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How you became a Roxette fan

50 replies

How you became a Roxette fan and when? How original question!!

I became a Roxette fan when the first time I listened to song How do you do. It was in 1992 and I was 14 years old.

It’s a tough question. I have known Roxette pretty long before the passion for Roxette started. I became a real fan around 1997-1998, when I got the copy of Don’t Bore Us - Get To The Chorus! from my uncle.

I became a fan bit a bit... I suppose between 1995 and 1996 I became a fan definitely.
A girl, who is a neighbour of mine, and other friend were a big fans of Roxette. I started to listen Roxette, the first Roxalbum I heard all the songs was C!B!B! and a “Tourism” recorded tape copy. Anyway, “The Look”, “IMHBL” or “Joyride” alredy were known by me at that moment.
The first album I could follow the promotion was “Baladas en español” (I’m spanish). 1996-1999 was a long time without new music but I listened to Roxette a lot. WICF was a big surprise. My doubt was if a ballad should be a first single but now I think it was a good choice cause WICF was the best song in HAND. After, in 2001, TCOTH became one of my fave Rox-songs but “Room Service” was, for me, not so good as HAND.
I hope my story hasn’t been boring :)

I became a Roxettefan just a few month ago. I’m 14. I found “Listen to your heart” on my computer and listen to it again and again! Then I found The Joyride cd and when I listened to it I became crazy!So since october 2004 I’m a big roxettefan! Now I’ ve got every album and I’m only listening to Roxettemusic! ONLY ROXETTEMUSIC!!And that for whole 5 month now. And i don’t think it will change next time!
So that was my story!

It was 1992 and my mum’s ex-boyfriend bought me Liveism for Christmas. I was addicted. i then bough Joyride and the rest (to coin a well used gessle phrase) is history. The best memory of being a roxette fan I have (I mean apart from seeing Rox live) is begging my mum for £15 so that I could go and buy C!B!B! when it first came out.

I had had the reviews from the UK roxette fan club (yeah, that was a joke right!) and couldn’t wait to get it. I was obviously trying to get everyone at school to love SIMC which was about then.

C!B!B! was my first Roxette album release that I lived through as a true fan. I loved opening up UK magazines like Smash Hits and TV Hits and all the others and seeing adverts for C!B!B! and the singles everywhere - as well as the interviews with the duo...those were the days. I loved them.

These topics keep appearing.... same questions over and over again!

I became a roxette fan, it was at the joyride tour in zurich, when i met marie in a disco. it was on a sunday evening and marie and me where at the bar. and had a really nice evening together. we were the only guests this evening. first i was really shocked when i realised who is sitting next to me. but she was so beautiful and said, hey i’m a normal human like you.

so we drank a lot of beer and she invited me to the concert the next day. from this moment i became a fan of roxette.

First became in fan back in 1990 (when I was 10) when my Mum ordered Look Sharp! from a music club thinking that IMHBL was on it. Chances was the song which stood out at first for me. But then Paint slowly took over. So 15 years and counting..... Plus the collection has grown a bit since then!

@ ally77 - you know when your a die-hard Roxette fan when...the same topics appaer year after year after year. I know it’s true - but there are sometimes people who are new and want to find out these things and to talk about them... you remember that ’you know when you’re a Roxette fan when...’ in the fanclub newsletter - hmmm, investigative journalism at its best! ;o)

Thats a nice topic,
i first listend to Roxette when i was 6 or 7 im 21 now.
I dont really consider myself a fan just that Roxette has the best songs and great replay value like i can listen to the same song that ive listend to 100’s of times in over 10 years and it doesnt get boreing while other Artists get boring after a while.

It was in Romania,after the fall of the comunism. I was 10 years old that time. I remember hearing by accident “Joyride” on the radio. It was so new to all of us, ’cause we were used to listen only comunist music, in which we praise our leaders. What a stupidity!
Anyway, I was saying that I heard “Joyride”, then “How do u do”...So i fall in love with this music. Am I to blame?

@kroeby1: interesting story.:)

I have always liked Roxette. Maybe because I’m born -90 and i’m swedish. And everything Gessle does is great!

kroeby: are you serious?! :) sounds amazing and marvellous!! Lucky you!! Did she sign for you? Autograph?

Me? It was The Look in the 80s.
Then I heard Call Your Name and The Sweet Hello The Sad Goodbye and the rest is history.
I´ll love their music forever.

Was either late 80’s or early 90’s. My neighbour (and one of my best friends) was a bit older than me and had quite a few Roxette records. I used to go to his house all the time and he loved to play Roxette so I heard it lots! That was a good time for the most part of my childhood, so I get good nostalgia when I listen to them now days.

I didn’t listen to much music at all until a few years ago. Eventually I started getting into 80’s music, but I was absolutely clueless about it, being born in 1984. I really liked this song that this guy sang that had the lyrics “she’s got the look” in it... but I thought it was strange that a guy would have the name Roxette. I also liked how that girl would sing “na na na na...” near the end of the song. Eventually, though, I loved that song so much that I took the time to find out the song’s name, and then all about Roxette, and how it’s Per and Marie, not some guy with a strange name. Now Look Sharp! is probably my favorite album... and to think I got it for only $0.01 here in America, due to a special offer at a store.

blame my brother! :-D He isn’t a fan anymore, but I took over all his stuff... *GG*

No, seriously, I first got a cassette with a few songs from look sharp on it, eg. the look, dressed for success, paint, dangerous and listen to your heart when I was sick at home. I liked the songs but wasn’t interested in this music particularly. But then - Joyride was released and all of my schoolmates were crazy about this album. So I couldn’t escape anymore ;-) Unfortunately my parents thought I was too young to go to the Joyride-concert in Zurich in November 1991. The concert was shown on TV and I taped it, but somehow the tape got lost!

Now I’m a fan since more than half of my life. (OMG, I’m getting old! ;-) )

Anyone here whose first rox song heard was from HAND or RS (or even later)?

mm, that was in 1989.
They were the first time at the german chartshow „Formel 1“ and they performed „the look“ there. And i was 13 and though – the blond man can sing very high - *cry*i was a victim of Modern Talking. You cant imagine how embarrassing this still is.

A friend of mine was practicing hypnosis with me but then she could not “wake” me up :)


yes the story is serious. it was amazing. marie is a very special person. at this time they where the hottest act in the world and she was like a real good friend. nothing about arrogance or bodyguards.
but it was also the time marie was not so lucky with her life. we talked hours about her and my life. i’m so happy for her that she is now happy with mike.


ps: i have a autograph from both

I became a fan last week, now I have oh something of 40 songs.

I usually listen to internet radio so one night Spending My Time, and I liked it which surprised me because I only knew of two of there songs which would be It Must Have Been Love and Listen To Your Heart. So I decided to download a couple of other songs like I do with ever artist if I like at least one song, and it turned out that I liked there style of music and well the rest is history. That is how I became a fan. So for a full week isnt much but so far so good, I will probably buy some more songs but right now my husband will kill me.


@Teresa: hopefully your passion for Roxette lasts longer than one week...:)

It was in May 1991. I felt in love to song with chorus “Hallo you fool, I love you”, but I don´t knew, who it sang. I find it in the summer, cos there was song called Joyride on the top of every chart. OK, Joyride, thats it. Roxette. Some months later I get a christmas present, MC Joyride from group Roxette. And dependence started.

When I was about 11 (I’m 24 now) the girl who lived next door to me taped the video clip of “How do you do” and used to play it all the time.
I was over there a lot so I used to see the clip a lot and I think that’s how I became a fan.

I lived in a condominium for years. The whole block was hooked on roxette.. technically I got brainwashed

I see many of us became a Roxette fan when we heard (saw) song “How do you do”!!! Me too.

would’ve been whe I was around 11 - 12 years old... when The Look was released as a single onto Australian radio, fell in love with the song, and demanded everything Roxette related from my parents. they took me to the Joyride and CBB concerts in Melbourne

The Room Service tour coincided with a time that I was looking at travelling through Northern and Eastern Europe, as I had yet to see them... So I basically followed the tour around starting in Germany, and finishing in Sweden, going via Russia and many countries in between.

rezmad: are you australian?

hey there rezmad and morning_star!! I’m an aussie as well... msg me if you like and we’ll have a chat :-)

My cousin started me liking Roxette, she gave me a tape with The Look, Paint and Dangerous on it. Never really got into them at the time, but when How Do You Do! came out i just fell in love with them :-D

It was in either 1990 or 1991, I was 8/9 years old and I heard the song Joyride for the very 1st time! I remember buying the single on cassette. It had the lyrics on the back, so I wrote them down and took it into school. I remember all my friends and I walking around the playground arm in arm singing it at the top of our voices! I then bought the Joyride album and have been in love ever since! Infact I’m planning to have the song Joyride played at my wedding next year!

@Zargo: I know a guy who said the first Rox-song he heard was Stars; now he is a fan of Gyllene Tider

Yep I’m an Aussie...

Live in Melbourne, a long way from the rest of the world. (26 hour plane flights really do suck!)

RobS: Do you use Yahoo messenger?

rezmad: I live near Brisbane.

@morning star: no, ICQ or MSN messenger, nick is in my profile.

@Mitya - cool!
*imagines an amusing scene with Gyllene Tider performing Stars*

@RobS: Okay.

I’m Aussie too, from Melbourne! My MSN is [email protected] if anyone wants to chat.

sparvo: cool!

I resisted Roxette with The Look. Catchy but okay. Dressed For Success was better, Listen To You Heart was good too, but I still kept my distance.

The came Dangerous and I was a fan. Couldn’t resist it. The intro. . . especially when it started with the acappella “Hold on tight, you know she’s a little bit dangerous” (the DBUGTTC version). Then song kicked in and the rest was gravy.

I think I bought the first two (not counting POP—had no idea that had even existed) on cassette as well as a handfull of cassette singles (Loved the B-sides: I Remember You, Silver Blue, the longer CD version of Chances.) Tourism was the first one I bought on CD when it was released—maybe I’d gotten Look Sharp! by then—after all it had that extra song. . . Look Sharp! was one of the first CDs I ever bought.

i thought you were european and i checked your id and found it gives sweden as your country. out of interest, what is your story?

I became a fan back in the 80’s. I now own nearly all the Roxette albums (much to my sisters disgust as she is not a fan). I thought I’d died and gone to heaven when I discovered this fan club. Thank you all for interesting reading and a few laughs too. My favourite CD would have to be the Tourism album.

thanks, it´s a very interesting to read your stories how you became a fans of Roxette. I think Per reads it too.

I always heard Roxette’ songs on the radio and I liked it. But I became a Roxette fan when my sister’s friend gave me Joyride cassette. It was in 1991 and I was 13 years old. So quikly I bought Look Sharp! cassette.

For me, it was during the era between CBB and the greatest hits album Don’t Bore Us.... I had always liked a number of their biggest hits, but didn’t consider myself a major fan - at least not as much that I had to buy every single, look for every remix, etc.

It was after CBB that I found a copy of the cd in a music store in Indianapolis, and became hooked. Around this time, I was also bigtime into collecting cd’s for other artists, and started paying attention to Goldmine (a mag) for Roxette cd’s. Wouldn’t you know it, one vendor had (what I thought to be) a complete collection of cd singles up to that time (mid-1995) listed in his ad? I was at work, and called this vendor, and ordered EVERY ONE of them :)

Luckily, he still had them all in stock, and called me back later to let me know he had several others that weren’t in the ad. Into the shipment they went :) Since then, I’ve waited, like everyone else, in anticipation of the next release ...

I start to like Gyllene Tider when I was 6 (1997)
years old an heard “Gå och Fiska” then I buy mazarin and fell in love whit Per... After that I buy The pop hits and heard “dangerous”...and now..I can´t live without them...

... in 1991 when I listened “joyride” in the tv and bought the look sharp mc :D

Since i first heard “how do you do”, like many of you :-)

Has this question not been here before?
*Having a Deja-vu*

Ok, to answer the question:
It all started when my sister gave me a tape with music of different bands on it, including 3 songs of Roxette:

Listen To Your Heart

Especially Dangerous made me fall in love with Roxette. Still this song has a special place in my heart.

BTW, My sister still likes Roxette, although she doesn’t consider herself as a fan.

I’ve always had a little something for Sweden - Astrid Lindgren, Roxette, blond guys and a beautiful nature! I fall in love around 10 I think when Joyride was a big hit in my home country! And my love is still as big as it was!


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