Seba, thank you!

Thank you seba :)

Thanx seba :)

Seba, I must be the person no. 100001 asking for the song...Would you do it one more time?
Thanx a whole lot:

[email protected]


Don’t worry I have a copy in my yahoo account, I only have to forward the message to you and that’s it :)

PS: I also found a 128 kbps rip (mp3) of the song, but I’m still looking for a 192 kbps rip. If I have luck I don’t have any problem to send the song by e-mail

I’d appreciate it if you send me the song :D
My mail, [email protected]

I want I to please can you do it one time more :-)
[email protected]
What would we do without you ;-)

Per CAN write pretty bad songs... but I’d like to have the song anyway =D email me plz! [email protected]

Quote from per_mson: “Maybe Per can’t write bad songs, but he is an expert in giving his songs to people who can’t sing them. This is in my opinion a great example of that.”
Agree :) The voices are awful. And the chorus is dull and slow. But the rest is not that bad. Maybe once Per will decide to show us the demo?



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