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Versions of Spending My Time

10 replies

There is a version where Marie shouts in the end of the song like Per does in the demo. And she also sings “hoping that you IS missing me too”. Funny that Per made this mistake too :)

What is the version of SMT and where can it be found? Are any of its credits available? It should have been recorded before the “original” where they had finally corrected the mistake...

What was the mistake???

It’s the US AC version. It can only be found on the US promo CD.

Funny or not that version is constantly played on radio here in Portugal every night by one of the most popular radio stations. At first i could not understand why that difference with the shouting in the end and the more powerful drum sound... but now it makes sence... and yes grammatically it is a mistake but it is also a mistake to say “he do” and the maericans do it all the time or at least quite often so for them it must haven’t made big difference...

Yes here in Germany the local stations in my area also play that AC Mix of Spending my time.

Does somebody know where I can get that version from (excepte on the US Promo which is hard to get). Is it somewhere in the Net for Download?

I remember hearing that version a few times on a radio station called Atlantic 252. Does anyone remember that station? Rich

That line is probably fixed with a “punch-in”, meaning they changed that one word or that one sentence. The rest of the song is identical, vocal wise.

a propos radio: btw, Roxette seems to gain a lot of airplay in germany; heard it very often the last few days (CBB, M&T&H, etc.) on big stations like SWR3

@ richuk.....i use to listen to atlantic 252 all the time,i first heard per’s kix there.whats happened to 252 now?

haha, I used to listen to 252 aswell! That was years ago! Actually, I dunno. oam

Thanks for the info tevensso, i always wondered about that. :-) didn’t think they’d record the whole vocal again coz of one minor slip up.


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