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LIVE Roxette Chat

43 replies

I’ve put a live chat facility on my website:

(Chat link on top left hand corner).

It’s currently being tested, but if enough people use it, then it could become a permenant feature.

Technical Notes:

The live chat requires Java enabled in your browser.

This shouldn’t be a problem for the majority of people as Java is usually enabled as default.

Please be patient whilst the java applet loads for the first time. Subsequent visits will mean it loads faster.


was just there, and no one else was on :-(

In Internet terms, there arn’t that many Rox fans (we’re an endangered species you know! :)

The best advice I can offer is to leave the Chat window open for a little while.

What I tend to do is if I know I’m gonna be on my PC for about an hour or so, then I will leave the chat window open and continue with my browsing. (The chat window will happily sit open and not affect your browser’s window).

yeah i was just trying it out see how it works :-)

Urm suprise-suprise... I managed to get into it!! ... I’ll be around if anyone wants 2 connect

Online NOW!!!!!!

Today has been fun with a whole bunch of Roxette fans in the Chat Room..

To help promote the service a little further, we’ve put together a few dates for a meet.

Please feel free to join us - all welcome!

Friday 25th February
5pm Central European Time

Friday 25th February
9pm Central European Time

Sunday 27th February
5pm Central European Time

Sunday 27th February
9pm Central European Time

hehehe... Glad to see some familiar faces there!!

Online NOW!!!!!!

Steven, the applet doesn’t fit on the screen if you’re using an 800x600 screen resolution. I was testing your new feature during the first day, and this didn’t happen. It seems that now that you’ve integrated the applet into a more Roxette.NET-stylish page ;) you have chosen a fixed size that doesn’t play well with lower resolutions.

I know that nowadays 800x600 seems rather low... but som of us use it :)

Besides, there are plenty of smaller devices (PDAs. etc) that are internet/java capable which use even smaller screen resolutions.

Could this be fixed?


@ Chaghi:

The chat room is designed to open in 800 wide x 600 height.

I’ve just checked the dimensions again and I spoke to another chatter that was using 800x600.

Are you certain that you’re using 800x600?

Steven: yes, double-checked. So the problem is something else... but don’t know what.

Wow there’s 9 of us having fun right now...

Online NOW!!!!!!

scheduled chat now ;-)

A couple of us are chatting now...

All welcome...

Online NOW!!!!!!

there now!!

Online NOW!!!!!!

YAY i finally got to speak to someone yesterday :-)

According to him, it was supposed to be a scheduled chat, but only 2 of us were there???

Guess it don’t matter if it is arranged or not... I suppose if only two show then that’s it... I am sure with time it will get busier when people know the chat times! :)

i’m online now..
it’s great idea.there is a russian chat who works for year and more and it PERfect :-)))
I would try to be often on roxette/net at least until i’m on vacation :-))

No one noticed that Friday is 25th and Sunday 27th?? I got confused by the dates :(

The dates issue was my fault - sorry :)

The scheduled chats are simply to encourage more people to use the service and to make new friends. Everyone is free to login and chat anytime they choose, although they have a better chance of finding someone to talk to during any of the schedule chats.

If enough people use the service I’m prepared to upgrade from the free service and pay for the next tier, which has a whole bunch of fun interactive features.

Again, the best advice I can offer is to login and leave the chat window open until someone pops along. A lot of people have told me that the applet is working on the PCs in their offices at work etc - despite even though they are behind firewalls!

I am there now. Where is the people? I feel pretty lonely :o(

It’s official...

I logged into the chat applet today whilst in work.

Our Office is so anal about security... firewalls all over the place and yet my humble little chat room loaded ok and worked! :)


ehhhh I wonder if it will work for me... would be good, I often get bored at work! :)

There will be some of us online this evening. I’ll be doing some work on my computer so ring the doorbell to say hi if you like :-)

Online NOW!!!!!!

There’s quite a crowd on tonight...

Come join us!

Online NOW!!!!!!

approximately what time??

Anytime... but it’s usaually rather busy @ 20:30 CAT.

Just one other thing... if i’m on but i don’t seem to respond to msg’s just ring the doorbell - i’m most likely busy with something else while i wait for the chat room to fill up; i mean u can’t keep talking to yourself for too long, now!!

Online NOW!!!!!!

How’s the live chat doing these days?

I removed some Java software from my computer and I can only be bothered to reinstall it if the chat has not died...

Hope it is still working out. All the best, Rich ;-)

I don’t use it, I never seem to have the time... not seen Steven around online for some time either...

“HTTP Connection failed.”


Yep, the live chat is still available and it still works.

There’s so little activity on it lately though, which I would atribute to the fact that there is nothing remotely Roxette related happening at the moment.

Perhaps when a new single, or dare I say it, an album is released (I’ve done it now!), then I’m sure things will pick up a little.

There is simply nothing to get excited about at the moment though.

Back to sleep I go... Zzzzzz

Hi steven anyway. I’ve been away of late. Hope your new job is working out OK..... Rich

Awww shucks... thanks Rich... :)

I keep getting “unwanted” pop-ups when I run that thing... so, no, I’m sorry, I don’t want to use it.

@ steven: cool site :)

ok i got a prob... it doesn’t wanna work for me. All i get is a little red X in the corner under the logo. Any suggestions??

It used to work till i upgraded and formatted?!

@ Rob: Sounds like you need to reinstall java mate. You can download it from here...

@ Spooky: Yes, you’re right, the chat service does envoke a pop-up with some advertising. However, any one of the many free pop-up blockers will easily take care of this. I personally recommend Google’s which can be downloaded from here...

Interesting note: For one month, I actually paid to upgrade the free chat service to the next tier, which meant no users would receive pop-ups. It made no difference to the number of visitors to the service and no-one gave me feedback once the service reverted back to the free version.

I suspect it’s the wrong time to promote the chat service right now as there is simply nothing happening in the Rox world. Perhaps when Roxette release something we’ll all have something interesting to chat about :)

I am in there now. Who’s going to join? I feel lonely!

Time to get this chat back into the spotlight!!

It’s easy guys; u simply go to -> click on “live chat”... type in a username & chat to your heart’s content!!

See ya there!!

I’m there if anyone wants to chat!!

The chat seems to always have ppl there these days!! Comeon guys... log-on!!

ok, gave it a try. But nobody there?

why is it all empty?

If anyone is in here, I’m there!

Everything loads okay but then I get:
TCP Connection failed.
HTTP Connection failed.


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