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the change released on mc

6 replies

is the change released on mc in any country?

In Italy we still have a few MC’s going around. They are very limited but I can have a look next time I’m in Rome.

@roxlad: Could you please, please mail me about it! I would really like two copies. :)

Hi Per! I didn’t really explain myself properly. What I mean is in Italy there are a few MC’s going round but it doesn’t apply to all releases. In this case I haven’t yet seen a tape for ’The change’ but I will have a look for you. Sorry for my previous bad explanation :)

please look and then tell us

@roxlad: No problem! :) But it would be great of you if you could keep an eye open for us! :)
If you have other Italian stuff to sell you could maybe write me if you want!

roxlad, mail me.
I interesting in dif Italian releases too.


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