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Per at my work...

32 replies

Well, I work at Arlanda airport, and today some of my colleges saw Per having a cup o coffe just right above of where I work! It’s actually the 2nd time somone tells me this, and both times i’ve decided not to go see him... :-) Actually I feel a bit bad about it...., but why should I walk up there disturbing him with nothing important to say....

Anyway, I was close to Per today! :-) wee!

So, you are in a very stable state of mind then?!? Aren’t you:) If I saw Per at my job I’d freak out!!! :P


If I was you I would go to say hi to him.

Anyway lucky you! :D

Yeah, you were lucky:) If I were you, I think, I would just have a look where he sat or something and that’s all. I think, it should be strange to stand in front of him (or Marie) all embarassed and have nothing to say than “hi”.

Well if you were stable in front of him and he was bored anyway... I would have asked Per about his new solo album and about Marie. And encourage him to release a RS live DVD/CD, just for fans. I’d never get the chance anyway!

I agree with Sanglof. I wouldn’t go to say “hi” either. It doesn’t make much sense to “encourage” him about anything, even though, of course, I would like to tell him how much I want a new album etc. etc. But from his perspective, it’s stupid to do such thing. So Sanglof, you’re my hero today!haha

So, the man is out for vacation. Good for him!

People like attention!

If your not bothering or annoying Per I’m sure he is a nice enough guy and will react smiling and possibly say something friendly. No doubt about it!

I’d take a break, grab a coffee and sit at the table near his! :) minus the drooling....

the coffee costs a fortune in Arlanda...but I could bring my sandwich though hahaha
eating with a half-opened mouth...making a mess on the table... LOL

I think if you have never met him before, then it’s ok if you just say hi. Per is usually pretty nice about meeting fans. I’ve met them already so I would just leave them alone because there’s no reason for me to bother them. I sometimes see Micke Bolyos around since I live in the same town, I spoke to him once just to ask if Marie was feeling ok (and he was very nice about it) but then I saw him again, plus the kids too and I left them alone.
But I think if you have never met Rox you should take the chance to say hi if you get it because you don’t know when you will have another opportunity!

Sanglof: I’m sure Per would understand if you just walked up to him and just say that you enjoy his music, it’s not the first time someone has done that so he won’t think you are weird!! He will probably talk to you if he has time, and if not then at least you got to say hello! You should take a CD to work with you and if he’s there again, ask for an autograph! I’ve never heard of Per refusing an autograph unless he was in a big hurry or something.

I´m totally agree with sparvogamarie. anglof: look, if per is walking around you again then run to him!! you can tell him that you love his music and etc etc ... he likes those simple commentaries, I think :) he surely will smile

but suddenly a big intrigue arrives in my mind: what was per doing in Arlanda? maybe he is travelling for businesses? or maybe something about his new album in english? I´d really like to know.

Like someone said, maybe I should bring a CD or something for him to sign, if i’ll get the chance to see him like this again!

Someone asked if I’ve met Per before, yes I have, twice! First time was horrible, second was great! :-)

’First time was horrible?’ How on earth can that be?

I’ve met him too and he’s always been nice (even the first time when I forgot every word in any language, he was nice and was talking to me and that made me not nervous anymore and the words came back:-))

But to answer your question: I don’t think he would mind it when you walked to him and said hi as long as you don’t run into him and start yelling (you’d better spare your voice for concerts :-))

Yeah Per hasn’t always been the nicest person in the world when I met him either. I only met him at concerts when there was tons of fans around, I heard he’s actually nicer when it’s a private situation. Marie is the other way around, she’s nicer in a public situation. But, the worst he can do is say no and walk away from you, he’s not gonna hit you or something! He knows it’s his job to meet fans so I’m sure he would sign an autograph or shake your hand if you asked him politely.

as long as you don’t insist on taking a picture with him or getting something signed even if he says “no”...

He and Marie often say no to photos but I’ve never heard of either of them saying no to autographs (unless there’s like 100 fans and they have no time of course). I’m pretty sure Per would sign for you if you asked him, I don’t know what Marie would do these days since she’s been sick. I haven’t seen her but if I did I’d leave her alone. If she wasn’t sick I’d probably say hello or something but not ask for an autograph!

“He and Marie often say no to photos”
Does anyone knows why? =/

I guess that working at Arlanda you must have the possibility to have many celebrities at work.

man oh my god if i was down the street at that moment i would still feel terrific love him shibby

Didn’t you forgot to add “per is so hot, per is so hot, per is so hot, per is so hot”?

How can I sleep tonight knowing you left this off? I’ll have to resort to a somanambulent.


Here, MiracleMan, have your line: “per oh man is hot per is hot per is hot man per oh man per is oh hot man”


ROFLOL Max-Tob!!!!!!! *falls on the floor*

Oh well. I’m pretty sure I would not be able to keep myself from having atleast a look at where he was. I mean... I would sureley find some good reason for why I had to pass that café multiple times when he was there. And perhaps I would say hi to him if I got eye contact with him some of those times I walked by... And then I would not be able to stop smiling for the rest of that day.

But what I really wanted to tell you all about isa similar incident... also at Arlanda actually. it was back in 2001, when Rox was out on their RS tour and me and a friend was going to fly from Stockholm to Gothenburg. When we got close to our gate we saw that Marie was there with Micke Bolyos and I think Dimman was there to. And some other people... bodyguards for sure. Anyway, as it turned out, we were going on the same plane! So, when we got to Gothenburg, we had to wait for our luggage ofcourse... and so did Marie! That was kind of fun you know... standing there waiting, just 1 or 2 meters behind Marie... I think I did say hi to her then when she turned around for a moment and looked at the people behind her...
That is something I will always remember with a smile on my face!

I usually comes up with the stupiest ideas.. Me and a friend was in Stockholm awhile ago and saw Per, I freaked out and didn’t know what to do. For some reason I wanted him to noticed me, so I came up with a crazy idea. Since I had “Keep me waiting” as a MP3-tune on my mobile device, I ordered a friend to call me when I walked by him. Haha... so lame.. but actually, he turned around and looked up, I said “Yo Per! Why did you keep me waiting so long?”. Haha he just laughed and said, after some thinking I guess, “Jag borde förstås vetat bättre”! Haha.. That was so funny =p I think he found it funny too. =p

LOL cool story Erik!

Translate please. . .”Jag borde förstås vetat bättre”=?

Perhaps: I should know you better first?

I should have known better

a song from Finn Fem Fel.

Thanks. That is a rather funny story. (Amazing how knowing makes the difference.)

I think that must be one of the most original meeting stories I have heard. I mean, most people would have just gone up and said “Hey Per I’m a big fan”. But having a Rox ringtone when you walk past him...that’s pretty cool! I bet he laughed to himself about it later.


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