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What do you think about this song? I think is one of the best Per ballads, but Don’t you think that it’s not him style? I mean, it’s different from another slow songs written by Per...

...this song always reminds me of Cheers, the tv-serie...

it’s long... and i rarely listen to it... weakest album closer for any GT album.

I’ve often wondered about this song.

For me, the whole Heartland Cafe album is poor. I know it’s not Roxette and I understand that it’s very early in Per’s musical writing career

The actual song is wonderful. It greatly stands out. So underated. I love it.

Love it too. Very nice ballad. Also would like the whole song was performed with acoustic guitar like Heartland.

Why is everybody complaining about the Heartland Cafe album? There are great songs on it like “Run, Run, Run”, “Another Place, Another Time”, “Dreaming” or “Even if it hurts”.
It shows a new direction in Per’s songwriting.

It’s not about heartland cafe (and I think is a poor album if you see to other GT albums), i mean that Heartland is a ballad that not belongs to Per’s style...You know, it’s different but great in other way

it is a very good song. one of the best on the whole album (wich is not so bad as everyone says)
I like it!!!!!

Since I don’t understand swedish, the only GT album I got is “The Heartland Café”, and I like it a lot. The song itself is also good, but I don’t think it’s the best song on the album.

I love the album it is cheesy but I love it!

i do have this album, but its pretty awful, They went from being pop-punk to these Simon Le Bon esque cheesy no hopers. Its just sinister, frankly. oam

I really like this song. It’s a bit slow, but it’s a really good ballad. A highlight from a poor album. Cheers, Rich

good ballad ==it really takes the better place...

This song is a big GT favourite of mine, don’t know why – I guess it just creates a really unique atmosphere. It’s one of the only songs on the album that’s stood the test of time for me... “Break Another Heart” is charming and I quite like “Another Place, Another Time” but the rest of the album... er... pass. “When Love’s on the Phone” has to be the worst song in the entire GT/Rox/Marie catalogue...

’When Love’s on the Phone’ has an absolute killer piano intro!

But as soon as the vocals kick in, the song turns pretty awful.

@roxtexanet: Marie doesn’t sing on “When love’s on the phone” ! It’s Anne-Lie Rydé...

Actually I have it, and well, the album is not that good, but I like “Run Run Run” VEry very much! De é Roxette standard på den. Break Another Heart, is also pretty good. And Teaser Japanese! So overall, the album sucks, but those songs! They’re great!

I was always wondering who‘s singing with Per in When Love‘s On The Phone. Who is that Anne-Lie Rydé?

When I first heard ’when loves on the phone’ I thought it was Marie singing while having a cold...

when love’s on the phone..... you just have to asnwer...emmm clever lyrics :-D

@flower: and I thought it might be Micke having some trouble with voice/

I used the song Dreaming once in Drama class at school with some friend...

**jeez that was 13 years ago**

but it was real fun at the time trying to tell the drama teacher where the song was from... :)

Wow I played this album again this morning it is as good as I remembered! :)

I actually quite like the album. It’s no where near as good as GT’s Swedish stuff, and it’s sub-Rox standard, but some of the songs show potential. Per was just starting to write English seriously, and songs like Break Another Heart and Run Run Run sound typical Per. I don’t really like When Loves On The Phone and I think Demon Emptiness should never have seen the light of day!! Heartland Cafe belongs to the best on the album. Love the instrumental bit.

@Superbullie: Oh God, I could *NEVER* mistake that horror of a voice Anne Lie Ryde has for Marie’s!!!! I meant that of all the songs I’ve ever heard by either Per or Marie (or the Spice Girls, for that matter) I can’t think of a worse one... it’s just terrible.

@ pwbbounce Well said could not have put it better myself! :)

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When Love’s On The Phone has a great instrumental part but Anne-lie Ryde’s vocals... one of the worst things I’ve ever heard :(

“Heartland Café” is the worst GT album ever... but the song is simply marvellous and didn´t deverve to be in that album at all...


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