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#3 Worst Video of 1991

18 replies

Much More Music Canada has been airing a show called “Back in” where they look back at certain years and talk about what was good and bad about the music, movies and other news.

Roxette and Joyride were given the #3 worst video of 1991. The commentators didn’t like the idea that the video was shot in front of a green. In their words “Why not have a budget and take us on a real Joyride?”

Dunno if this was posted before, thought it was interesting.

I guess the shots in the desert weren’t good enough for them. Hmm. Nevermind. There’s always a 2nd chance, so to speak. :P

certainly not one of my fave videos but I am sure there are a lot others that are far worse than Joyride.


Do you remember who the #1 and #2 worst videos were?

which one is worst:
viewers vote Joyride video for #3
Much Music stuff is behind this?

Much Music really sucks. I cannot believe that they can make things such as ’The Greatest Artist’ or ’The Best Comeback’... and have very few people judging that (and as if they knew everything).

I don’t really buy all that stuff since I don’t agree at all anyway.

Looking at when Joyride was shot (1990’s) you can’t expect the effects extravaganza of Crash! Boom! Bang! Not very clever of them timeline wise.

Go watch other things instead.

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As much as I love Roxette, the Joyride video still makes me cringe. *shudder*

I like the video of Joyride. It’s 1990’s!!!

Well who cares if that was also the Video that won the MTV Music Award for best video of 1991? And remember, back then, there was only one MTV Music Award show, one world wide international one.

@ebay– no, I think it was just the MTV Europe awards, they had already started back then.

Oh really? Shame on me! ;-)

What quite strange about this then is, obviously the UK has got a huge, probably the major influence on the European music scene and Joyride wasn’t even number 1 in the UK. Too bad that Roxette didn’t get the same recognision in the US, considering Joyride was a much bigger hit over there!

MTV EA first started in 1994 as far as I know. Roxette was one of the first acts to perform on it. First time they performed Sleeping in my Car live.

Didn’t know Joyride got Best Vid at the MTVA... the vids that year mustve been shocking!

Later ;o)

Yes, Roxette has won the award for best video twice. First with ’The Look’, second time around with ’Joyride’. Wouldn’t you love to relive these years?? *sigh*

MTV Europe Awards didn’t seem to start until 1994. If you go to and type in: MTV Europe Music Awards 1994, following article comes up: Mtv Europe Music Awards Winners 1994-2000. If it existed before 1994, I am sure it would have an article from the starting year of the MTVE Awards. Not 100% sure though. ;-)

If I recall correctly, the #2 worst video of 1991 was by MC Hammer... not really surprising... can’t remember the name of the video though. The worst video was Rico Suave (Probably misspelled it). When the show is on again this week I’ll try and write down the top five best and worst.

Since it also received an award from MTV for Best Video, it seems to me that it is clear that “Joyride” should not be in the list of Worst Videos.
Probably a Roxette-hater of that channel did put it in the list.

Check out this link:

I don’t mean to quibble, it’s just that I remember when I was 16, how bad my disappointment was when Roxette didn’t even get a nomination at the MTV Video Awards (the one that was shown mostly in North America).

I don’t get this link... Roxette is never even mentioned once, even though it is fact that Roxette has won a couple of awards in the past.


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