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how did you became a fan of roxette or marie or pe

20 replies

i met marie in 84 in sweden where i lived then

she gave me a tape of strull i was so crazy about the music it sounded so great been to so many concerts and live shows

and she is an amazing person

in order of privacy is this not my real name

greatings Maja

through my brother who has played Roxette for me ever since I was 4-5 years old.

My sister gave me a tape with also some roxette-tracks (Listen To Your Heart, Dangerous and Cry if remember correctly).
Especially “Dangerous” made me fall in love with Roxette immediately.

I didn’t remember since when and how I got interested in ROXETTE. But my passion grew up when I borrowed ROXETTE’s CD DON’T BORE US - GET TO THE CHORUS! from my uncle.

i became a roxette fan when i was about 15 years old. it was on a festival and they played the look. i was fascinated. but i did not care about the group or band at this time. a few months later a friend of mine gave me a cassette with a song i should play at a party. it was listen to your heart on this tape. i played it four times this evening. it was so incredible.

so now i could write for hours about all the time with roxette. but at the end i only wanna say, roxette gave me more than every other music group. they gave me the background for years. thanks guys!

greetz thomas

Well I know I said this before but I’ll go again! I became a fan in 1991 when I heard “The Big L” in the charts, I taped it and made a 90 min tape out of it, played it all the time, my mother got so annoyed of hearing the same song over and over again, she went out and bought me the Joyride album, I came home from school went to get changed and it was there in a little gift bag on top of my desk! needless to say I was very happy.... so that is how is happened!

Seen Roxette 3 times in 92,94 & 01, glad to have been there, seen Per once, GT 3 times... Marie never - yet! but if I’d have known she was touring in 2000 I would hae been there, except it was in the days before I had internet access and the first I knew a tour had taken place was when I was in Sweden in December 2000 and found the Marie DVD on sale in a store... too late I’d missed it! :S

Wow, have you still got that tape? I’d Looooove to hear that!

I became a fan when I saw How Do You Do! On TV, and then saw my parents had a CD with I Remember You on first Roxette song! Still one of my favorites!


Like Ally I fell in love with Rox from their song The Big L. It had happened in 1999. Suddenly I was charmed by alternation of two voices... So from that all has begun :)

well, as for me, I first bought DBU because I wanted to listen to LTYH (heard on radio), but was mesmerised by YDUM even more than LTYH. It‘s the song YDUM that made me a fan.

Yep I still have the 90 min tape I made, in fact only a few months ago I sneaked it into the car for a laugh, it was only 30 minutes into it when my dad relised it was Roxette playing and another 15 minutes till he relised it was the same song!

immediately :-))))

Heard THE LOOK and fell in love. Have been a fan ever since 1989

Sorry, but I meant isaksson’s Strul tape ;)

I was in a party in my school, and I listened “It Must Have been Love”, I felt like a bird, and I became a fan.

Well, it was 15 years ago that I listened to Roxette for the first time with “The look”. My friends were mad with them and, though I liked the song, I never thought I’d become a fan of the Swedish act.
Later on, I fell in love with IMHBL, but then again, I was more on the “disco” side, following the carriers of C.C.Catch, Kyle or Madonna.
Things changed when I first heard “Joyride”. A fantastic song, though, now, not my favourite. I think I played the cassette more than 500 times. Until I lost it while being on holiday in England and had to replace it with a cd...

Ive been a fan since the “Look Sharp!” days, when I heard “Listen Tp Your Heart” during a school party. But I didnt buy anything Roxette until late 1991, when I bought my first album- “Joyride”.
Ive seen Roxette live 3 times ( 94, and twice 01), Gyllene Tider twice (96 & 04) , Marie once (00) and Per once (03). Ive met Per a few times, but Ive never met Marie :(

Since late ’89: Listen to your heart! My friend knew I liked the song so much, so she gave me the single for Christmas. I played it 20 times in a row when I came home! A few months later I became a member of the fanclub.
I saw Roxette 3 times: ’91, ’94 and ’01. Marie 1 time: ’00. Gyllene Tider 1 time: ’04.

I became a fan of Roxette a bit late cause I’m 22 at this moment and when “Look Sharp!” and “Joyride” I was only a child... (6 and 9 years old). I knew more Roxette since “C!B!B!” and specially “Baladas en español”, cause it was an album in my language, jejeje
I had a friend and a neighbour so very fans and... you can imagine the rest of the story...
I think Roxette was so important in my life, it has influenced me, I’m sure. And I think in a good way...

1994: hearing SIMC was like some kind of “calling from above ;)” to me. I was a roxfan like crazy from then on until 1999, than came HAND and that was a bit of a dissapointment to me, expecting the same quality from CBB and previous ones.

Wel, this is my story of becoming fan of them...
My brother used to play so many music in home all day long, (as i do now), the song i most remember he used to play is The Look, but i was 9-10 years old in those days, it was 89, more or less. Once i heard The Look in a local radio station in 1995 and i called them asking the name of the song, they toldme “The Look.” So i went running to a cds store and i was looking for the tittle The Look in some cds amongs all the ones you can find in a store, after many times of check the store for days inclusive months, i found one white cd with a couple standing on the cover and all the tittles of the songs in the front... i wondered, is this the one iam looking for?? anyway i bought it, and i fell in love with all those great songs in a same cd... iam talking about the Greatest Hits. And I still wonder... How was it posible that i was looking in a cd store for a song tittle amongs many cds, and the most curious... that song was from 1989 and i was trying to find it in 1995 in a cd store that always has new cds... Iam a fan since that moment.

hej auryte did you ever gave the cd back to your uncle

well i thought this is something more interesting to talk about than always about the looks of marie

anyone who has docu of den ständiga resan

or a site where i can get it roxbytes doesn,t have it



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