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Does Per have a favourit TV show

20 replies

Hi there!
I was just wondering if Per has a favourit TV show. Well appart from News and maybe Sports. I’m a hugh Star Trek Fan! By the way, we need help:


he mentioned “seinfeld” some years ago ...

What is that “seinfeld”?

You don’t know Seinfeld?? It’s only one of the most successful shows ever!!

Married With Children


Fawlty towers and Monty pythons flying circus

What is Seinfeld?

And Per hates reality shows.

I don’t think that Seinfelf and Per are similar. They are completely different. ;)

I wish I could understand the humour in accounting for taste I believe :D

Seinfeld looks like Per? No way!

I read somewhere that he watch Frasier! And that’s my favourite show! Seinfeld drives Saab 900 convertible in a episode!

Frasier, Seinfeld, The Persuaders and Fawlty Towers have all been mentioned by Mr. G. him and you’ll find him!

I love Frasier, only been watching it recently when someone lent me the DVD’s or rather I love the JRT in there! lol

I saw you were writing that Per looks like Seinfeld a little bit. Or if you wrote that he didn´t?

Anyway I agree, he is a little bit like Seinfeld actually.

Ok, Per is looking better. But there is something!

i hate seinfeld i dont know how it went on for that long seriously but oh well if per likes it then thats ok lol, mwah per


I don’t know these shows...

Fawlty towers is FANTASTIC, Seinfeld is average, Frasier is just plain awful

Frasier’s great :-)

Haven’t seen fawlty towers in a while though, classic show.

Frasier is really great!


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